Big and Tiny / ZOOCO ESTUDIO
Big and Tiny
Big and Tiny / ZOOCO ESTUDIO

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Big and Tiny 于 2018 年 7 月推出,是圣莫尼卡一个独特的丰富空间,为父母和孩子们培养生产力、创造力和社区。它是第一个以创业父母为中心的综合学习、娱乐和工作空间。我们将传统联合办公空间的灵活性带入儿童保育领域。Launched in July 2018, Big and Tiny is a unique enrichment space in Santa Monica that fosters productivity, creativity, and community for both parents and kids. It is the first integrated learn, play and work space with entrepreneurial parents in mind. We bring the flexibility of traditional co-working spaces to child care.

公司的使命是通过帮助家长们整合个人生活和职业生活,为我们充满活力的家长社区提供支持和赋权。基于这一前提,Big and Tiny 的设计同时考虑到了成人和儿童。The mission of the company is to support and empower our vibrant community of parents by helping them integrate their personal and professional lives. Based on this premise, Big and Tiny was designed with both adults and children in mind.

我们从一个 2100 平方英尺的空旷空间开始,其中的主角是高高的木制弓形桁架天花板,它横向限制了空间。这些桁架最终将空间划分为三个独立的区域,中间的区域是主要空间。We began with an empty 2,100 sq. foot space where the main protagonist is the high wood bow truss ceiling that limits the space transversely. These trusses would eventually divide the space into three separate areas with the middle one being the predominant space.

前面的空间是咖啡和零售区,中间的区域(也是项目的核心区域)是儿童游乐场。最隐蔽的第三个区域则是成人的联合办公空间。The front space features a coffee and retail area, while the middle area (and core of the project), is a playground for kids. The most secluded third area serves as a co-working space for adults.

以原有的桁架天花板为例,我们创造了一种重复的模块化结构系统,让人联想到拼图。这种可调整的系统在所有三个区域都创造出了吸引人的立面。Using the original truss ceiling as an example of a universal geometric language, we created a repetitive modular and constructive system, that remind us of a puzzle. This adaptable system creates appealing elevations in all the three areas.

前台接待/零售区是一个多功能空间,墙壁上有定制的铁艺家具,后面是一个柜台。可移动的模块化立方体由以下材料制成。The front reception/retail area is a multipurpose space with bespoke iron furniture on the walls and a counter in the back. The modular and movable cubes are made out of

10x10 陶瓷砖,粉色和蓝色是品牌的主色调。这样就可以根据不同需求灵活配置空间。10x10 ceramic tiles in pink and blue which is the brands’ color palette. This offers the flexibility to configure the space according to different needs.



Miguel Crespo Picot, Javier Guzman Benito, Sixto Martín Martínez

Collaborators: Teresa Castillo, María Larriba, Jorge Alonso

Photography: Aaron & Jon Photographers

Appreciations towards ZOOCO ESTUDIO for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/17
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