Parque del Conde / dmp arquitectura
During the fortunate urban rehabilitation of the roundabout of the Parque de la Bola, in San José Insurgentes colony, an area that is constantly developing south of the CDMX
Parque del Conde / dmp arquitectura
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Text description provided by the architects


During the fortunate urban rehabilitation of the roundabout of the Parque de la Bola, in San José Insurgentes colony, an area that is constantly developing south of the CDMX, a proposal for restoration was generated for a house of the '40s, which became the headquarters of our offices, that is why the guiding axis of the design was to enhance the heritage characteristics of the 430sq.m. property by rehabilitating the original elements and removing those added that distorted its image.To respect the architectural party of the house, the project distributed the different operational areas of the company in the original spaces of the property and additionally a complementary volume was built on the roof of the old office, in which the design workshop was housed. The proposal sought to rescue the modernist essence of the house by rehabilitating both black-smiths and original finishes. Restoration work was complemented by the introduction of contemporary recycled materials in conjunction with a palette of green and yellow colors, which give a respectful and refreshing image. All the main spaces generate a relationship between inside and outside, always being in contact with the vegetation of a different plant palette of different species of pastures, vines and ornate plants, thus managing to create their context in a relationship between architecture and landscape.

Appreciations towards dmp arquitectura for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/19
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