Mixed sports venues for the Hangzhou Asian Games / Archi-Tectonics
A stadium incorporating cultural heritage elements
Mixed sports venues for the Hangzhou Asian Games / Archi-Tectonics
Project Year
Site Area
35000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

Archi-Tectonics 以琮为灵感的混合主体育场是 2023 年杭州亚运会公园的核心

Archi-Tectonics’ Cong-Inspired Hybrid Main Stadium is the Centerpiece of Hangzhou Asian Games 2023 Park

这座拥有5,000个座位的2023年杭州亚运会公园中心建筑位于公园入口南端,可通过两座弧形桥进入。这座 35,000 平方米的建筑被设计为新社会文化活动的吸引者和生成者,因此被提议为混合建筑; 杭州赛后将体育赛事与音乐厅/活动空间合并。

混合建筑体现了该地区的遗产,采用了琮的交叉几何形状,是一种古老的玉石制品,形状为带有圆形孔的方管,这是一座混合建筑,而不是一个单一的体育场,最大限度地提高了文化遗产的适应性和体现杭州精神。Archi-Tectonics 的参数化设计研究了混合分类法的创建,两个相交的椭圆具有重叠的空间,允许内部内部流体连接并连接到外部。 其结果是一组高度适应性的体量,可以在比赛结束后无缝地转换为活动空间。

Archi-Tectonics 的创始合伙人 Winka Dubbeldam 表示:“我们将混合体育场设计为奥运会的标志,同时也是杭州城市景观的积极参与者,一旦奥运会结束,它将产生新的活动和用途。”

This 5,000-seat centerpiece for the Hangzhou Asian Games 2023 Park is located at the south end of the park entrance and accessed via two curved bridges. The 35,000m2 structure is designed to function as attractor and generator of new socio-cultural activities and hence was proposed as Hybrid; merging sports events with a concert hall / event space for Hangzhou after the games.

The Hybrid embodies the heritage of the region, adapting the intersecting geometry of the Cong—an ancient Jade-stone artifact in the shape of a square tube with a circular bore— a hybrid building, rather than a singular stadium, that maximizes legacy adaptability and embraces the spirit of Hangzhou. Archi-Tectonics’ parametric design study into the creation of a hybrid taxonomy, two intersecting ellipses with overlapping spaces that allow for fluid connections within the interiors and connect to the exterior. The result is a highly adaptable set of volumes that can seamlessly convert to event space after the games.

'We designed the Hybrid Stadium as both an icon for the games and an active participant in Hangzhou's urban landscape that would generate new activities and uses once the games end,' says Winka Dubbeldam, Founding Partner of Archi-Tectonics.


Hybrid Geometry: Wobbly discs

Hybrid 的几何形状通过多次迭代进行了完善,并产生了独特的不对称形状。长方形碗的座位融合了竞技场和圆形剧场的座位方案。这使得将体育赛事首选的中央观看布局调整为不对称的、以舞台为中心的表演配置成为可能。双弧形内碗完全由竹子覆盖,带有嵌入式照明和上方天窗,将技术生成的形式与乡土材料融为一体,提供了温暖而诱人的环境。





“一切都源于将建筑设计为混合建筑的决定,”杜贝尔丹说。 “最初向客户提出的一个具有挑衅性的建议是:创建一个混合体并优化建筑的适应性,最终成为设计的驱动逻辑。 从相交的体积中显现出建筑独特的雕塑外观和空间表达。 它获得了身份和特色,成为杭州未来的新吸引力和新可能性的创造者。

The Hybrid’s geometry was refined through multiple iterations and produced the distinctive asymmetric shape. The seating for the oblong bowl merges arena and amphitheater seating schemes. This makes it possible to adapt the central viewing layout preferred for sporting events into an asymmetric, stage-centered configuration for performances. The double-curved inner bowl is entirely clad in bamboo with recessed lighting and a skylight above, blending technologically generated forms with vernacular materials that offer a warm and inviting environment.

'Most stadiums are on-liners; circular buildings that enclose rectangular playing fields,' says Dubbeldam. 'The inner and outer rings are discrete. We found that there is no ideal adaptability in that model and designed a hybrid instead”.

As they slip past each other, the disc volumes create spatial anomalies that become signature moments. The more oblong section of the bowl hosts VIP seating lounges. The ramps and stairs that usher visitors to the seats create layers of horizontal and vertical interconnection, transitioning from the lively city to the calm, inward-looking space of the arena. Ramps fold up and around the bowl to get to the future theater lounge with an outdoor roof deck overlooking the re-invigorated wetlands and eco-park landscape.

