City Of Ryde Civic Center By Preliminary Research Office / Preliminary Research Office
City Of Ryde Civic Center By Preliminary Research Office
City Of Ryde Civic Center By Preliminary Research Office / Preliminary Research Office
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非常感谢基础研究所将项目介绍和项目图片授权gooood发行。更多关于他们:PRO ongooood,YaohuaWang ongooood Appreciationtowards PROforproviding the following description:我们认为,Ryde市的新市民中心应该是一个拥有灵活的公共空间,尺度宜人且富有活力的场所。这样的出发点最终反映在了我们所提议的一系列散落在基地上的“盒子”之中。To best serve the city of Ryde, we believe the newcivic center should be a place with dynamic andflexible spaces rooted in humane-scale. Thisfundamental idea eventually took shape through aseries of different sized box-like structurestumbled onto the site.▽ 一系列散落在基地上的“盒子”,a series of different sized box-likestructures tumbled onto the site建筑主体由三个落在场地内的扁平“盒子”和叠摞在它们之上的两个高“盒子”构成,周边伴随有四个较小的“盒子”。“盒子”内的“物品”则是包含着多样公共文化功能的建筑空间。这些“盒子”亲切的空间尺度和品质构成一个存在于城市景观中的“村落”,邀请着市民来体验与探索。The architecture consists of two tall “boxes” stackedon top of three large flat “boxes” sitting on theground, alongside with four smaller ones. Withinthese “Boxes” are the “Gifts” – diverse civic andpublic programs. Their friendly spatial scale andquality constitute a “village” in the urban-scape,inviting the public to explore within.▽存在于城市景观中的“村落”,a “village” in the urban-scape两个高“盒子”容纳了市政管理和社会住宅等功能。在这两个长方体“盒状”结构中,一系列的空间“物件”在垂直方向上堆积,服务于不同的功能:市民议会厅,委员会议室,办公室和居住单元等。“盒子”和它们所收纳的“物件”之间的空隙构成了可呼吸的双层表皮系统。“物件”垂直方向之间的缝隙产生了热力学中所谓的“烟囱效应”,加强了整栋建筑的通风,为办公和居住空间提供了良好的冷却效果和新鲜的空气。The two tall “boxes” accommodate administrative andresidential uses. Inside these rectangularstructures are series of spatial “objects”, stackedvertically on top of one another, serving differentfunctions: Civic Council Chamber, Committee Meetingrooms, Offices and Residential Units.etc. The spacebetween the “box” and the “contained objects” servesas a breathable double skin system. The verticalapertures between these “objects” enable the“chimney effect”, enhancing ventilation of theentire building. As a result, cooling effect andfresh air are provided for the offices andresidences.▽两个高“盒子”容纳了市政管理和社会住宅等功能,the two tall “boxes”accommodate administrative and residential uses三个扁平“盒子”坐落于起伏的场地上,以不同的朝向向周边的城市文脉展开。它们在功能上作为高“盒子”的门厅。公共性的功能例如演艺空间,社区会议室以及商业空间在这里汇集。在这些盒子之间的,是一个具有活力的交通流线系统,多样的路径链接着景观与公共广场,供公众在其中游走和驻足。The flat “boxes” situate on the undulant ground withvarious orientations, opening and connecting withthe urban context. They function as foyers andreceptions for the tall “boxes”. Public programssuch as Performance Space, Community Meeting Rooms,and Commercial spaces are contained within. Inbetween these “boxes” is a dynamic circulationsystem consists of pathways, green landscape andpublic plaza. These open spaces provide pedestrianconnectivities and inspirational places for publicto roam and mingle.▽作为门厅的三个扁平“盒子”之间,多样的路径链接着景观与公共广场,pathwaysin between the “boxes” connecting thelandscapeand public plaza最后,我们对于“盒子”这个概念的诠释不仅仅局限于盒子的方形体量,通过“展开”前文提到的那些“盒子”的“盖子”,并且使用这些“盖子”来形成半室外的公共空间和“盒子”之间的辅助性支撑结构,我们得以构建一种更加直接而有趣的“盒子”的形象。Last but not least, our team think “out of the box”literally by unfolding the imaginary flaps of theaforementioned “boxes”, utilizing them as connectingagents and structural supports between thebuildings, as well as canopies to shade thesemi-outdoor public spaces beneath.▽“盒子” 与“盖子”构建了直接而有趣的形象,unfolding the imaginaryflaps of the aforementioned “boxes”▽ 建筑内部,interior space▽ 总体建筑空间结构,spacial diagram▽ 建筑功能示意图,Program distribution diagram地点:Ryde,澳大利亚面积:一万六千平方米时间:2016团队:基础研究所,王耀华,杨丁亮,孙守泉,韩天辞,王一凡Location: City ofRyde, Australia Size: 16,000sqmYear: 2016 Team: PreliminaryResearch Office, Yaohua Wang, Dingliang Yang,Sam Sun, Tianci Han, Yifan WangMORE:基础研究所PRO,更多关于他们:PRO ongooood,YaohuaWang on gooood
Appreciations towards Preliminary Research Office for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/08
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