Guangzhou Galaxy East Bay / GVL
Dream, here to rest
Guangzhou Galaxy East Bay / GVL

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Project Year
Site Area
18000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


GALAXY EAST BAY locates at NanSha New District, Guangzhou, as central node to connect urban agglomeration around Pearl River Ports, where will become world-class hub city and international district at the Pearl River coastal area. Rapid urban life gradually blurs people’s dreams and original aspiration, as the core project of bay area, GALAXY EAST BAY aims to build a dreaming gathering place, continue the desire for better life and build an ideal residential community. Based on the theme “Star Vortex”, using curvilinear design, placed natural elements and arranged central open space. Visiting route starts from starry landscape wall to the central theme square, where sculpture, water and lights blend and reflect with each other, and create the dreamlike scene. Creating the spatial perception from prosperous city back to ideal world.

项目鸟瞰图 Aerial View of the Project

项目平面图 Plan View of the Project


With the theme “star track”, the city silhouette wall isolated the sight from parking lots entrance to the outside, which is improving the overall visiting impression. As night falls, the landscape wall becomes star curtain, mapping out the Guangzhou characteristic architectures. The path and walls as a whole, are modern and dynamic which extended the space and view sights. The special shaped tree-pool matches with the landscape wall, where makes the space more welcoming.


Entering the central square, the open space is arranged with circular waterscape, lawn, fountains, wood floor, white stone steps and green plants. Combined with each other, formed the “star vortex” shape in the galaxy from the top view.

椭圆形的休息洽谈区,赋予了多重活动功能。层级的台阶形成一个小型剧场式的汇聚场所,焦点落在草坪上,活动进行时,场所便活跃起来。入夜,“漩涡” 中心的主题雕塑在灯光映射中,星光闪烁,让城市广场的最初意图更加突出

The oval area formed a resting space and provided multiple possible activities. Steps forms a small amphitheater with the focus on the center lawn. At night, the theme sculpture in the center vortex is glowing with the lighting, which highlights the design concepts of this central square.

水、木、石、草,大自然中的不同材质,环环相扣,烘托着金属冲孔体块的“梦想”之心,使这个城市广场空间形成丰富的界面。展示区前场的「幻梦盒子」 雕塑,一个个银色方盒子,不规则堆叠,透出点点星光,其中寄托着的愿景:为忙碌的城市人建造一处“安放最初梦想”的地方。

Water, wood, stone and grass, different materials from the nature, sets off the center piece “dream boxes” in front of exhibition area. Silver boxes stacking irregularly, glowing with the surrounding lights, contains the beautiful vision for our original dreams.


Large water scape in front of the sales department makes a wide-open view. Through the reflection of water, showing the quality and modern architecture.


Entering the exhibition, fist stepping into the transitional green space, giving its resting and gathering functions. The design and arrangement are carried out around the interaction between people and the site, people and nature, people with each other.


The back of the exhibition area provides a variety of activity spaces, such as bar, resting area and artistic corridor.


Semi open spaces provide gathering places for kids and family, various equipment can not only enrich the living experience, but also provide educational and social function. Which achieve the interaction between people and people, people and nature.


Project Name: Guangzhou Galaxy East Bay


Landscape Design Team:GVL Design Group


Owner & Developer: outh Regional Company of Galaxy Group

项目地址: 广东 广州

Project Location: Guangdong, Guangzhou

项目面积:18000 ㎡

Project Area: 18000 ㎡


Completion Time: 2019.12

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Appreciations towards GVL for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/06
Editor:Lucas Lee
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