FILTER的诞生是响应Design Pavilion和纽约设计周的号召,意为“过滤器”,在时代广场的纷繁热闹间开辟了一处宁静的空间。展馆既是一座巨大的构筑物,也是为行人提供的一段短暂的体验。在展馆的中心,一棵孤植的树展现了生命的周期,并与周围曼哈顿的城市化形成了鲜明的对比。
Created for Design Pavilion and theNYCxDesign Festival, FILTER carves out space for quiet recentering within thefrenetic energy of Times Square. Designed as both a monumental object and anephemeral experience.At thepavilion’s center, a lone tree embodies the ecological cycles and serves as acounterpoint to the Manhattan’s urbanity.
由CLB Architects设计的小教堂式的展馆为每位居住者提供了探索自身与自然世界关系的机会。该结构的概念始于一个简单的图案——一张经过反复折叠的纸,能够立在平面上。CLB合伙人埃里克·洛根(EricLogan)通过将一系列标准尺寸的半英寸热轧钢板或“chaps”进行合成设计,使它们排列成一个直径24英尺,20英尺高的椭圆圈结构。
Designed by CLB Architects, the pavilion’schapel-like design facilitates a new understanding of place, providing eachoccupant the chance to explore their own relationship with the natural world.The structure’s concept began as a simple diagram – a folded sheet of paper,carefully sliced, and able to stand on its own. Eric Logan, Partner at CLB,translated this exercise into full-scale existence through a design composed ofa series of standard-sized, half-inch hot-rolled steel plates, or “chaps,”arranged to form a 24-foot diameter, 20-foot-tall ellipsoid.
FILTER, located between West 46th and 47thStreets at Times Square, appears to be a foreign object. Fluid shards ofnaturally-weathered steel invite close inspection, and a gentle ramp leadsaround the perimeter, offering views of the space held within. The noise,bustling crowds, and glaring lights of the city are filtered out, and thenewly-centered visitor is left in solitude, inhabiting the urban “pause.” AsLogan explains, the structure presents “an offering, it [FILTER] changes theenvironment and creates its own.” A bench of reclaimed fir offcuts is foldedinto the interior, encircling a live, 20-foot-tall tree. The tree’s densecanopy only partially obscures the sky beyond, inviting occupants to lookupward and lose themselves in contemplation.
Each element of the structure was designedwith attention to its sustainability, portability, and longevity, beyond theduration of the NYCxDesign installation.
在纽约设计周结束后,这棵树将被捐赠给纽约市非营利组织The Battery Conservancy,展馆将被小心拆卸并运回怀俄明州,继续作为EMIT总部的公共雕塑而存在,一直延续到遥远的将来。当它完成这段旅程并到达谢里登的最终安置点时,FILTER装置上的铜绿将反映干燥的西部空气和东海岸盐度的积累。FILTER是一座跨越地域建立联系的装置,并以使用者的体验为中心,画地为庐。
Following the closure of the NYCxDesignfestival, the tree will be donated to the New York City non-profit The BatteryConservancy, and the pavilion will be carefully disassembled and transportedback to Wyoming to continue its life as a public sculpture at EMIT’sheadquarters and enjoyed for generations to come. When it completes its cycleand reaches its final resting point in Sheridan, FILTER’s patina will reflectthe accumulations of both dry western air and East Coast salinity. Forgingconnections across geography and intimately centered on occupant experience,FILTER makes a place of its own.
FILTER Project Team / Sponsors
CLB Architects (Architect)
EMIT (Exhibit Patron, Steel Supplier andFabricator)
Spearhead (Wood Supplier and WoodFabricator)
Dowbuilt (Builder)
KL&A, Inc. (Structural Engineer)
HELIUS (Lighting Designer)
B-K Lighting (Light Fixture Provider)
Raemelton Farm (Tree Provider)
Apollo Electric (Lighting Contractor)
Kevin Scott
Andres Orozco
Leonid Furmansky