Origin Collection By Mario Tsai / Mario Tsai Studio
Origin Collection By Mario Tsai
Origin Collection By Mario Tsai / Mario Tsai Studio
Mario Tsai Studio

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现代设备和工具越来越能够便捷地应对生活和工作,但对人的本能和敏感度逐渐造成钝化,原始系列OriginCollection是一次对这一社会现象的反思设计行为。当人回归到原始时代,斧子和火是基本的人类⽂明工具,如何以原始本能的状态去思考和制造现代意识中的物?Modern technology and tools make everyday work andlife more convenient, but according to Mario Tsai,they also gradually hinder our human instincts andsensitivities. The Origin collection is a designperformance reflecting on this social phenomenon.Axes and fire formed the basic tools of humancivilisation in primitive times. In today’s society,how can we still create objects that fulfil theneeds of our primitive instincts?

为了尽可能彻底的贯彻,设计师特别雇佣了一位杭州乡下手艺拙朴的木工师傅,以砍木头、烧火的方式来塑形,一切行为都是基于本能的智慧反应和临时创造力,来完成原始系列OriginCollection的作品。以周边事物和现有条件来创造工具和途径完成项目的过程,也是对在地性设计最好的体现方式。To this end, the designerhired a carpenter from the Hangzhou countryside toshape the furniture through the organic methods oflog-cutting and fire-burning. All the processes usedto complete The Origin are based on instinctivehuman wisdom. The process of creating tools to carryout the project, using native materials and existingconditions was also the best way of expressing theidea of locality in contemporary design.

原始系列的六件作品的材料采集过程中尽量还原找寻木头的过程,所有原木均选用木材厂剩余的“废料”,选择合适的尺寸,无需再次加工长度。座面表面的弧面是一种引人入坐的无意识概念,弧面由斧头粗略砍出来,再由火焰塑形而成,表面裂纹均是自然形成。The six pieces of theOrigin Collection were sourced as closely aspossible to the process of finding the wood, withall the logs being ‘scraps’ left over from lumbermills, selected to the right size and without theneed to rework the lengths. The curved surface ofthe seat is an intriguing and unconscious concept,roughly cut by an axe and shaped by a flame, thecracks in the surface are all naturally occurring.

整个制作过程在位于杭州余杭的黄湖镇的田野里完成,蔡烈超工作室就地把制作完成的作品放置在田野和路边,引导当地的居民来参观,以此实现原始系列的乡野临时展览。The production process wascompleted in the fields of Huanghu Town in Yuhang,Hangzhou, where Mario Tsai Studio placed thefinished works on the fields and roadsides andguided local residents to visit them, thus realisingthe Originof temporary exhibitions in thecountryside.

OriginCollection并不是对社会现象的批判,蔡烈超工作室更希望这是一次能够激发人们去增强自主思考意识和敏锐度的设计实验。原始系列的制造过程更像是一次行为艺术,产出的作品仍然是现代设计所认知的范畴,只是它有着不同于以往的设计和生产过程。The Origin is not a criticism of modern society butrather a design experiment that can inspire peopleto enhance their consciousness of independentthinking and sensitivity. The production process inthe series is almost like a form of performance art.The final products still belongs in the category ofmodern design but is accompanied by a unique twistin production procedure.

Appreciations towards Mario Tsai Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/13
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