Eucalyptus Society Garden / SWA GROUP / Los Angeles
Eucalyptus Society Garden
Eucalyptus Society Garden / SWA GROUP / Los Angeles
Project Year
Site Area
2323 m²
Text description provided by the architects


What is distinctive in the site is that it is the public center of the university community. We hope to manifest the diverse campus culture through the community park. The main idea of space construction is to skillfully integrate the humanistic atmosphere with park service functions. Compared with the campus, Eucalyptus Society Garden has become a more extensive and widely used cultural carrier. There is an ancient eucalyptus tree that has grown for decades in the site. As the old proverb dating back thousands of years says: "It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to nurture talents", which means that it takes more time and energy to cultivate a person into a talent than a small tree to grow into a big tree. According to legend, Confucius sat at the foot of a big tree to sing to the accompaniment of stringed instruments, give lectures and teach his students to read. Planting trees is just like educating people, the reverse is also true. We hope to reproduce such historical scenes in space and provide a tranquil place for thinking through the School House under the Tree in the Circus.

We highlight the image of the ancient tree through the plain formal language of the circle. The circles extend outward layer by layer and develop into a square under the tree. On the square, there are specially customized stone benches combining the modern design language and the plain texture. When students sit on stone benches to read, think and perceive the world in face of the ancient tree, they will collide with nature in thinking. The innermost and outermost cycles of the square under the tree are paved with grass planting bricks to express the integration and infiltration of nature and life into humanity.

The framework of the artistic form at the entrance extends to the earth, embracing the atmosphere of the university town and the community. Passing through the 40-meter-long Wisdom Bridge, you can also pass through hazes, streams, flowers and plants, listening to the sound of nature. Please come to the School House under the ancient eucalyptus in the center, which is an academic stage in the forest surrounded by greenery growing wild. It is a place full of resonance and vitality for reading, mediation and social contact. The undulating lawn at the back of the School House is slightly modified by reserving the original terrain of the site to provide students with seats for reading, sketching and viewing. Eucalyptus Society takes Garden as its core, linking the university campus with the community life.

Appreciations towards SWA GROUP / Los Angeles for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/01/11
Editor:Lucas Lee
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