Husby Barbecue Area / LAND arkitektur
Husby Barbecue Area / LAND arkitektur
Project Year
Site Area
Text description provided by the architects

Husby is located on the northwestern outskirts of Stockholm. It is part of the great expansion that took place in the 1960s when the state, to meet the excessive housing shortage, built large-scale residential buildings. Like many of the areas from this time, Husby has had problems with segregation and social exclusion.

The assignment for LAND in this project involved developing a program for Husby’s meeting with the large recreational area Järvafältet. Järvafältet is an area with great cultural-historical and ecological values ​​and is protected as a cultural reserve. The purpose of the project was to activate the border along the so-called Husbystigen, a path which runs along the northern edge of Järvafältet, and in this way get more residents from Husby to use the recreational area.

In the program phase, an initial analysis was carried out with a holistic approach to Järvafältet’s many entrances, connections, and destinations. A concept and design principles for Husbystigen were developed with the aim of functioning as a model for how the surrounding districts can meet Järvafältet. Redesigned entrance points were proposed to strengthen the orientation and add new social values ​​while preserving and developing the reserve’s existing qualities. The total budget was relatively low for such an extensive program. Consequently, we chose to focus the efforts on a few interventions along the long border so that the investment would be focused and become clear to the local inhabitants.

The main focus of the project has been to strengthen the popular destination Husbygård, located where one of Husby’s three green wedges encounters Järvafältet. Husbygård is an old farm that operated until the 1970s. Today it houses functions such as Art and Crafts studios, a gallery, and different activities for kids. Close to the field itself, there was an existing barbecue area that was used extensively but in great need of refurbishment.

We chose to put most effort in to the barbeque area. The main idea for the design was to strengthen the visual contact between Husbygård and Järvafältet and to create a place that fits in with the landscape’s natural topography. The place should also function as an entrance to Järvafältet. This was investigated through careful model studies and sketch work on site in scale 1: 1. The design approach with a terraced place that gradually steps down towards the field also aims to organize the barbecue area in several smaller spaces to make room for more visitors.

Some existing trees on the site were an important precondition and these have been woven in as important components on the various terraces. The material palette consists of a few robust materials that can withstand active use: Long tables in different sizes, edges between the terraces made up of granite blocks, a gravel in a warm yellowish tone that makes up the floor, and at the barbeque stands and water posts, paving stones have been laid to mark these functions and handle water and food leftovers in a rational way. Specially designed storage areas for food, charcoal, etc. consist of Corten steel. So does a tall shelf with space for firewood (provided by the city) and information as well as a screen for the large garbage container which is emptied once a week. At the entrance, we have designed a wall in granite with the text “Husby grillplats” which leads the visitor to the barbecue area.

The citizen dialogue held during the project focused on needs and wishes related to barbequing and formed the basis for the functions and furniture that were developed during the design process, such as access to water, storage areas and seating. Different cultures’ ways of barbequing were highlighted during the dialogue and resulted in a collaboration with Husby Art society with the aim of designing special grills with artistic decoration. The goal is for the grills to be completed in the future and placed on the barbecue site.

Team LAND Arkitektur: Anders Kling, Emilia Molin, Therese Lemos, Clara Eckersten
Client: City of Stockholm City Office, Katharina Holmqvist
Collaboration: Tyréns (lighting and construction), Husby Arts and Crafts Association
Year of construction: Barbecue 2019-2020

Appreciations towards LAND arkitektur for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/06/23
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