Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park / MILAND DESIGN
Romantic flowers into the mountains, in the forest to find wild fun
Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park / MILAND DESIGN
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

▼ 项目实景预览 Project Preview


Designer Insights:


In the fall of 2019, we received a landscape planning and design commission from the Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park. Even though many design team members came from Northeastern of China, we still experienced the different warmth contained in the Great Northeast vaguely after we heard the name of “Meihe”, which also created some preliminaries to the name of the park, "Romantic Flower Sea".

去往梅河口的交通方式,我们通常是落地长春机场,然后租车自驾去项目基地。一路上,高速两侧的景色尽显东北特征,无边无垠的稻田映衬着起起伏伏的山丘,时不时跳出一片湖面、一片草甸、一片林地······ 几位设计师打趣“假装在度假”。

We usually landed at Changchun airport, then got a rental car and drove to the project base. On the way, the scenery on both sides of the highway showed the characteristics of the northeast, with boundless rice fields reflecting the rolling hills, with lakes, meadows, and woodlands, etc. jumping in and out Several designers joked about "pretending to be on vacation".


When walking on the streets at Meihekou, most of the buildings that came into our eyes were: pharmaceutical industrial parks, beer companies, food processing plants and other similar enterprises, which play the supporting role in local economy and industry. During the three years of cooperation, we have received Meihe rice and craft beer from our client as gifts and felt the warmth and exuberance from the Northeast inside and outside the workplace. This strong expression of emotion has led us to put large scale composition and bright color scheme in our design as a return to the Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park.


As the launching area of the whole Qianshan Park, Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park is also the fifth largest park in the ecological green space system of Meihekou. It provides another theme space place for leisure life to people living in Meihekou.


Whistle Stop in the North—Meihekou


Meihekou is connected by rivers and lakes and surrounded by trees and forests, as if it is not a typical northeastern city. This small town in the southeastern part of Jilin Province is known nationwide for its leading industries: medicine and health and food processing. There are several rivers crossing the town. The largest tributary of the upper reaches of the Songhua River, the Huifa River, runs through the city, forming an ecological riverfront scenic belt, which builds a human ecological base for the entire city with several ecological corridors and four urban parks and injects more power and vitality into urban construction.

▼ 梅河口城市生态格局 Ecological Pattern of Meihekou City

| 辉发河滨河观光带 Riverfront Tourist Zone of Huifa River

| 沿城市干道延展的生态通廊 Ecological corridor extending along the main streets of the urban area

| 四大不同定位的城市公园+浪漫花海公园 Four urban parks with different positioning + Romantic Flower Sea Park

▼ 浪漫花海公园与浅山公园,同北侧现有的AAAA级景区海龙湖公园、西侧体育公园,在梅河口新区,形成区域联动的生态多功能绿地系统。

The Romantic Flower Sea Park, the Qianshan Park, the existing AAAA scenic area Hailong Lake Park on the north side, and the Sports Park on the west side form a regionally linked ecological multifunctional green space system in Meihekou New District.


The base conditions present the wild and muddy nature of the Northeast mountains and forests (photo provided by the commissioner)


Romantic Flower Sea Park


Romantic Flower Sea Park is located in the northwest corner of Qianshan, on a relatively soothing hillside, covering an area of about 100,000 square meters, with an overall east high and west low landing, and a maximum height difference of 20.6 meters. The relocated power plant base has reserved a flat building site for the park.

▼竖向条件 Vertical conditions


Why is the theme "Romantic Flowers Sea"?


Among the four existing parks in Meihekou, the People's Park is based on local culture and shows the ambition of urban development; The Changbai Mountain Botanical Garden integrates science education and plant protection; The large Children's Park still under planning is positioned for family entertainment; And there is a park to be built for medical and recreational development. For different park themes of the whole town, Romantic Flower Sea Park takes a different approach and uses landscape techniques to present the eternal story of love journey.

