Tønder Midby是一个综合项目,旨在对位于南日德兰半岛与德国接壤的历史小镇Tønder的城市空间进行气候适应和转型。
Tønder Midby is a comprehensive project for the climate adaptation and transformation of the urban spaces of Tønder, an historical town located in Southern Jutland, at the border with Germany.
The necessity of a climate adaptation plan for Tønder to manage the frequent storm waters is transformed into an opportunity to enhance its history and identity, reorganizing the public spaces to respond to the needs of the local community and visitors and reconnecting the city centre with the water and green spaces.
Tønder´s long history started as a harbour city, when the first settlement had direct access to the sea. In the 16th century however, due to land reclamation works in the wetlands, the harbor recessed and the town lost its status as a harbour. A close connection to the water was maintained until the 1930s, where the port at the Skibbroen was filled up.
在尊重和增强该城镇丰富的历史遗产的同时,Tønder Midtby的城市空间转型和气候适应工作重新引入水域,将绿色和蓝色特质与吸引人且多样化的城市生活相结合,以增强该城镇的身份和特色。
While respecting and enhancing the strong historical heritage of the town, the transformation of urban spaces and climate adaptation of Tønder Midtby re-introduces the water in the city and combines the green and blue qualities with an attractive and diversified urban life that enhances the town´s identity and features.
该项目是Tøndermarsk Initiativet的一部分,这是Realdania、AP Møller和Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond for Almene Formaal、Nordea Foundation以及Tønder市政府之间的合作项目,旨在开发Tønder湿地,使该地区更具吸引力,适于游览、居住和工作。
The project is part of the Tøndermarsk Initiativet, a collaboration between Realdania, AP Møller and Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond for Almene Formaal, the Nordea Foundation and the municipality of Tønder to develop the Tønder wetlands, making the area even more attractive to visit, live and work in.
雕塑花园,The sculpture garden
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About Tønder Midtby
Location: Tønder, Denmark
Typology: Landscape, Masterplan
Client: Tønder Kommune, Tøndermarsk Initiativet
Architects: EFFEKT
Collaborators: Envidan, Trafikplan, Jørgen Overbys Tegnestue
Program: Culture house for street sport, street art and street culture
Size: 105000 m2
Status: 1st Prize in competition, In progress
Website: www.effekt.dk/tonder