'The lobby ramps fold around each other and access entrances all along the arena’s perimeter,' says Dubbeldam, 'making a multi-valent space that organizes circulation in a fluid sweep.'

Secondary program areas like a sports health center, restaurants, and VIP lounges are incorporated throughout the building, creating a layered and dynamic environment that—more than just a container for viewing sports or performances—serves as a fully-equipped events and entertainment destination. The resulting design celebrates the communal and dynamic nature of attending a cultural event, offering a multi-dimensional visitor experience.

'Everything followed from the decision to design the building as Hybrid,' says Dubbeldam. 'What was at first a provocative proposal to the client: to create a hybrid and to optimize the building for adaptability, ultimately became the driving logic of the design. From the intersecting volumes emerge the building’s uniquely sculptural appearance and spatial expression.' It gets identity and character, becomes a new attractor and generator of new possibilities for the future of Hangzhou.


Suspendome Roof: Column-Free Hybrid Interior Spaces, Natural Light and Ventilation

Archi-Tectonics 在竞赛阶段就主动邀请 Thornton Tomasetti 合作,提出最具创新性的结构解决方案。大跨度的 Suspendome 或 Superdome 屋顶使大堂空间可以完全无柱,从而增强了建筑的适应性和混合性质。屋顶位于内碗上,悬臂伸出大厅上方以支撑外壳,即壮观的钢和玻璃斜肋构架表皮。

屋顶经过计算优化,只需 15个部分即可在现场建造和安装。屋顶也有利于整个空间的自然采光和通风。一个大的圆孔将自然光引入碗中,使用一个大型的雕塑偏转器来软化阳光并将其均匀地扩散到整个空间。体育场屋顶下方连续的可操作窗户带有利于入口大厅和内碗周围主要流通空间的自然通风。这些窗户还允许自然光进入悬臂吊顶下方,增强了浮动屋顶的感觉。


日光还可以通过双弧形斜肋网格玻璃幕墙进入,其深层结构部分在夏季提供自然遮阳,而宽敞的玻璃在冬季提供自然供暖。 这些极大地减少了一年中大部分时间的供暖和制冷负荷。该建筑获得了“绿色建筑评估标签三星级”(GBEL 3 星级),这是中国可持续发展的最高水平,相当于LEED白金级。

内碗的集成座下冷却系统可以为观众降温,同时最大限度地减少空气流动(这是竞技乒乓球场地的要求),同时显着减少冷却和加热需求。 仅对观众座位周围的区域进行调节,而不是对整个风量进行调节。

Archi-Tectonics took the initiative already in the competition phase to engage Thornton Tomasetti, to come up with the most innovative structural solutions. A long-span Suspendome or Superdome roof makes it possible for the lobby spaces to be entirely column-free, reinforcing the adaptability and hybrid nature of the building. The roof sits on the inner bowl and cantilevers out over the lobby to support the outer shell, a spectacular steel and glass diagrid skin.

The roof was computationally optimized to be constructed and installed on site in just 15 segments. The roof also facilitates for the entire space to be naturally lit and ventilated. A large oculus brings natural light into the bowl, using a large sculptural deflector to soften the sunlight and diffuse it evenly throughout the space. A continuous band of operable windows below the stadium roof facilitates natural ventilation of the entrance lobby and main circulation space surrounding the inner bowl. These windows also allow natural daylighting to enter below the cantilevered Suspendome, enhancing the sensation of a floating roof.

'The building acts as an organic body, sensing the need for natural ventilation, allowing natural daylight, and the whole building is water-cooled via the new wetlands,' says Winka Dubbeldam.

Daylight also enters through the double curved diagrid glass facade, with its deep structural sections providing natural shading during the summer and generous glazing providing natural heating during the winter. These greatly reduce heating and cooling loads during much of the year. The building achieved 'Green Building Evaluation Label 3 Star' (GBEL 3 Star), the highest level of sustainability in China and equivalent to LEED Platinum.

An integrated under-seat cooling system for the inner bowl cools the viewers, while minimizing air movement—a requirement for competitive table tennis venues—while significantly reducing the cooling and heating demand. Only the immediate area around the spectator seating is conditioned, rather than the entire air volume.


