Beiluo Bay Cliff Pool / BONJING Landscape
The design seeks to “place” a swimming pool on the steep cliff with the least design lines, the least colors and the least ecological intervention
Beiluo Bay Cliff Pool / BONJING Landscape
Project Year
Site Area
8000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The project is located at the southwest end of Hailing Island, which is located in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province. It enjoys the reputation of “Beidai River in the South” and”Hawaii in the East” and is a resort in the south. In the future, the island will be transformed into a huge comprehensive cultural and tourism project –developing residential buildings, villas, resort hotels, shopping complexes,supporting coastal sports venues, water theater, children’s water park, wetland park, bar style street, health park and other leisure and entertainment venues.

▼悬崖上的泳池Cliff pool


After many field visits, exploration and scene-taking, the designer finally discovered the south cliff with considerable land development potential, geological terrain,satisfying the construction conditions, and the best orientation and view. The swimming pool is surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on the south, covering an area of nearly 3,000 square meters. The construction took 15 months and cost nearly 40 million yuan.

理念:凡尘之外 · 与海为邻

Concept: Beyond the mortal world and Adjacent to the sea

▼泳池三面环山,南面临海The swimming pool is surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on the south

▼区位分析Site analysis

▼总体规划分析Overall plan analysis

格调:简 · 奢 Style: Minimalist and luxurious


With a modern minimalist approach and an infinite yearning for the magnificent natural scenery, the design seeks to “place” a swimming pool on the steep cliff with the least design lines, the least colors and the least ecological intervention. It is closely connected with the surrounding mountains and sea environmental resources, allowing visitors to truly embrace the sea and the sky.

▼沉浸·独特·无垠Immersion, unique and boundless

亮点一:清新明媚的度假氛围 Highlight: Holiday Time


The island cliff pool is facing south and leaning against the mountain to the north, allowing visitors to face the softest and cleanest sea breeze in the south, watch the scene of the sun, the moon rising in the east and setting in the west, and the tide rising and retreating in the evening, and feel the wonder and grandeur of nature.


The pool tiles are selected in light blue, which reflects the refreshing and dreamy blue luster under the refraction of sunlight and water surface, forming a certain color difference with the blue of the sea, enriching the color level of the sea surface and bringing unforgettable visual enjoyment to tourists. The green space around the swimming pool is planted with unique palm trees, such as Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L. H. Bailey) H. E. Moore, Pandanus utilis Borg., Wodyetia bifurcata A.K.Irvine, etc., which harmoniously blend with the native plant communities of the surrounding mountains and cliffs, and at the same time, exude a strong subtropical holiday style.

▼浅蓝色的泳池铺砖带来梦幻的观感The pool tiles are selected in light blue, bring people a dreamy feeling

▼泳池周边种植着独特的棕榈科树种,散发出浓烈的亚热带度假风情The green space around the swimming pool is planted with unique palm trees, exude a strong subtropical holiday style.

亮点二:低调轻奢的避世桃源 Highlight: Ultimate enjoyment


Island cliff pool back mountain sea, flying above the cliff, with 270 degrees of invincible view of the sea, hidden boundary treatment, so that the pool water seems to be connected with the south China Sea waves. While swimming, tourists can enjoythe best and cleanest sea breeze, while watching the sunrise and sunset, thesea and stars, feel the sunshine and starlight, forget all the troubles and pressures, and have the most unforgettable wonderful time.

▼泳池北倚山峦,南面临海,收揽广阔风景Thewideviewingcliff pool is facing south and leaning against the mountain to the north


The experience closely related to tourists brought by the cliffside swimming pool in Beiluo Bayfurther illumines the surrounding uncarved world of mountains and seas. The straight lines, holy white and smart pool water provide a free, private and comfortable vacation environment. Here, one can enjoy luxury apartments with boundless ocean views, sample local seafood dishes and enjoy a panoramic pool perched on the edge of a cliff.

▼游客在池水中放松,尽享美丽的无边海景Visitors relax in the pool and enjoy the beautiful boundless seascape

建造记录:筑境 · 山海间 Construction: Between mountains and the sea


From the stage of project planning, design decision and completion, the chief designer and his team have faced and solved one formidable challenge after another. The first is to be familiar with and evaluate the site conditions, which requires designers to repeatedly investigate and explore the topography and geology, as well as perform precise structural mechanical calculation, so as to ensure the safety and implementation of the design. Secondly, in order to overcome the mountain cliff conditions, for example, in order to protect the surrounding environment, the construction does not use large-scale mechanical equipment to assist the operation, most of the construction work needs to be completed by human transport and manual installation, in addition to overcome the construction material secondary transfer, the construction of the coastal plank road, mountain road steep slope construction and other difficulties.

▼建造过程Construction process


The design team through many times of field exploration, the understanding of the site terrain and plants, identified the need to keep the area and scope of the rectification, in the design process, we not only retained a large number of existing trees and shrubs, also through the plant collocation and landscape structure adorn got a lot of fun and nature have distinguishing feature each space, to ensure that all the unity of the visual experience.















Project name: Beiluo Bay Cliff Pool

Year of completion: 2020

Project area: 8000 square meters

Location: Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, China

Landscape design: Guangzhou Bonjing Landscape

Contact email:

Chief designer: Xie Ruihe

Design team: Lu Jianxi, Zhuo Guilin, Mai Siheng, Lin Hengdu, Liang Jiamei, Cui Muhua, Zhu Xiaodong, Chen Weijie, Qin Kai

Client/Developer: Yangjiang Hailing Island Beiluo Bay Tourism Development

Construction: Guangzhou Xiangdao Landscape Engineering

Photo credit: Guangdong Huaheng Media, Guangzhou Bonjing Landscape

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Published on 2023/11/11
Editor:Lucas Lee
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