Copenhill by SLA + BIG / Bjarke Ingels Group
Rooftop garden on the power plant
Copenhill by SLA + BIG / Bjarke Ingels Group
Bjarke Ingels Group

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41000 m²
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标志性的废物转化能源工厂 Copenhill 已在丹麦哥本哈根正式向公众开放。该项目由BIG与SLA设计,又称为“Amager Bakke”,是废物转化能源该工厂,同时也是一个大型的城市休闲中心,包括郁郁葱葱的自然公园,滑雪场,登山场,世界上最高的攀岩墙以及环境教育中心。

The iconic waste-to-energy plant ‘Copenhill’ has officially opened to the public in Copenhagen Denmark.Designed by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Groupand landscape architecture firmSLA, the project - also known as ‘Amager Bakke’ - is a waste-to-energy plant with an urban recreation center comprising a lush nature park, ski slope, hiking trail, the world’s tallest climbing wall as well as an environmental education hub.

©Ehrhorn Hummerston


Creating a nature-filled and green activity park on top of an 88 meter tallwaste-to-energy plant is something that has never been realized before. The up to 45 degrees steep slope of the roof poses great requirements for plant- and landscape design, and the complicated wind and weather conditions create difficult living conditions for trees and plants. The heat from the large energy boilers under the roof has had to be handled to solve the many challenges of the project, so SLA has devised several nature-based design solutions and tested different types of vegetation and materials.



The different types of habitat are specially selected to meet the nature park's challenging living conditions and to provide optimal microclimate and wind conditions for the visitors on the roof. The result is a wild, lush and hardy nature design that allows for the use of the roof park year-round, while creating a sensuousness and varied environment for all nature activitieson the hill.






Copenhill is conceived as a public infrastructure with intended social side-effects from day one. Replacing the adjacent 50-year old AmagerRessourcecenter (ARC), Copenhill’s new waste incinerating facilities integrate the latest technologies in waste treatment and energy production. Due to its location on the industrial waterfront of Amager, where raw industrial facilities have become the site for extreme sports from wakeboarding to go-kart racing, the new power plant adds new nature activities such as skiing, hiking, rock climbing and a lush nature park to thrill seekers’ wish lists.

©Ehrhorn Hummerston

与其将ARC视为一个孤立的建筑对象,不如将建筑围护结构视为当地环境的机会。 Copenhill的连续立面是用1.2米高和3.3米宽的铝砖铺装而成,它们像巨大的砖一样叠放在一起。中间的玻璃窗使日光可以进入设施内部,而西南立面上的较大开口则照亮了行政楼层的工作站。在最长的垂直立面上,安装了85米的攀岩墙,这是世界上最高的人造攀岩墙,在打破世界记录的同时,也为内部工厂提供了大量的视野。

Rather than consider ARC as an isolated architectural object, the building envelope is conceived as an opportunity for the local context while forming a destination and a reflection on the progressive vision of the company. Copenhill’s continuous façade comprises 1.2meter tall and 3.3meter wide aluminum bricks stacked like gigantic bricks overlapping with each other. In-between, glazed windows allow daylight to reach deep inside the facility, while larger openings on the southwest façade illuminate workstations on the administrative floors. On the longest vertical façade, an 85 meter climbing wall is installed to be the tallest artificial climbing wall in the world for new world records to be broken with views inside the factory.


©Ehrhorn Hummerston

“对我来说,Copenhill是建筑改变世界力量的完美例子。我们有能力让我们想要生活的未来成形。我儿子下个月就满一岁了,他将永远不知道,人类曾经有一段时间不能在发电厂的屋顶上滑雪,也不能爬上发电厂的外墙。他会认为这是理所当然的,他的这一代人也会这样认为。清洁能源和可滑雪的发电厂将成为他们想象力的基线——他们将从这个平台上跳跃,为他们的未来提出新的和疯狂的想法。站在过去十年来我们一直在创造的这座人类造山的顶峰上,让我好奇和兴奋地看到,这可能会在未来几代人的头脑中激发出什么样的想法。” Bjarke Ingels, BIG创始人说。

‘To me Copenhill is a perfect example of the world changing power of architecture. That we have the power to give form to the future that we want to live in. My son turns one next month - he won’t ever remember that there was a time when you couldn’t ski on the roof of the power plant - or climb its facades. He will take that for granted - and so will his entire generation. Clean energy and skiable power plants is going be the baseline of their imagination - the platform from which they will leap and propose new and wild ideas for their future. Standing at the peak of this humanmade mountain that we have spent the last decade creating - makes me curious and excited to see what ideas this summit may spark in the minds of future generations.’ Bjarke Ingels, Founder & Creative Director, BIG.

©Ehrhorn Hummerston

“我们为能够建成世界上最节能的废物转化能源工厂而感到自豪。同时,该工厂提供了最佳的环境性能,几乎没有任何环境排放。最后,我们成功地建造了最安全的废物转化能源工厂,从而使世界各地的当地居民和客人都可以在屋顶上滑雪。”ARC董事总经理Jacob Simonsen。

‘We are very proud to have built the most energy efficient waste-to-energy plant in the world. At the same time the plant delivers the best environmental performance with hardly any environmental emissions enameling us to have neighbors only 200 meters away and to be located less than two kilometers from the Queens Residence. Last but not least, we have succeeded in building the safest waste-to-energy plant so that local citizens and guests from all over the world can ski on the roof.’ Jacob Simonsen, Managing Director, ARC.

