Heritage Park / LAA Office
Vibrant shades of blue and yellow
Heritage Park / LAA Office
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

位于印第安纳州塞勒姆的Heritage公园是由多学科设计工作室LAA办公室设计的新口袋公园,由公共艺术和场所营造。该项目源于印第安纳大学农村参与中心和服务设计中心,该中心资助了公园的初步研究,并通过区域机会倡议的大量资金提供了实施资金。LAA办公室的设计在塞勒姆中央广场和约翰海中心之间创造了一条新的线性路径,这是一个占地5英亩的校园,有一个历史博物馆和华盛顿县历史学会拥有和运营的时代建筑。遗产公园将充满活力的蓝与黄色调的沥青壁画没有重大联系的地标联系起来,以及一个新的甲板和花园,由艺术家拉斐尔·布兰科(Rafel Blanco)的公共艺术品构成,以纪念华盛顿县历史上的重要女性。

Salem, IN—Heritage Park, a new pocket parkdesigned by LAA Office, a Columbus, Indiana-based multi-disciplinary designstudio, is activated by public art and placemaking.The project stems fromIndiana University’s Center for Rural Engagement and ServeDesign Center, whofunded the initial study for the park and implementation funding was providedthrough a significant grant from Regional Opportunity Initiatives. LAA Office’sdesign creates a new, linear path between Salem’s Central Square and the JohnHay Center, a 5-acre campus with a historical museum and period buildings ownedand operated by the Washington County Historical Society. Heritage Park linksthese two landmarks that previously had no significant connection with anasphalt mural in vibrant shades of blue and yellow, and a new deck and gardenframed by a public artwork by the artist Rafel Blanco, honoring significantwomen in Washington County’s history.


The design encourages pedestrians todiscover new parts of the city and to learn about pioneering women from Salemalong the way. Heritage Park continues LAA Office’s interest in repairing urbanfabric through public art and placemaking initiatives. Recently completed pastprojects of this type include their 6th Street Arts Alley project in Columbus,Indiana.

遗产公园位于社区的中心地带,对面就是市政厅,被设计成一个聚会和观看艺术的空间。LAA办公室使用术语"谷仓覆盖城市主义"来定义他们在塞勒姆的概念方法,将景观统一为户外博物馆或艺术小径。"从概念上讲,我们将该项目想象为在城镇城市结构中创造线性缝合的一种方式。我们受到谷仓绗缝的区域民间艺术传统的影响,"LAA办公室联合创始人Daniel Luis Martinez说。"谷仓被子是一种乡村现象,由它们所出现的土地的管家产生。我们希望在城市环境中采用谷仓被子的美学语言和组织框架,它会引起塞勒姆市民的共鸣。

Situated at the heart of the neighborhoodand across from City Hall, Heritage Park is designed as both a space forgathering and viewing art. LAA Office uses the term “Barn Quilt Urbanism”’ todefine their conceptual approach in Salem, which unites the landscape into anoutdoor museum or art trail. “Conceptually, we imagined the project as a way ofcreating a linear stitch in the town’s urban fabric. We were influenced by the regionalfolk art tradition of barn quilting,” says LAA Office Co-founder Daniel LuisMartinez . “Barn quilts are a rural phenomenon produced by the stewards of theland upon which they appear. We wanted to adopt the aesthetic language andorganizational framework of barn quilts in an urban setting because we knew itwould resonate with the citizens of Salem.”

LAA办公室首先将停车位转换为公共空间,并在上下文中占用各种平面:垂直(墙壁)和水平(地面)。通过这样做,办公室在城市内创造了一种三维的艺术体验。其中一件艺术品是一条人行道,实际上,它变成了一种寻路形式,将人们带到口袋公园和镇上的文化景点。拉斐尔·布兰科(Rafael Blanco)的壁画以六位来自华盛顿县的先驱女性为特色,作为从新的口袋公园观看的视觉焦点。

LAA Office began by converting parkingspaces into public space and occupying various planes within the context:vertical (walls) and horizontal (ground). In doing so, the office creates athree-dimensional experience of art within the city. One artwork is apedestrian path that, in effect, becomes a form of wayfinding leading people tothe pocket park and cultural attractions in the town. Rafael Blanco’s muralfeaturing six pioneering women with roots to Washington County acts as a visualfocal point to be viewed from the new pocket park.

