Bridged - Steve Messam / Steve Messam
A bright red bridge
Bridged - Steve Messam / Steve Messam
Steve Messam

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在斯塔德利皇家水上花园的南端,靠近历史悠久花园和喷泉修道院之间的边界,一座鲜红色的桥坐落在河上。装置由轻质钢结构制成,周围包裹着一层防水聚酯皮,形成了一系列星状尖刺。红色的桥与周围绿色的环境形成鲜明对比,形成强烈的视觉焦点。这座桥位于“New Bridge”的旧址,连接花园的东侧和西侧的帐篷山。从“安妮博林的座位”看,原本的桥也是一个视觉焦点。

At the southern end of Studley Royal WaterGarden, close to the border between the historic garden and Fountains Abbey abright red bridge arches over the river. The piece is a lightweight steelconstruction with a waterproof polyester skin wrapped around it creating aseries of starburst spikes. The red contrasts with the predominantly greensurrounding palette making a strong visual reference point in the landscape.The bridge is located at the historical site of the ‘New Bridge’ which linkedthe east side of the gardens with tent hill on the west. The original bridgeworked as a visual focal point in the view from ‘Anne Boleyn’s Seat’.




The tent bridgedraws on the temporary tent structures on adjacent Tent Hill, while the spiritof the lost Pyramid folly rests in its four-sided spikes.




Visible from the Abbey the bridge becomes avisual link between the two parts of the site and attracts Abbey visitors whomay not normally venture to the Water Gardens. As a functioning weight-bearingstructure, Tent Bridge opens up new circular paths on both the Abbey and WaterGardens ends of the site.



From the ‘Surprise View’ pavilion on theupper terrace of the garden, ‘Bridged’ sits within the sculpted landscapeacting as a focal-point in the composition of the view. From that point therole of the bridge becomes apparent and completes the picture in a way not seenfor over 150 years.

由英格兰艺术委员会和国家信托基金委托投资创作了这件艺术品,使其成为Trust New Art的一员。

Created with investment from Arts CouncilEngland and the National Trust, who commissioned this artwork, as part of TrustNew Art.

Appreciations towards Steve Messam for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/03/05
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