©Ehrhorn Hummerston

“Copenhill是一个明目张胆的建筑表达,它本来是隐形的:它是世界上最清洁的垃圾焚烧发电厂。作为一个发电厂,Copenhill 是如此的干净,以至于我们能够把它的建筑群变成城市社会生活的基石,它的正面是可以攀爬的,屋顶是可以攀爬的,斜坡是可以滑雪的,这是 一个非常明显的享乐主义可持续发展的例子。一个可持续发展的城市不仅对环境更有利,而且也将极大幅度的提升居民的幸福感。

‘Copenhill is a blatant architectural expression of something that would otherwise have remained invisible: that it is the cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in the world. As a power plant, Copenhill is so clean that we have been able to turn its building mass into the bedrock of the social life of the city - its façade is climbable, its roof is hikeable and its slopes are skiable. A crystal clear example of Hedonistic Sustainability - that a sustainable city is not only better for the environment - it is also more enjoyable for the lives of its citizens.’ Bjarke Ingels, Founder & Creative Director, BIG.


“我们要做的不只是在工厂周围创造漂亮的立面,我们想为建筑尽可能的增加功能!我们没有将Amager Ressource Center(ARC)视为一个孤立的对象,而是加强了建筑物与城市之间的关系,通过将新ARC的屋顶变成市民的滑雪场来扩大该地区的现有活动。通过设计一种在经济、环境和社会上可持续发展的新型废物变能源工厂,使得该设施成为城市的一部分,并重新定义了生产与娱乐,能源基础设施与社会基础设施之间,工厂与城市之间的关系。” BIG合伙人David Zahle说。

‘We wanted to do more than just create a beautiful skin around the factory. We wanted to add functionality! Instead of considering the AmagerRessourcecenter (ARC) as an isolated object, we mobilize the architecture and intensify the relationship between the building and the city - expanding the existing activities in the area by turning the roof of the new ARC into a ski slope for the citizens of Copenhagen. By proposing a new breed of waste-to-energy plant, one that is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable, the facility becomes part of the city and redefines the relationship between production and recreation, between energy infrastructure and social infrastructure, between factory and city.’David Zahle, Partner, BIG.

©Ehrhorn Hummerston


Recreation buffs and visitors reaching the summit of Copenhill will feel the novelty of a mountain in an otherwise-flat country. Non-skiers can enjoy the roof bar, cross-fit area, climbing wall or highest viewing plateau in the city before descending the 490 meter tree-lined hiking and running trail within a lush, mountainous nature park and terrain, designed by Danish nature designers and landscape architects SLA. Meanwhile, the 10,000 m2green roof addresses the challenging micro-climate thethe 80+ meter high roof park, rewilding a biodiverse landscape while absorbing heat, removing air particles and minimizing stormwater runoff.


“ Copenhill的自然屋顶公园和远足小径吸引当地人和游客穿越世界上最清洁的垃圾发电厂上的山岭植物,岩石景观,7,000灌木丛和300棵松树和柳树。它也可以作为慷慨的‘绿色礼物’,从根本上绿色化邻近的工业区。 Copenhill成为鸟类,蜜蜂,蝴蝶和花朵的栖息地,创造了一个充满活力的绿色空间,并为哥本哈根市形成了全新的城市生态系统。”SLA合作伙伴和设计负责人Rasmus Astrup说。

‘Copenhill’s nature roof park and hiking trail invites locals and visitors to traverse a mountainous landscape of plants, rockscapes, 7,000 bushes and 300 pine and willow trees atop the world’s cleanest waste-to-energy plant. It also acts as a generous ‘green gift’ that will radically green-up the adjacent industrial area. Copenhill becomes the home for birds, bees, butterflies and flowers, creating a vibrant green pocket and forming a completely new urban ecosystem for the city of Copenhagen.’Rasmus Astrup, Partner & Design Principal, SLA.






项目名称:Copenhill / Amager Bakke



客户:Amager资源中心(ARC)和FondenAmager Bakke


合作伙伴:Copenhill A/S, Malmos, MOE, Rambøll, Jesper Kongshaug, BIG Ideas, AKT, Topotek 1, Lüchinger+Mayer, Man Made Land, Realities:United

特别鸣谢:A.P.MøllerFonden,Lokale ogAnlægsfonden,Nordea Fonden,Fonden R98,KøbenhavnsKommune,Frederiksberg Kommune,TårnbyKommune,DragørKommune或Hvidovre Kommune

Name: Copenhill / Amager Bakke

Place:Copenhagen, Denmark

Type: International competition

Client:AmagerRessourcecenter (ARC) and FondenAmager Bakke

Area:41,000 m2 building. 3,000 m2 nature park.

Architect: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group

Landscape architect: SLA

Collaborators:Copenhill A/S, Malmos, MOE, Rambøll, Jesper Kongshaug, BIG Ideas, AKT, Topotek 1, Lüchinger+Mayer, Man Made Land, Realities:United

Thanks to: A.P. Møller Fonden, Lokale og Anlægsfonden, Nordea Fonden, Fonden R98, Københavns Kommune, Frederiksberg Kommune, Tårnby Kommune, Dragør Kommune og Hvidovre Kommune

Appreciations towards Bjarke Ingels Group for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/03
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