▼浪漫花海公园设计图 Design for Romantic Flower Sea Park

▼ 浪漫花海公园实景照片,整个花海以流淌的姿态从浅山蔓延下来。

The actual photos of the Romantic Flower Sea Park. The whole sea of flowers spreads down from the Qianshan in a flowing posture.

▼ 浪漫花海公园 | 游客服务中心设计图,在原电厂留下的场地条件上建造游客服务中心,整合公园的入口集散和形象管理的双重作用。

Romantic Flower Sea Park|Design for Visitor Service Center. The construction of the Visitor Service Center on the site conditions left by the former power plant, integrating the dual role of the park's entrance collection and image management.

▼ 浪漫花海公园实景照片,步行游园和电车观光的两条上山路,盘旋交汇在誓言环,一座320米长、最高7米的钢结构环形桥。

The actual photos of the Romantic Flower Sea Park. The two uphill roads for walking tours and tram tours hover and intersect at the Oath Ring, a 320-meter-long, 7-meter-tall steel ring bridge.

▼ 浪漫花海公园誓言环设计图 Design for Oath Ring in Romantic Flower Sea Park

▼ 浪漫花海公园实景照片,不同年龄段的人都能在誓言桥上找到自己的生活方式。

The actual photos of the Romantic Flower Sea Park. People of all ages can find their lifestyle on the Oath Bridge

▼ 浪漫花海公园实景照片,花海中有类似田垄的分隔,强化花海蔓延的效果,同时也是养护花田的通道。

The actual photos of the Romantic Flower Sea Park. The field divider in the sea of flowers reinforces the effect of spreading flowers and also maintains the access to the flower fields.

▼ 浪漫花海公园实景照片,我们的镜头捕捉到很多温情脉脉的场景,不只是爱情······

The actual photos of the Romantic Flower Sea Park. Our lens captures a lot of warm and fuzzy scenes, not just love......


Qianshan Park, Vivid Wilderness Among the Forests


"Hunting in the wild on the mountains" is a taste bud enjoyment in the Northeast. In Qianshan Park, we hope to bring out the vivid hunting life of the mountains and forests through every functional space hidden in the forest. Some of these spaces are expressed based on architecture, some based on scenes, and others based on the original state of the mountains and forests. All in all, the aim is to present the social value of this natural forest in depth while maintaining its original state.

▼ 浅山公园设计图 Design for Qianshan Park

▼ 浅山公园设计图 | 游客中心 Design for Qianshan Park | Visitor Center

▼ 浅山公园设计图 | 茶室+书吧

Design for Qianshan Park | Teahouse + Book Bar

▼ 浅山公园设计图 | 半山民宿

Design for Qianshan Park|Mountain B&B

▼ 浅山公园设计图 | 林间栈道

Design for Qianshan Park | Woodland Trail

红桥 Red Bridges


Red Bridges connect the ecological green areas separated by major urban roads

▼ 红桥实景照片

The actual photos of the red bridges

▼ 红桥设计图

Design for the red bridges

▼ 红桥实景照片

The actual photos of the red bridges


In The End


The topics such as "saving the Northeast and reviving the Northeast" always pop up at hot spot news from time to time on the Internet. After three years of deep involvement in Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park and frequent trips between Beijing and Meihekou, we have a little insight into the development of small towns in the Northeast. Thanks to the attention to local industries and the continuous investment in ecological environment by government, a growing amount of young generations are returning to their hometowns with knowledge and skills. Attracting homecoming is perhaps the quickest way to develop small towns. We hope the Romantic Flower Sea Park contributes that purpose as well.

项目名称 | 梅河口浪漫花海公园

项目委托 | 梅河口市住房和城乡建设局 世基集团

景观设计 | 麦田景观

Project Name | Meihekou Romantic Flower Sea Park

Commissioning | Meihekou Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau 、Shiji Group

Landscape Design | MILAND DESIGN

Appreciations towards MILAND DESIGN for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/11
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