Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension, Bloomingdale International School / andblack design studio
The architectural design of Bloomingdale International School is consistent with the school's vision and breaks away from typical school design norms. Instead of the usual boxy classrooms, the 3,000 square feet of undulating interior space is a fluid, interconnected space that promotes free movement and interaction.
Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension, Bloomingdale International School / andblack design studio
Project Year
Site Area
371.6 m²
Text description provided by the architects

andblack design studio:在传统教育体系占主导地位的维杰亚瓦达地区,​布鲁明戴尔国际学校凸显了参数化建筑在突破教育界限和挑战传统规范方面的变革力量。它是印度安得拉邦首创的一所国际学校,也是当地唯一的一所国际学校,其核心价值是提供非传统标准的教育;其宗旨是超越该地区其他学前教育机构提供的教育,并力求通过深思熟虑的建筑设计实现早期教育的范式转变。

andblack design studio:In a region where traditional education systems dominate the sector, Bloomingdale International School in Vijayawada highlights the transformative power of parametric architecture in pushing the boundaries of education and challenging conventional norms. It is a first-of-its-kind institute, and the only International School in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, that has: in its core value a vision to provide education that is unconventional by standards; in its heart to go beyond what other pre-schools in the region provide; and in its brief to bring a paradigm shift in early education through thoughtful architectural design.

▼​​ 视频 The video © Vinay Panjwani

这所幼儿园占地 4000 平方英尺,毗邻现有的学校建筑。连接两座建筑的是一个下沉式庭院,庭院依地形而建,像爬山一样向新扩建部分延伸。这样的场地布置,加上需要满足约 100 名学龄前儿童的需求,为建筑师提供了一个为校园开发独特设计的机会。最终的结果对传统学校的概念发起了挑战。它采用非常规的空间组织、现代技术和坚固的材料,将建筑形式、景观和室内设计融为一体。

The pre-school occupies a 4,000 sq. ft. area within the campus, adjoining the existing school building.  Connecting the two buildings is a sunken courtyard, following the topography of the site and ascending towards the new extension as if climbing a hill. This site arrangement, along with the need to cater to about 100 pre-schoolers, offered the architects an opportunity to develop something unique to the school campus.  The outcome is a design that challenges the notion of what a school should be. It does so by bringing the built form, landscape, and interiors together into a single entity, using non-conventional spatial organization, modern technology, and robust materials.

▼​​ 根据功能需要,现有建筑与“茧”之间的庭院空间可用作操场、户外教室、露天剧场或水池 Adapting spaces between the existing built form and the Cocoon serves as a playground, an outdoor classroom, an amphitheatre or a puddle pool as the function demands.

▼​​ 采用 Miyawaki 模式进行种植,作为典型灌木丛的可行替代方案。沿工地边界种植多种植物树苗,以创造一个自我维持的生态系统 Miyawaki model is adopted for plantation as a viable alternative to typical bushes. Multiple plant saplings are grown along the site boundary to create a self-sustaining ecosystem.

布卢明戴尔国际学校的建筑设计与学校的愿景相一致,打破了典型的学校设计规范。在 3000 平方英尺高低起伏的室内空间中,教室不再是常见的盒子式教室,而是一个流畅、相互连接的空间,可以促进学生的自由活动和互动。

In line with its vision, the architecture of Bloomingdale International School breaks away from the typical school design norms. Instead of the usual box-like classrooms for an undulating 3,000-sq ft indoor space, the layout envisions classrooms as fluid, interconnected spaces that foster free movement and interactions.

▼​​ 抬升的场地布置提供了一个为校园开发独特设计的机会,将游戏和学习空间完美地融合在一起。沿着外墙的独特视野能激起人们的好奇心和求知欲。This elevated site arrangement offered a unique opportunity to develop something that was unique to the school campus; seamlessly merging spaces for playing and learning. A sinusoidal wave is perceived along the facade; inspiring curiosity and intrigue.

▼​​ 该设计有利于新校舍与现有校舍无缝衔接,同时使幼儿园脱颖而出,给每位使用者留下深刻印象。相互连接的空间方便了人们从入口门厅进出 The design facilitates seamless integration of the new school building with the existing one while allowing the preschool to stand out and make a lasting impression on each user. Interconnected spaces allow for ease of access to the entrance foyers.


