Changchun Vanke Lanshan Community Pocket Park / partner design studio
Our goal is to reveal the hidden industrial heritage here through the design and transformation, and we also hope the history of the site can be known by more and more people
Changchun Vanke Lanshan Community Pocket Park / partner design studio
Project Year
Site Area
3000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The site locates at Vanke Lanshan Community Center, Changchun, Jilin, crossing between Dongxin Road and Dongsheng Street. It is also the previous site of Jilin Diesel Engines Factory decades ago.


Changchun has been one of the most important industrial centers and has a unique cultural atmosphere. Jilin Diesel Engines Factory, which located in Changchun, made a great contribution to China’s development of economy and industry. Our goal is to reveal the hidden industrial heritage here through the design and transformation, and we also hope the history of the site can be known by more and more people.

▼场地鸟瞰Aerial view


The area of the site is about 2000 m2 with a dimension of 80m x 25m. There are three functional parts of this project: Entrance of the Park, Leisure Steps, and Interaction Area. To provide various experiences, we designed a unique-shape gate, interaction LED floor and wide stairs for seating as well as movie watching.

▼项目平面图 Master plan

时光廊架 Trellis of Time


The shape of the park gate was inspired by the front of the old factory building. It seems that the trellis between the park gate and the old factory not only links the separated spaces but also connects the history and the present. Six big poplar trees are growing on the site, to protect the trees we cut the trellis and leave the space for them to grow freely. The red trellis stands out from the green poplar canopy(unfortunately, the trellis wasn’t painted red), the new construction and old trees complement each other.

▼时光廊架设计效果图 Trellis of Time design renderings

▼时光廊架 Trellis of Time

▼时光廊架夜景 Trellis of Time Night view

地面互动地坪与地面投影装置 Interaction Floor & Ground Projection


We provide visitors with a 3-dimension space to interact with, people can control the virtual video and feel the reality at the same time.

▼地面投影装置 Ground Installation

色飘带坐凳 Ribbon Bench


Changchun was known as “Eastern Detroit” and “Eastern Hollywood” because it was the center of automotive and film industry in China; at the same time, Changchun was one of the cities that has high greening rate in Asia, and the fact gives Changchun the reputation of “The City of Spring in North”. To remind people of the features of Changchun that mentioned above,“City of Cars”,“City of Films”, and “City of Forest”was marked on the bench.

▼广场上的特色飘带坐凳 The ribbon bench on the square sits stool


For the previous workers, the site was full of their young memories; for the new generation, this transformed old factory provides young people with an opportunity to know as well as understand the rarely-known history.

不规整大台阶与共享影院投映 Wide Irregular Steps & The shared Film Projection


While sitting on the stairs, people can watch movies played by the shared film projection together.

▼不规整大台阶 Irregular steps

▼不规整大台阶设计效果图 Rendering of Irregular Steps


The transformed large steps, combined with the roof platform of the workshop, form an interactive place for friends to make friends.


While sitting on the stairs, people can watch movies played by the shared film projection together.










Project name: Changchun Vanke Lanshan Community Pocket Park

Landscape Design: Partner Space

Owner: Changchun Vanke

Photographer: Lv Lin, Fangfa Zhang

Project address: Changchun, Jilin Province

Project area: 3000 ㎡

Landscape per square cost:1600 yuan

Completion time: May 2019

Company Website:

Appreciations towards partner design studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/03
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