DOG HUMAN / ekar architects
DOG HUMAN / ekar architects
ekar architects

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450 m²
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Dogs and humans live side-by-side in specially designed spaces at this home and dog hotel in Thailand, completed by local practice EKAR Architects. Combining a dwelling for its dog-loving client with a care centre, salon and hotel for pups, the Bangkok-based firm designed Dog/Human House using subtle changes in scale to create spaces that are tailored to both species.

狗和人类在泰国的这家家庭和狗酒店的特别设计的空间中并肩生活,由当地实践 EKAR Architects 完成。 这家总部位于曼谷的公司将爱狗客户的住宅与幼犬护理中心、沙龙和酒店相结合,利用规模的微妙变化设计了狗/人屋,以创造适合两种物种的空间。

EKAR Architects' Dog/Human House comprises two perpendicular buildings surrounding a dog park Two forms sheltered by large pitched roofs of corrugated plastic and metal create an L-shape around a central dog park and pool, with the dog hotel and salon to the north and the human dwelling and guest areas to the south. Informed by nearby agricultural buildings, the two building's roofs extend to almost touch the ground, creating small pockets of space at their edges and punctuated by structural and non-structural concrete posts that allow dogs to easily mark their territory.

EKAR Architects的狗/人屋由两座垂直的建筑组成,围绕着一个狗公园 由波纹塑料和金属制成的大型斜屋顶遮蔽的两种形式在中央狗公园和游泳池周围形成一个L形,北面是狗旅馆和沙龙,南面是人类住宅和客房区。 在附近农业建筑的启发下,两栋建筑的屋顶延伸到几乎接触地面,在它们的边缘形成了小块空间,并被结构性和非结构性混凝土柱所打断,使狗可以很容易地标记它们的领地。

Short concrete columns at the bases of the roofs support the structures and are accessible to dogs "What we found was relative between dogs, humans and architecture is a simple thing called scale – whenever we want to communicate to a dog, we need to bow ourselves to get closer," said the practice. "The roof indicates where people can walk, where they cannot, where they can see, where they can sit, where the dog can run or lay down," it continued.

屋顶底部的混凝土短柱支撑着建筑结构,狗也可以接近它们 "我们发现,狗、人和建筑之间的相对关系是一种简单的东西,叫做尺度--每当我们想与狗交流时,我们就需要弓起身子,拉近距离,"实践者说。 "屋顶表明哪里可以走,哪里不能走,哪里可以看,哪里可以坐,哪里可以跑,哪里可以躺,"。

Sheets of corrugated plastic and metal form the roofs The southern building is split into two blocks on either side of a central landscaped garden sheltered by transparent plastic sections of corrugated roof, with gaps allowing taller trees to grow through. Overlooking this courtyard is a snack bar and waiting area for human visitors, leading to a terrace overlooking the dog park where they can watch their pets.

波纹塑料板和金属板构成屋顶 南面的建筑被分成两块,分别位于中央景观花园的两侧,花园由透明的塑料波纹屋顶部分遮蔽,缝隙中可以长出较高的树木。 俯瞰这个庭院的是一个小吃店和等候区,供人类游客使用,通向一个露台,可以俯瞰狗公园,游客可以在那里观看自己的宠物。

Opposite, a main bedroom, guest bedroom and living, dining and kitchen area are contained in the second small block, which opens onto another terrace above a shallow pool. Throughout, the simple concrete and steel structure has been left exposed, with dark wood used for window frames and panelling. A bar leading to a deck overlooking the dog park caters for human visitors The minimal living spaces have been finished in grey plaster, with a full-height sliding glass door in the bedroom allowing it to be opened up to the surrounding garden. "All of the design aims to encourage [dogs and humans] living with each other, to make them closer, to make them grow together and be more respectful to the other lives on earth," said the practice. EKAR Architects has completed several projects that play with the combination of often separate programmatic elements. Previous projects include a house with an adjoining cafe and music room, and a house containing living and work spaces for vet and pharmacist siblings. The photography is by Rungkit Charoenwat.

对面的第二座小楼内设有主卧室、客卧室、起居室、餐厅和厨房,该楼通向浅水池上方的另一个露台。 在整个建筑中,简单的混凝土和钢结构都裸露在外,窗框和镶板则使用深色木材。 一个酒吧通向俯瞰狗场的露台,为人类游客提供服务。 简约的起居空间采用灰色石膏饰面,卧室的全高玻璃推拉门可以通向周围的花园。 "所有的设计都旨在鼓励(狗和人)相互相处,使他们更加亲密,共同成长,并更加尊重地球上的其他生命。 EKAR 建筑事务所已经完成了几个项目,这些项目将通常独立的设计元素结合在一起。 以前的项目包括一座毗邻咖啡厅和音乐室的住宅,以及一座包含兽医和药剂师兄妹生活和工作空间的住宅。

摄影师:Rungkit Charoenwat。

Appreciations towards ekar architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/06/21
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