工作室还设计了一个高架甲板,位于塞勒姆市政厅对面,可从新的人行道进入,周围环绕着一个常青花园,坐落在粉末涂层的铝制花盆内。然后,公共艺术品与公共设施相结合,如花园元素,桌子和座位。LAA Office联合创始人Lulu Loquidis说:"我们与利益相关者合作,选择有趣,现代的家具,使公园成为一个受欢迎的聚会空间。我们团队利益相关者最大的评论之一是塞勒姆缺乏公共场所,以及人们可能与朋友共进午餐或在户外喝咖啡的地方。我们希望在新的公共艺术作品的背景下为他们提供这种服务。

The emerging studio also designed anelevated deck across from Salem’s City Hall that is accessible from the new pedestrianpath and surrounded by a perennial garden set within powder-coated, aluminumplanters. The public artworks are then coupled with public amenities, likegarden elements, tables and seating. Says LAA Office Co-founder Lulu Loquidis ,“We worked with the stakeholders to select fun, contemporary furnishings thatwould make the park a popular gathering space. One of the biggest comments fromstakeholders on our team was Salem’s lack of public seating and places wherefolks might meet a friend for lunch or a coffee outdoors. We wanted to providethat for them within the context of new public artworks.”

LAA办公室在印第安纳大学(Martinez任教)的社区成员和学生的帮助下,在塞勒姆的地面上完成了谷仓被子图案的实施。志愿者们与学生混在一起,每个人都互相学习,并了解与塞勒姆有联系的强大女性榜样的故事。拉斐尔·布兰科(Rafael Blanco)壁画所表彰的六位女性包括莎拉·帕克·莫里森(Sarah Parke Morrison),她是印第安纳大学的第一位女毕业生,随后也是她们的第一位女教员。这幅壁画还包括艾玛·克里斯蒂·贝克(Emma Christy Baker,印第安纳波利斯警察局的第一位黑人女警官)、卢拉·"德塞"·鲁德(Lula "Desse" Rudder)(印第安纳州第一位有执照的女药剂师)、特里·霍尔(Terry Hall)(一位非常成功的N.C.A.A.女子篮球教练)、玛丽·里德·拉斯克(Mary Reid Lusk)博士(一位白手起家的社区医生,该地区地下铁路运营的参与者)和布雷迪·施拉姆(Bradie Shrum)(一位敬业的儿童教育家,与她在那里任教60多年的当地小学同名)。

Implementation of the barn quilt pattern onthe ground in Salem was completed by LAA Office with the help of communitymembers and students from Indiana University (where Martinez teaches).Volunteers mingled with students , each learning from one another and about thestories of strong, female role models with ties to Salem. The six women honoredby Rafael Blanco’s mural include Sarah Parke Morrison, who was the first femalegraduate of Indiana University and subsequently their first female facultymember. The mural also features Emma Christy Baker (first black, female policeofficer of the Indianapolis Police Department), Lula “Desse” Rudder (firstlicensed female pharmacist in Indiana), Terry Hall (a highly successfulN.C.A.A. women’s basketball coach), Dr. Mary Reid Lusk (a self-madeneighborhood doctor and participant in the region’s underground railroadoperations), and Bradie Shrum (a dedicated child educator and namesake of thelocal elementary school where she taught for 60+ years).


Say Loquidis and Martinez, “We seestitching as a way of mending urban voids and bringing elements once separatedby that void together. Using this framework, we also realized that the stitchitself has the capacity to become a pathway or trajectory, since it constitutesa new physical element within the urban fabric.”



Project Information:

Name: Heritage Park

Location: Salem, Indiana

Year Completed: 2021

Type: Pocket Park

Size: 1,000 sf pocket park + 4,500 sf ofpublic artworks

Client: City of Salem

Funding & Supporters: RegionalOpportunity Initiatives, Indiana University Center for Rural Engagement,Indiana University ServeDesign Center, Washington County Community Foundation,Hoosier Uplands, City of Salem, Washington County Historical Society,Washington County Chamber of Commerce, Washington County Tourism, WashingtonCounty Family YMCA, Adrienne Brooke Salon, Lisa Fleming

Project Credits:

Design: LAA Office

Design Team: Daniel Luis Martinez, NOMA(co-founder), Lulu Loquidis Martinez, PLA, ASLA, (co-founder), Jess Novitski,Priscilla Rocha, Stacy Hardy, Shorf Afza, Alyssa Bullock Muralist (AB SalonBuilding): Rafael Blanco

Construction: Tovey Perry Co.

Project Materials: Composite Decking byTrex Seating, Tables, and Planters by Anova Furnishings Rockers by Loll SunShades by Landscape Forms

Appreciations towards LAA Office for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/17
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