Hangover Temporary Bar / Jose Campos
Hangover Temporary Bar
Hangover Temporary Bar / Jose Campos
Jose Campos

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来自NunoPimenta对gooood的分享。更多请至:NunoPimentaongoooodAppreciation towardsNunoPimenta for providing thefollowing description:“宿醉”酒吧是葡萄牙佩纳菲尔篝火节上一个临时性低成本的小亭子,五湖四海的人们聚集在此,共同庆祝他们热爱的音乐、建筑和自然。HANGOVER bar is a temporary, auto-constructed, lowbudget bar for Ignition festival – an intergalacticencounter to celebrate music, architecture andnature.©Nuno Pimenta音乐节在一块废弃的宅基地上举行,那里所有的设施几乎都是现成的,且与自然和谐地共生在一起。酒吧尽可能地轻和透明,同时也要让人看得到并且要能营造节日的气氛。它建造在一座原有的石砌的蓄水池上,后者无论是位置还是尺寸都刚好适合建造一座小酒吧。水池本身厚重的体量感使得上方新加建的构件看上去只是轻轻地笼在上面。酒吧由预制的廉价材料,如OSB板、波形纤维玻璃板以及使用过的钢架等组装而成。白天,酒吧是透明的,几乎隐匿在自然中难以分辨,散发出微妙的五彩斑斓的光感;到了夜晚,它在漆黑的自然中清晰可见,并且一看即知是个约会游玩的好去处。This music festival, in an old abandoned homestead inPenafiel – Portugal, was built around the idea ofhaving all its infrastructures auto-constructed andperfectly in tune with nature.This bar should be aslight and transparent as possible but simultaneouslyvisible and festive. It was constructed over apre-existing infrastructure on the site – an oldstone water tank that had the perfect location andproportions for the bar. Despite it’s heaviness alladded elements seem to be hanging over the stonetank.It is assembled from pre-fabricated cheapmaterials such as OSB panels, fiberglass corrugatedsheets and used steel-props.During the day thebar should be transparent and almost disguised innature, creating light nuances and colorful shadows.At nighttime it should be visible in the darkness ofthe natural venue and recognizable as a hangingplace.△ 旧的水池无论是位置还是尺寸都刚好适合建造一座小酒吧。The old stone water tank had the perfect locationand proportions for the bar ©Nuno Pimenta△ 白天,酒吧是透明的,几乎隐匿在自然中难以分辨,散发出微妙的光感,投射出彩色斑斓的投影。During the day the bar should be transparent andalmost disguised in nature, creating light nuancesand colorful shadows ©Nuno Pimenta△ 酒吧如同一座离散的光之小屋出现在自然中The bar emerges as a discrete lighthouse over thenature ©Nuno Pimenta△ 酒吧由预制的廉价材料,如OSB板、波形纤维玻璃板以及使用过的钢架等组装而成。It is assemble from pre-fabricated cheap materialssuch as OSB panels, fiberglass corrugated sheets andused steel-props© José Campos△ 为了保证开放性和通透感,酒吧只将核心功能圈在内部,4张吧桌随意地摆放在自然中To keep its openness and transparency it only closesits functional core with four tables that can beused outside ©Nuno Pimenta△ 酒吧尽可能地轻和透明,同时也要让人看得到并且要能营造节日的气氛。This bar should be as light and transparent aspossible but simultaneously visible and festive©José Campos△ 酒吧位于主次舞台之间。The bar was located on the path between the mainstage and the secondary stage of the festival ©José Campos△ 酒吧与自然融为一体,但又自然而然地作为一处聚会场所突显出来。The bar blends in nature but simultaneously standsout as a meeting point ©José Campos△ 纤维玻璃盒子四面的灯泡将酒吧照亮,使得人们远远地就能看见它。Due to the lightning in this hovering box all thesurroundings of the bar get illuminated and can beseen from afar© José Campos△ 到了夜晚,它在漆黑的自然场地中清晰可见,并且一看即知是个约会游玩的好去处。Image 12 – At nighttime it should be visible in thedarkness of the natural venue and recognizable as ahanging place ©Nuno PimentaMaterials:Pre-existing stone tank, wood panels and beams,corrugated fiberglass panels, steelpropsSacle: 4 x 4 x 3.3m Author: NunoPimenta Construction team:Frederico Martins; Miguel C. Tavares; JoséNunoProducer: Ignition Festival 2015 Photography: NunoPimenta; José CamposEnglishText:Nuno Pimenta ChineseText:goooodMORE:NunoPimenta,更多请至:NunoPimentaon gooood
Appreciations towards Jose Campos for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/10
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