Salem Public Library Renovation / Hacker
create a space that is welcoming, safe, and flexible while enriching a connection between people and their community
Salem Public Library Renovation / Hacker
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

塞勒姆公共图书馆(Salem Public Library)位于市中心,预计将进行翻修,以使其结构弹性和建筑系统达到现代标准。96000平方英尺的混凝土结构建于1970年,并于1990年进行了扩建。当为抗震改造、无障碍改善和生命安全更新提供资金时,该市的图书馆寻找到了一个难得的机会,可以解决工作人员和图书馆用户在老化的混凝土建筑和旧空间中遇到的一些额外的挑战。

The Salem Public Library’s downtown location was due for a renovation to bring its structural resilience and building systems up to modern standards. The 96,000-square-foot concrete structure was built in 1970 and underwent an expansion in 1990. When funding came through for seismic renovation, accessibility improvements and life-safety updates, the city and library saw a rare chance to address some of the additional challenges encountered by staff and library patrons in their aging concrete building and outdated spaces.

▽室外空间,Outdoor space.


Design for Integration and Resources


Through a deep partnership with the library team, a vision was established to create a space that is welcoming, safe, and flexible while enriching a connection between people and their community.


The design brings daylight into the core of the large, fortress-like building, transforming an inward-facing brutalist-era building into a bright, voluminous space that invites the community in. New windows and redesigned entrances create connections between outside and in, and the voluminous central space creates vertical connections between floors.



With almost no wiggle room in a utilitarian budget, the design team for the library needed to get creative finding ways to make every dollar spent do double-duty. Each aspect of the design is filtered through a practical lens of how each choice can contribute to improved seismic and life safety while also delivering on a vision that is community-oriented and centers the experience of patrons and staff.

▽中心楼梯,Central staircase.

▽旧图书馆室内,Inside the old library.


Design for Change


To create a more pleasant, cohesive library experience for patrons, the design reimagines how different spaces with different functions relate to one another – staff spaces vs. public spaces, the needs of library sections serving different age groups, quiet zones, noisy zones, high-traffic areas.


Library staff and back of house spaces are now consolidated on the lower floor for greater efficiency and functionality. Active public spaces are found primarily on the upper two levels. The youth services previously separated by several floors now relocated to the top level to allow for greater sharing of resources as well as improved operations and clarity of collections, which includes vibrant new spaces for the Teen Scene and Children’s areas, and the Discovery Room has been relocated to Children’s. The lower level plaza opens up to an active, bustling main entrance, adjacent to a maker space for hands-on learning, meeting and conference space, and a community room that can accommodate larger events after regular library hours.

▽儿童阅读区,Children's reading area.

Hacker design team

Project Manager & Principal-in-Charge: Laura Klinger

Design Principal: David Keltner

Interior Design Principal: Jennie Fowler

-Interior Designer: Anya Smith

-Interior Designer: Whitney Jordan

-Interior Designer: Tracey Olson

-Interior Designer: Mayumi Nakazato

Project Architect: Daniel Childs

-Architectural Team: Nick Pectol

-Architectural Team: Caleb Couch

-Architectural Team: Lewis Williams

Project QA/QC: Matt Sugarbaker

Project Team

Architecture and Interiors: Hacker

Design-Build Contractor: Howard S. Wright

Landscape: Ground Workshop

Civil Engineer: Westech Engineering

Structural Engineer: KPFF

Mechanical & Plumbing Engineer: PAE

Electrical Engineer: PAE

Lighting: O-

Acoustical Engineer: Listen Acoustics

Photographer: Lara Swimmer

Signage/Wayfinding: The Felt Hat

Code Consultant: Code Unlimited

Client: City of Salem

Photography:Lara Swimmer


1. Mohawk Carpet

2. Lyngsoe Systems: Automated Book Processing

3. Biblio Model: Shelving Systems

4. Keilhauer - Oro Lounge Chair: Lounge Chairs

5. Bernhardt: Seating Rounds

6. Maharam: Furniture fabrics

Appreciations towards Hacker for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/30
Editor:Lucas Lee
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