Pull Table Mario Tsai Studio / Mario Tsai Studio
Pull Table Mario Tsai Studio
Pull Table Mario Tsai Studio / Mario Tsai Studio
Mario Tsai Studio

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REdesign是一个重新思考和探索设计和家居产业相关联的材料和工艺的组织,2019年REdesign项目以人造板(胶合板/ MDF /刨花板)作为创作主题,蔡烈超工作室以5mm的薄胶合板作为材料,旨在表现这种常被忽视的材料呈现出独有的属性,如轻薄所衍生的弹性。蔡烈超工作室尝试让物尽其用,探索材料最具价值的潜力。In 2019, REdesign project used wood-based panel asthe theme of creation. Mario Tsai Studio uses 5mmthin plywood as the material,which aims atexpressing the unique attributes of this oftenoverlooked material, such as lightness andtoughness. Mario Tsai Studio tries to make the bestuse of materials and explore the most valuablepotential of the material.

拉桌以动词“拉”拟人化的方式来呈现桌子的连接结构方式,利用5mm薄胶合板的韧性、钢棒的硬度和皮带的伸缩自由性,形成一个相互拉扯的稳定循环。拉桌鼓励使用者去体验本该属于生产过程中的弯压工艺,同样让三种材质相互拉扯牵制的安装过程充满游戏属性。Grid is the instruction to convert an image intopixels in image processing. Based on this, thedesigner rasterized the basic form of the bench. The5mm thin plywood sheet is used as the basic unitafter pixilation, and the horizontal and verticalsheets are vertically inserted to form a stablestructure. The hidden plug structure makes thesheets seem to be unrelated. And then every piecesvisually present a sense of floating and an unstablecritical state. The contrast between its thinproperty and the visual of weight adds to thedramatic nature of the product.

Appreciations towards Mario Tsai Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/01
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