R Society / 0321 studio
R Society
R Society / 0321 studio
0321 studio

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感谢0321studio对gooood的分享。更多关于他们:0321studio on gooood.Appreciation towards0321studiofor providingthe following description:Rs是一家有着强烈自我叙述特征的独立花艺表达者,0321去年完成了他们在国内的一家教学基地,一个集培训教学,品牌展示,花艺零售的综合使用场,希望通过改造后的空间形象表现全新的rs,、同时更好的呈现花艺与空间的多样关系。RSociety is an independent floral expressionist withstrong self-narrative characteristics. 0321completed their teaching base in China last year. Itis a comprehensive use field that integratestraining and teaching, brand display, and floralretail. Rs hopes that the designed spatialappearance will demonstrate a brand-new Rs, whichsimultaneously show the diverse relationship betweenfloral art and space better.▼项目外观,external view of the project ©Meatmountain项目初始我们提出一个出于自我整理的疑问,并实践在项目始末;封闭的外立面使室内空间与外界某种断绝,极富生命力的花植与清冷的石材金属,以何种相处模式存在并能为花艺创作与教学带来怎样可能?At the beginning of the project, we raised a questionabout self-organization, and practiced it throughthe whole project;The closed façade cuts offthe interior space from the outside world to someextent. What kind of coexistence mode do theextremely vibrant flower plants and cold stone metalhave and what possibilities can it bring to floralcreation and teaching?▼轴测图,连通的空间,axonometric, continuous space ©0321studio对于进入建筑的方式我们希望不仅仅是在人流路径上,更希望在视觉与建筑正面不大的小树林保持某种有趣互动,以一个窄小入口并使用高反射成像做“大门”去映射周边环境,在洁净的建筑立面拼贴外在可变的真实。Regarding the way to enter the building, we hope thatit is not only in the path of people flow, but alsomaintains some interesting interaction between thevisual and the small forest on the front of thebuilding. Using a narrow entrance and highreflection imaging as a “gate” to mirror thesurroundings can assemble the external changingreality on the clean building façade.▼窄小的入口,narrow entrance ©Meatmountain▼高反射材料的门映射周围环境,door of high-reflectance materialreflecting the surrounding environment ©Meatmountain项目基础是两个不大对折联通的空间,用集合多功能长条体块和不同材料分类建立起一套整体,把零售,沙龙,操作,接待,教学围绕于操作台来实现,并集合收纳功能,将人流和挪动位置分散在条形操作台两侧。The project is based on two connected asymmetricalspaces. A whole unity is built by using amulti-functional long block and different materials.The retail, salon, operation, reception, andteaching are implemented around the operation table.Integrating storage function, the unit disperses theflow of people and moving positions on both sides ofthe bar operation table.▼入口接待区,reception ©Meatmountain▼镜面金属延伸空间,mirrored metal panels extending the space©Meatmountain设计整合了原有建筑凌乱的叠级,使得空间除水平延展外,获得上升方向的变化,同时影响长条形操作台随地面的高差变化而变化。The design integrates the cluttered cascades of theoriginal building, so that the space can obtain thechange in the ascending direction in addition to thehorizontal extension, and concurrently affect thechange of the elongated console with the heightdifference.▼操作台轴测图,axonometric of the operation table ©0321studio▼随高差变化的操作台,operation table changing according to theheight difference ©Meatmountain▼休息区位于低处转角,resting area located in the lower space atthe corner ©Meatmountain▼休息处,resting area ©Meatmountain在天花的处理上简洁凌厉的线性布置,成片状分区照明,对花材与植被的亮度与良好显色性提供更加均匀精准的照明条件,突出该空间下花艺与花艺师相互创作的存在。The simple and sturdy linear arrangement of theceilings and the zonal lighting in slices providemore uniform and precise lighting conditions for thebrightness and good color rendering of flowers andvegetation, highlighting the existence of mutualcreation between flowers and florists in this space.▼线性屋顶,linear ceiling ©Meatmountain▼洗手池,washing sink ©Meatmountain▼材料细部,material details ©MeatmountainProject Name: RSOCIETYArchitecture Firm: 0321studioLead Architects: buyangzhengWebsite:www.0321studio.comContact e-mail:info@0321studio.comFirm Location:shenzhen, China Completion Year:03.05.2020Gross Built Area:180㎡Project location: HubinZun Garden, area C, Zhongxing Lakeside City,Yixing, ChinaMore:0321studio。更多关于他们:0321studio on gooood
Appreciations towards 0321 studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/01
Editor:Lucas Lee
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