The design seamlessly merges spaces for playing and learning, blurring the lines between the two. The courtyard adds to this effect by adapting itself as a playground, a classroom, an amphitheater, or a puddle pool as the function demands. This unique spatial experience is further enhanced by the use of full-height glass panels in place of walls and skylights on the roof. By doing so, the design eliminates the understanding of what is inside and what is outside, thereby making the landscape an extension of the built space, and vice versa.

▼​​ 为了实现光滑的外表皮,在独特的金属结构上采用了钢丝网水泥外壳,从而解决了结构上的复杂性难题。这种朴素的材料色调所产生的视觉效果确保了视觉上的凝聚力 Structural complexities in achieving the smooth external skin were resolved with a ferrocement shell integrated above the unique metal structure. The visual effect of this austere material palette ensures visual cohesion.


Another point of departure from conventional school architecture is the design’s reliance on built form instead of bright colors to generate visual interest. Central to this idea lies the thought: “he building, instead of being a part of the landscape, should be a form of the landscape in itself. This is evident by the curved, undulating roof emulating a wave, or perhaps rolling hills. When one views the building from a distance, the viewer can immediately catch glimpses of the landscape beyond, making the building seem like a part of the scene itself. A closer look reveals the real ingenuity of the design: kids inhabiting the building as if protected within a cocoon.

▼​​ 这些建筑给孩子们留下了深刻的印象,使他们对自己独特的学习环境产生自豪感 The architecture imbibes a lasting impression on the children and invokes a sense of pride for their unique learning environment

▼​​ 该设计在为学龄前儿童设计时并没有选择典型的大量使用色彩的方式,而是强调形式,通过建筑结构传达趣味性;创造一个视觉上自由流动、空间上相互连接的空间,促进儿童的自由互动和活动 Rather than opting for typical extensive use of colour in designing for preschoolers, the design emphasise form in a way that communicates playfulness through the building’s architecture; creating a visually free-flowing and spatially connected space promoting free interaction and movement for children.

▼​​ 全高玻璃面板取代了墙壁,屋顶上的天窗增强了独特的空间体验。设计消除了视觉障碍,使景观成为建筑空间的延伸 Unique spatial experience is enhanced by full-height glass panels in place of walls and skylights in the roof. The design eliminates visual thresholds, with Miyawaki Plantations as an extension of the built space


The fluid form of the roof – covered in turf and resting on an unobstructed structural space devoid of any internal supports or partitions – has been conceptualized using computational tools. Its ingenuity lies in how the green surface outcasts the rest of the built form, making it a landmark in the area. Even more surprising is the fact that the structure itself has been realized within a limited budget by adopting an efficient construction process that considers readily available resources and technologies.

▼​​ 学校体现了不拘一格和寓教于乐的精神,通过其建筑自然地激发孩子们的好奇心。高低起伏的屋顶触及地面,促进了儿童与日常环境建筑的互动 The school embodies non-conformity and playfulness, stimulating curiosity naturally through its architecture. Dips and highs in waves of the roof touch the ground; facilitating child’s interaction with the architecture of their daily environment.

对预制材料的依赖是设计的另一个关键方面。屋顶的结构核心是在现场利用预制构件和施工技术搭建起来的,包括在沿 X 轴和 Y 轴弯曲的圆形空心型材的每个交叉点安装独特的连接板。通过改变精确制造和组装的连接板的高度,达到了所需的曲率。通过在独特的金属结构上方集成钢丝网水泥外壳,实现了光滑外表皮的复杂结构。

Its reliance, especially on prefabricated materials, is another critical aspect of the design. The structural core of the roof has been erected on site using prefabricated elements and construction techniques that involved directing unique junction plates at each intersection of bent circular hollow sections along the X and Y axes. The required curvature has been attained by varying the heights of precisely fabricated and assembled junctions. Structural complexities in achieving the smooth external skin were resolved with a ferrocement shell integrated above the unique metal structure.

