LocHal Library Interior / Mecanoo
The highlight of the project is the city cafe, a bar in red, brown and gold tiles topped with a LocHal neon sign that can easily be seen on a passing train
LocHal Library Interior / Mecanoo

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Tierburg不仅以荷兰国家铁路的工地而闻名,同时也以纺织工业和附近著名的童话主题公园 Efteling而闻名。这一历史在 Mecanoo的内部设计中表现得淋漓尽致。历史上独特的元素,新的橡木和钢材料,温暖的红、橙色调,构成了一个激动人心的组合,项目内部装饰风格多样,形成了富有情趣,富有创意的工作氛围。


Tilburg is not only known for its worksites of the Dutch National Railways, but also for its textile industry and theEfteling, the nearby popular fairytaletheme park. This history is made tangible in Mecanoo’s interior design. Characteristic historical elements form an exciting combination with new oak and steel additions, and a warm colour palette of redsand oranges. The interior is varied, playful and innovative. There is a diversity of atmospheres for meeting, collaboration, and concentrated work.


项目中引人注目的是城市咖啡厅,酒吧采用了红、棕、金三色瓷砖,顶部有LocHal霓虹灯标志,这很容易在经过的火车上看见。旧的轨道在水泥地上可见,上面有三个可以移动火车轮子构成的桌子。举例来说,一张桌子可以作为吧台的延伸,当它们放在一起时,就会形成一个舞台或者 T型台子,而楼梯是一个栏杆,他们甚至可以沿着轨道移动到外面,在广场上形成一个活跃的舞台。城市咖啡厅旁边是阅览室,里面摆放着各种杂志,还有Kunstloc展览空间,这只是一个角落,从外面可以看得很清楚。受来自纺织城 Tierburg的灵感启发,由 Inside Outside设计的纺织墙在大厅中创造了一个私人空间,把这些悬挂起来的纺织品放在一起,这个空间可以用于大型活动。

City café with reading and exhibition space

The eye-catcher is the city café featuring a bar with red, brown and gold ceramic tiles and a neonLocHallogo on top. It can easily be spotted from passing trains. The old tracks are visible in the concrete floor. They are used to move three largewheeled “train” tables. For example, a single table can become the extension of the bar; when placed together, the tables form a stage or catwalk with the stairs as a tribune. They can even be moved outside along the tracks to form a stage for events on the square. Next to this city café is the reading room with magazines, and next to that is the Kunstlocexhibition space. It is right in the corner, clearly visible from the outside. The textile walls designed by Inside Outside, inspired by Tilburg as a textile city, create intimate spaces in this large hall. When these hanging textiles are drawn together, the space can accommodate large-scale events.



Interior street

Crossing the building is an interior street lined with historic industrial columns on which the old layers of paint are still visible. By fitting the columns with wooden tables and lighting, they are given a new lease of life as places for reading and studying. The street is flanked by bookcases.There are also low mobile display units where books are presented invitingly, as in a bookshop. In this book street, books are also checked in and out. The bookcase wall on the office side has transparent display cases for works of art and unique books. This wall also gives staff the right balance between privacy and connection with the library.


儿童图书馆的 Efteling主题馆是一个灵感来源。这个书架是用彩色铅笔或者直尺组成,您可以在巨型童话书中穿行,寻找书籍,玩耍。小孩子可以在手机形状的书桌上看书,或躺在打开的书上听故事,甚至连坐着的沙发上都有可爱的童话动物造型。

Children's library with Efteling atmosphere

The Eftelingtheme park is the source of inspiration for the children's library. Bookcases take on the form of colored pencils or rulers. You can walk through the giant fairytale books, look for a book or play. The little ones can read a book at tables shaped like mobile phones, orlisten to storytelling sessions while lying on an open book. Even the sitting poufs have playful letters in the form of fairytale animals.



Youth zone with GameLab

The youth zone is animated with colorful train seats and tables that offer space for different learning settings, such as concentrated work, collaboration and meeting. This zone also features the GameLab, one of the building’s many 'laboratories'.



Stair landscape

The stair landscape that Civic designed for the monumental LocHaltakes you to the upper floors. Parts of the stairs are made of oak. With the flexible wooden seating elements, everyone can design their own space. For instance, you can 'build' a meeting place or a quiet place to work undisturbed.



Library as laboratory

The LocHal is not only a library, but also a laboratory where you are challenged, gain new knowledge and learn about new innovations. These specially designed labs can be found throughout the building.

项目名称:LocHal Library



建筑设计:CIVIC architects


内部概念和纺织品:Inside Outside and Textiel Museum



项目客户:Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant and Kunstloc Brabant

结构/机械/声学/照明顾问:Arup, Amsterdam

照片来源:Ossip Architectuurfotografie

Programme: Mecanoo was responsible for the interior design of the BibliotheekMidden-Brabant, Kunstloc Brabant and Brabant C in a former locomotive hall of the Dutch National Railways. The interior design comprises 7,000m2 including 1,300m2 of offices.

Architect: CIVIC architects

Restoration architect: Braaksma&Roosarchitectenbureau

Interior conceptand textiles: Inside Outside andTextielMuseum

Interior design: Mecanoo architecten

Design: 2016-2018

Realisation: 2018

Client: Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant and Kunstloc Brabant

Structural / mechanical / acoustic / lighting consultant: Arup, Amsterdam

Photo credit: Ossip Architectuurfotografie

Appreciations towards Mecanoo for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/23
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