Nanjing Gaochun Transport Interchange / BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists)
lyrical islands in pragmatic seas
Nanjing Gaochun Transport Interchange / BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists)
Project Year
Site Area
20000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

务实海洋中的抒情岛屿lyrical islands in pragmatic seas


Gaochun town is soon to be connected to Nanjing megacity by both light rail and freeway. A reduced 50-minute travel time will catalyse business development and population growth. The new rail station is located in the town’s planned new commercial centre, within its northern growth district. It is to be combined with a new intercity bus station and local bus interchange. A tourist exhibition centre is included at the interchange in anticipation of growing visitor numbers to this attractive lakes district and Citta Slow region.


a knot of space-time


This building sits on, over, and under one of the many intersections of four urban movement systems in Goachun: the train, the bus, private vehicles, and pedestrian networks. It does not just sit adjacent to these systems – it is not a siding. And it does not just sit at the end of line or route – it is not a terminus. It is both a tying together and a keeping apart of the four different systems – it is an elaborate space-time knot that keeps objects and events apart – thus avoiding collisions between trains, buses, cars and pedestrians.


separating flows


The below ground car-parking space provides pedestrians access to and from their arriving or departing cars. The ground floor is an intense co-existence of pedestrian movements to and from arriving and departing buses, private cars, and taxis. Also present at this level are pedestrians moving to and from the train platforms at the second floor – in fact everything but the trains themselves are present at this highly contested level.The second floor is for pedestrians to gain access to the train platforms and the arriving and departing trains.


two seas


Rather than resist the complex pragmatics of the movement demands at ground floor level, BAU embraced them, perceiving the site as two seas of pragmatics: a sea of bitumen (for buses and cars); and a sea of paving (for pedestrians).


Both seas are continuous and both seas have islands of buildings, parking, and vegetation. These two clearly articulated on ground circulation systems are not only legible and safe; they are also visually very powerful when viewed from the adjacent buildings on and off the site.


infrastructure and kinetics


The architecture explores the iconography and poetics of infrastructure and movement. The bus station is a habitable and stable (but not static) piece of infrastructure – a bridge that spans the sea of bitumen.


In contrast, the train station is large-scale op-art piece. This building straddles the rail line becoming an island in-between the sea of paving and the sea of bitumen. The various pragmatic elements of the program are spread along the rail line. This assemblage of smaller elements is wrapped with a single large-scale gesture, a series of dynamic blades of varying lengths, which at speed will create a kinetic veil. These blades are cut to provide entries and exits and will also protect the interior of the building from the heat gain of low altitude east and west sun.

▽ 效果图



Project Data


Project Status: Completed 2018


Location: Gaochun District, Nanjing


Year: 2015


Client: Nanjing Kechun Industrial Development Co., Ltd


Construction Area: 20,000m2


Typology: Transport Interchange

功能项目: 高架地铁站,长途客运站,城市公交站

Program: Elevated metro station, long-distance bus station, city bus station


BAU Project Team:

建筑:黄骅、夏文、 Gonzalo Fernandez、Daniela Gonzalez Badillo、Billy Voon、刘敏杰、高剑峰、高卫国、倪坚友、顾佳妮、Jens Eberhardt、Steve Whitford、James Brearley

Architecture: Huang Hua, Xia Wen, Gonzalo Fernandez, Daniela Gonzalez Badillo, Billy Voon, Liu Minjie, Gao Jianfeng, Gao Weiguo, Ni Jianyou, Gu Jiani, Jens Eberhardt, Steve Whitford, James Brearley


Landscape: Chen Qi, Chen Xiaomeng, Dong Liping, Lei Tao, Shi Zhengtin


Interior: Zhu Xiulan, Wang Mingdong, Guo Yuejiao, Zou Yuhai


BIM: Wang Mingdong, Guo Yuejiao


Contractor: Shanghai Civl Engineering Co.,Ltd of CREC




Documenting Architects and Engineer:

Stage 1: China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.,Ltd

Stage 2: Zhongshe Design Group Co.,Ltd. (formerly Jiangsu Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.)


Interior architect: Shenzhen Grandland Decoration Group Co., Ltd


3D Rendering: BAU


Photographer:Shu He

Appreciations towards BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists) for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/01
Editor:Lucas Lee
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