▼​​ 北入口门厅可在阳光明媚的日子里提供遮阳,同时又不会阻碍建筑后面的景观 Northern entrance foyers offer shade during harsh sunny days, without obstructing the view of the landscape behind the structure.

▼​​ 充足的自然光透过玻璃外墙照射进来,给人以视觉上的放松,外露的结构天花板沿着外围优雅地垂下 Ample natural light through the glass facade offers visual relief, with exposed structural ceiling gracefully draping along the periphery

▼​​ 整面玻璃墙柔和地照亮空间,使室内与自然完美融合 Full-length glass walls softly illuminates the spaces, seamlessly blending interiors with nature


When this structure is viewed from the inside, the roof creates a captivating sense of both wonder and mystery at once. Exposed structural elements along the ceiling present a beautiful contrast to the exterior turfed surface, thereby allowing the true character of materials to shine. The visual effect of this austere material palette is heightened by natural light dissipating through the skylights, punctuating the seamless curvature and creating an anchor point in each classroom. The movement of light and shadow, diffusing in the classroom across the day, adds another playful element to the design.

▼​​ 建筑形式创造出一种独特的阴影图案,全天在外表面滑动。外表的草皮沿着建筑起伏的边缘“流动”,外围是光滑的石材饰面 The form creates a unique self shadow pattern that slides across the exterior surface throughout the day. Playful sinusoidal edge of the exterior turf flows along the form, with a smooth stone finish along the periphery.

▼​​ 天花板上裸露的结构元素与外部的草皮表面形成了美丽的对比,从而使材料的真实特性得以彰显 Exposed structural elements along the ceiling present a beautiful contrast to the exterior turfed surface, thereby allowing the true character of materials to shine.

▼​​ 玻璃外墙的轮廓与起伏的屋顶相呼应,形成独特的视觉框架,使周围的景观一览无余Profile of the glass facade responds to the undulating roof to create unique visual frames, offering striking views of the surrounding landscape

▼​​ 天窗的光线全天在教室内穿梭,给使用者带来无限遐想;天窗点缀了无缝的弧度,为每间教室创造了一个锚点 Skylights intrigue users as light travels within the classroom throughout the day; punctuating the seamless curvature and creating an anchor point in each classroom.

▼​​ 天窗的设计可以让自然光照亮教室,减少白天对人工照明的需求 The skylights are designed to allow natural light to illuminate the classrooms, reducing need of artificial lighting during the day.


The architecture of this school is unique in its structural expression, innovation in design, and resoluteness in its unconventional approach, where every part has been thoughtfully designed to reinvent the concept of educational spaces and leave an impression on its users. The use of full-height glass panels and turfed roof; fluid spatial organization of classrooms; reliance on prefabrication and computational technologies; and a parametric architectural form, deviate from ‘typical box building’, creating a distinct, non-conformist, and playful structure that could keep childlike curiosity alive. In doing so, Bloomingdale International School stands as a harbinger of the power of architecture in shaping the design of future educational spaces.

▼​​ 这所学校的建筑在结构表达、设计创新和非传统方法的果断性方面都是独一无二的 The architecture of this school is unique in its structural expression, innovation in design and the resoluteness in its unconventional approach.

项目名称:布鲁明戴尔国际学校 Cocoon
项目地点:印度 安得拉邦 维杰亚瓦达 布鲁明戴尔国际学校(伽利略校区)
建筑事务所:andblack design studio
媒体联系人:创始合伙人兼首席建筑师 Jwalant
设计团队:Jwalant Mahadevwala, Adity Rawat
结构顾问:Shehzad Irani, Schafbock design+workshop
摄影:Vinay Panjwani

Project Name: Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension, Bloomingdale International School
Year of Completion: 2024
Location: Bloomingdale International school (Galileo Campus)
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Architecture Firm: andblack design studio
Media contact: Jwalant Mahadevwala, Founding Partner and Principal Architect
andblack team: Jwalant Mahadevwala, Adity Rawat
Structural Consultant: Shehzad Irani, Schafbock design+workshop
Photography: Vinay Panjwani

Appreciations towards andblack design studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/01/03
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