Facade—Glass Diagrid and Brass Panels


Archi-Tectonics 与 LDI 的 BIM 专家协调了不同的模块尺寸,以测试这对立面的成本、可施工性和视觉效果的影响。当黄铜瓦与不规则面的双曲面表面相交时,黄铜瓦给立面带来了深度感。使用 BIM,黄铜系统仅通过85个变体优化了 5,000 个单元。最终的体育场设计节省了1130吨钢材和150万美元的立面成本,并针对材料效率和施工便利性进行了优化。整个总体规划、占地 116 英亩的公园及其 7 栋建筑仅用了短短三年时间就建成了。

“我们通过更聪明地工作,而不是偷工减料,在预算内实现了极其雄心勃勃的设计,”杜贝尔丹说。 “我们采用了平面玻璃和铝翅片等削减成本的措施,以更充分地体现设计意图。”

The intersecting ellipses express themselves as textured facade surfaces—one clad in brass shingles carefully calibrated to cover the doubly curved volume and the other a steel diagrid clad in planar glass. A system of small aluminum triangles negotiates the planar glass back to the double curved diagrid. The ‘eyelids’ also give the facade its shimmering fish scale-like appearance and lend it a sense of movement and texture.The glass sections bend and slice through the brass shingles, creating transparent areas where daylight can enter the interiors. Along with the long-span Suspendome roof structure, this creates a light-filled, dynamic and spacious experience for visitors as they move through the building. The glass encloses a sweeping lobby with ramps and bridges that wrap around the inner bowl.

Archi-Tectonics coordinated the different module dimensions with the LDI’s BIM experts to test how this impacted the cost, constructability, and visual effect of the facade. The brass shingles give a sense of depth to the facade as they negotiate the doubly curved surfaces with irregular facets. Using BIM, the brass system optimized its 5,000 units in just 85 variations. The final stadium design—which saved 1130 tons of steel and 1.5 million dollar in facade costs—is optimized for material efficiency and ease of construction. The whole masterplan, the 116 acre park and its 7 buildings, were built in just three short years.

'We achieved an extraordinarily ambitious design on budget by working smarter, not by cutting corners,' says Dubbeldam. 'We used cost-cutting measures like planar glass and the aluminum fins to give fuller expression to the design intent.'


Sustainability: Materials Efficiency and Circular Construction

该建筑使用可再生或回收材料,例如用于外立面的回收黄铜或用于体育场内部的竹覆层。 所有主要公共流通区域以及中心体育场碗区均在体育法规允许的范围内进行自然采光和通风。该建筑嵌入一个基于海绵城市设计原则的生态公园内,保留、收集和过滤雨水,以便在体育场内重复使用。

通过使用 BIM 与结构工程师和当地制造商协调,我们得出了使用尽可能少的独特模块的设计,从而能够与国际制造商和施工团队进行高效协调。通过全面的 BIM 集成和优化,Archi-Tectonics 及其团队节省了 1,130 吨钢材,并将施工时间缩短了20%,使该建筑能够在亚运会开始前一年落成。


The building uses renewable or recycled materials, such as recycled brass for the exterior facade or bamboo cladding for the stadium interior. All main public circulation areas—as well as the center stadium bowl—are naturally lit and ventilated to the extent of sports regulations permitting. The building is embedded within an Eco-Park based on Sponge City design principles, retaining, collecting, and filtering stormwater for re-use in the stadium.

Using BIM in coordination with the structural engineer and local fabricator, we arrived at a design that used as few unique modules as possible, making for efficient coordination with international fabricators and construction teams. Through full BIM integration and optimization, Archi-Tectonics and the team saved 1,130 tons of steel and accelerated construction time by 20%, allowing for the building to be inaugurated a year before the start of the Asian Games.

Kicking off on September 23 in Hangzhou, the Games are the world’s second-largest international athletics competition after the Olympics. Hangzhou will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games, after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.


项目信息 Project Data




建筑师:Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC []

合作伙伴:Thornton Tomasetti 工程师、!Melk Landscape 和 Mobility in Chain 交通工程师

LDI:浙江省建筑设计研究院 (ZIAD)





Location: Hangzhou, China

Built Area: 35,000 m2 / 5000 seats

Date: Winning of competition may 2018, completion: October 2021, Opening September 23 2023

Architect: Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC []

With: Thornton Tomasetti Engineers, !Melk Landscape and Mobility in Chain traffic engineers

LDI: Zhejiang Province Institute Of Architectural Design And Research (ZIAD)

Construction drawing design consultation: Powerchina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited (HDEC)

General contractor: China Power Construction Group East China Survey and Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Construction unit: Zhejiang Xinsheng Construction Group Co., Ltd.

Photography: SFAP Shanghai

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Published on 2024/01/02
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