Church of Beatified Restituta / Atelier Štěpán
How to Build Heaven
Church of Beatified Restituta / Atelier Štěpán
Project Year
Site Area
2350 m²
Text description provided by the architects

建筑师Marek Jan Štěpán在过去的30年里断断续续地构思着这座教堂的设计。建造教堂的想法最早出现在1968年间,在50年后终于得以实现。这是第一座为纪念修女玛丽亚(Marie Restituta)建造的教堂,场地距离她出生的位置仅有约1英里。一个矩形基座被放置在场地中,定义了这片神圣的空间。

Architect Marek Jan Štěpán has occupied himself withthe idea of this church intermittently for the past 30 years. However, theintention to build a church first came up in the relaxed atmosphere of 1968 andwas finally fulfilled after 50 years. It is the first church to be dedicated tobeatified Marie Restituta who was born approximately 1 mile from its location.A rectangular plateau is laid out on the plot that defines the sacred district.

教堂位于住宅区中心地带的旧峡谷边缘。场地包含三个体量:教堂、塔楼和由Zdeněk Bureš设计的宗教中心。教堂以圆形为基底。象征着天堂与永恒(相反,正方形则指的是大地与短暂)。

The church is located in the heart of the housingestate at the mouth of the Old scratch ravine. There are three basic masses onit – the church, the tower and the spiritual centre (designed by Zdeněk Bureš).The church has a circular floor plan. The circle is an age-long symbol ofheaven and eternity (in contrast to the square, which refers to earth andtransience).



The heaven is reflected back in the colourful annularwindow that embraces the church just below the roof. It might be said that thecircle is floating above Lesná or, on a figurative, transcendental level, thatthe heaven is floating above Lesná. The circle is also very close to thecontemporary perception of liturgy in church that represents the community ofthe Apostles and Jesus around the table during the Last Supper.




The tabernacle is located in a tall apse illuminatedfrom above that is situated on the left side of the church. The church wall istorn by a triangular opening at this point, which serves as a reference to thetear in the Jerusalem temple curtain. The interior of the church forms an inneruniverse. It is an organ for communication with God. It is simple, composed,and collected. The visitor should feel safe, balanced, and undisturbed by theoutside world, almost like in the mother’s womb.



The soft and sleek lines of the structure form a disembodied inner space shapedby the light coming from the annular window above. Its purpose is to giveindirect, soft daylight that does not cast hard shadows. The symbol of thecovenant between God and His people – the rainbow – is depicted on this80-meter-long window. A circular rainbow is a phenomenon that can actually beobserved from high altitudes, often from planes. The light is turned into anelement that hints on something beyond the limits of material reality,something barely perceivable with our senses.







Studio: Atelier Štěpán
Author: Marek Jan Štěpán, principal architect

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Studio address: Kremličkova 2008/6a, 621 00Brno-Řečkovice, Czech Republic
Co-author: Vanda Štěpánová, architect
František Brychta, architect
Jan Vodička, architect
Martin Kopecký, architect
Project location: Nezvalova street, Brno – Lesná
Project country: Czech Republic
Completion year: 2020
Built-up Area 1220 m²
Usable Floor Area: 2350 m²

Plot size: 3000m²

church – diameter 25 m, height 18.5 m
tower – 5.7 x 5.7 m, height 31 m
asymmetric dome – diameter 23 m, elevation 3.5 m
rainbow ring window – length 80 m, height 4 m, 120 glasses

Client: Roman Catholic Parish of Brno-Lesná
Photographer: BoysPlayNice,
Collaborator Facade drawings: Petr Kvíčala

Appreciations towards Atelier Štěpán for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/11
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