JIA TE MEI Medical Beauty / FAN JIN Design
Silver fog floating mirror
JIA TE MEI Medical Beauty / FAN JIN Design
Project Year
Site Area
1500 m²
Text description provided by the architects



The only theory of life is to establish a world of earthly paradise on the earth. —— I. M. Pei

About project(项目介绍)


The project is located in Chunxi Road business district, known as Chengdu's "City cover". In the stream of traffic, people are crowded, and between high -rise buildings, we chose to explore another state of high belovers: "emptiness".


A era of desire to be excessively stimulated, a short -lived fashion trend, endless food list, and strange hot search than goldfish memories, and attracting everyone's attention after fears, which is our senses. , Invading our inner life.

FAN JIN设计主创团队试图找回一种「原始」状态:撤走一切来自外部的信息流刺激,抽去人们的社会化标签。仅留下纯粹的白,还有细腻滑顺的空间语言,引导个体浑然沉浸,和谐舒适的环境中,情绪逐渐冷静,放下对外探求的习性。

Fan Jin design main creation team tried to retrieve a "original" state: withdrawing all information flow stimulation from the outside, and removing people's social labels. Just leave pure white, as well as delicate and smooth space language, guide the individual to immerse themselves, and in a harmonious and comfortable environment, the emotions gradually calm down and let go of the habit of exploration.

医疗美容的本质,也是个体对自身美感的一种「优越性」追求。FAN JIN设计则强调着一种:把自己颅内堆砌的信息彻底「倒空」的状态。隐去了社会身份、层级的差异,每个人都同等地走在一个并不存在「纵轴」的平面上。

The essence of medical beauty is also a "superiority" pursuit of individual beauty. FAN Jin design emphasizes one: the state of the information of his intracranial pile is completely "empty". The differences between social identity and level, everyone is equally walking on a plane that does not exist in the "vertical axis".


There is no need to use the opinions of others as a aesthetic ruler, and to shorten the gap with the "ideal self", which is to pursue a benign way to pursue the "superiority" of beauty.


Ice field


Taking "Arctic Island" as the core of inspiration, a large number of white art paints and terrazzo in the space spread out into a world of ice and snow.


The mermaid silver metallic paint, combined with the linear light of the passing moon, simulates the surface of silent islands and bays. When the fog has not dissipated, the sun shines through the cloud blanket, emitting a certain white halo, making the surface and The sky became one.


The ice wall made of glass bricks restores the "Inuit" style architecture in the local indigenous culture of Greenland. Visually, fun and order are ensured. Because of its translucency, it not only ensures light transmission, but also ensures privacy.


The ice cap melted away, revealing the silvery cracks of the fish's tail. The current slides slowly towards the track of the fjord.




Fjord, Fjord, this etymology comes from Norway. They are located in glacier-covered areas, shaped like a bay surrounded by steep mountains. When the water reaches the condensation temperature, many cracks will be formed and the characteristic U-shaped geographical feature will be formed. In the Viking Age, it had the connotation of "you can go farther around this place".

世界有360度,何必局限于直线? ——扎哈·哈迪德

There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one? – Zaha Hadid


The smooth surface layers of the ceiling and the moving line of the ground subtly fit the posture of the water flowing outwards and moving after the glacier melts, fully showing the surprise when the snow condenses and the instant tension when it turns into liquid.


When people walking in the space walk along any curved corridor, they will have a sense of anticipation that they are not aware of: they hope to find something along this winding path, so that they can unconsciously go forward . eventually be brought into a particular location.


Walking to the other end of the corridor, the public area gradually turns to semi-private, and the atmosphere tends to be soft and relaxed under the reflection of the diffuse light source.


As a place in the entire "ice flow" landscape, it has the "temperature" of human nature, recording the interaction between people, the exchange of thinking, and the collision between ideas in real time. In a fixed space form, occasional, flexible, and experimental research is allowed to take place.


Polar day


Adhering to the principle of "the sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is still", the ceiling is used as the "top boundary" of the space. The material is treated with a smooth and bright mirror surface without texture or any color attribution, which strengthens the relationship between "void" and "space". The concept of "no boundaries".


Introducing daylight into the space, the sense of visual depth extends infinitely, further deepening the sense of immersion, just like being under the snow-covered sky in extreme daylight. Looming, light and shadow intertwine, and a crystal clear and pure aura blows towards the face.


When the fresh human life force, the infinite primitive natural energy, and the precise and rational technological scale gradually penetrate into each other, they begin to integrate with each other.


Natural aesthetics and rational products are perfectly improved. The two complement each other and balance each other. In the end, in the public's horizon, it contributes a vigorous and healthy aesthetic ecology.



项目名称:银雾浮镜 | 嘉特美医疗美容

Project Name: Silver Float|JIA TE MEI Medical Beauty


Project Location:Chengdu, China


Design Company:FAN JIN Design Co,Ltd,Chengdu


Design Area:1500㎡


Design Content:Hard Decoration Soft Decoration


Creative Director:Xiao Yulong

主案设计:肖玉龙 / FAN JIN 繁锦设计

Master Case Design:Xiao Yulong / FAN JIN Design


Deepening Design: Wang Hui,Li Yanmei,Yu Lishan

软装设计:黄曼 / FAN JIN 繁锦软装

Soft Decoration Design:Huang Man / FAN JIN Soft Decoration




Project Video:Puyou,Yao/Youyu


Project Writing:Min


Design Time:May 2022


Completion Time:April 2023

Appreciations towards FAN JIN Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/23
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