Sanxingdui Museum Winning Proposal / CSCEC
Sanxingdui Museum Winning Proposal
Sanxingdui Museum Winning Proposal / CSCEC

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中国建筑西南设计研究院联合体在三星堆古蜀文化遗址博物馆及附属设施工程建筑概念设计方案全球征集中胜出。联合体提交的2号方案成为最终中选实施方案。该方案由中建西南院团队原创设计,联合体方矶崎新+胡倩工作室担任项目顾问。项目目前正在深化设计阶段,预计2022年上半年开工建设。China Southwest Architectural Design and ResearchInstitute Corp. Ltd won the global soliciiation forconceptual architectural design of Sanxingdui museumof Ancient Shu Cultural relics and ancillaryfacilities project. Scheme 2 submitted by theConsortium became the final selected implementationscheme. The project was designed by the team ofCSWADI, and Isozaki + HuQian Partners served as theproject design consultant. The project is currentlyin the advanced design stage, and construction isexpected to start in the first half of 2022.


沉睡数千年,一醒惊天下”,三星堆古蜀文化距今4800年,遗址出土众多国宝和数以万计精美文物,三星堆文物展现出的浪漫主义色彩,在中国青铜文化中独树一帜。其繁复的工艺、独特的造型和宏大的形体,反映了当时中国科技发展的最高水平,在世界青铜工艺史上占有重要地位。被誉为“长江文明之源”。The ancient Shu culture of Sanxingdui is 4,800 yearsold. Numerous national treasures and tens ofthousands of exquisite cultural relics have beenunearthed at the site. The Sanxingdui culturalrelics show unique romanticism, making it a schoolof its own in Chinese bronze culture. Itscomplicated craft, unique shape and grand shapereflect the highest level of scientific andtechnological development in China at that time, andoccupy an important position in the history ofbronze craft in the world. Known as “the source ofYangtze River Civilization”.


Since November 2019, the sanxingdui ruins’comprehensive exploration and focus on exploringrestart, there have been new archaeological findingsand historical relics jack outcrop, sanxingduiarcheological entered the new era. The two existingpavilions, with a total floor area of 10,800 squaremeters, were unable to accommodate the new exhibits,and the construction plan of the new museum was puton the agenda. The conceptual design planning areais located in the northeast corner of the coreconservation area of the site, covering a total areaof about 75,000 square meters. The total area of thenew museum and visitor center is about 54,400 squaremeters. After completion, the new museum will formthe Three Star Dui Museum group together with theexisting museum 1 and 2, creating a diversified andmodern world-class thematic museum.

设计理念 DesignConcept

1.1 “望”——总图布局时空对望Gazing — Masterplanlayout, Confrontation through time andspace三星堆遗址博物馆园区距成都40公里,位于广汉城西鸭子河畔。园区内部植被茂密,水系环绕,游客中心,一号馆,二号馆,研学馆,文创馆,文保中心等建筑散布其间。Sanxingdui Site Museum park is 40 kilometers awayfrom Chengdu, located by the Duck River in the westof Guanghan . The park is surrounded by lushvegetation and water system. The visitor center,No.1 hall, No.2 Hall, Research Hall, Culturalinnovation Hall, cultural preservation center andother buildings are scattered in the park.


In terms of the general layout, we chose the strategyof integrating parts into a whole, integrating thenew museum and the visitor center. The volumes ofthe reservoir area, exhibition area and visitorcenter are arranged from west to east, and the threevolume units rotate to the southwest, shaping theposture of the architectural aspiration ofSanxingdui Site area and panoramic view of the sitearea and the park. Form the space-time dialoguebetween the museum and the “site area”

1.2 “堆”——体量生成堆列三星Gazing — Masterplanlayout, Confrontation through time andspace

古蜀王国城墙遗留下来的三个起伏相连的堆状遗址和北面新月状的月亮湾台地,形成“三星伴月”景观,“三星堆”由此得名。The three undulating pile-shaped ruins left over fromthe city wall of the ancient Shu Kingdom and thecrescent-shaped Moon Bay platform in the north formthe landscape of “three stars with the Moon”, hencethe name “Sanxingdui”.


We continued the development of the classic spiralcurve outer wall of the old building, and extractedthe lines from the ancient cultural relics ofSanxingdui as the control curve for the shape andinternal space of the three piles. The roof adoptsthe form of sloping earth covering, and the buildingis hidden into the site, echoing the left and rightshape of Hall No. 1. The building forms threeearth-covered mounds arranged along the centralaxis, which means “piling up three stars”. The planecontrol lines of the three piles are extended andintersected at a point, and the included angles ofthe planes are in a multiple relationship. Therigorous geometric logic generates a unique rhythm.

设计在“显”与“隐”、“新”与“旧”、“分“与“合”之间,寻找巧妙的平衡点,以恰当的姿态回应园区复杂的建筑现状和场地文脉。Find an ingenious balance between “explicit” and“hidden”, “new” and “old”, “divide” and“integration”, and respond to the complexarchitectural status and historical context of thepark with an appropriate attitude.

1.3 “眼”——公共空间古蜀之眼Eye —Public space,eye of Ancient Shu

古蜀青铜面具通过极富表现力的眼睛,仿佛在与观众进行一场穿越时空的对话。在方案构思上,眼睛也作为建筑内部公共空间与外部遗址园区对话的窗口,巧妙地容纳了“时空螺旋序厅”和“圜流古今剧场”两个节点空间。Through its expressive eyes, the ancient Shu bronzemask seems to be having a dialogue with the audiencethrough time and space. In the conception of thescheme, the eyes also serve as a window for thedialogue between the public space inside thebuilding and the external ruins park, cleverlyaccommodating the two node spaces of “spiral prefacehall” and “ancient and modern theater”.

在“时空螺旋序厅”,环形的青铜楼梯环绕青铜大立人螺旋向下,与二号馆环绕青铜神树螺旋向上的中庭遥相呼应,向下探秘古蜀之源,向上展开未来之旅,“应天接地”,形成新旧建筑之间的对话与传承。In the “spiral preface hall”, the circular bronzestaircase spirals downward around the bronze Dalipeople, echoing the atrium spiraling upwards aroundthe bronze tree in Hall 2, exploring the source ofancient Shu downwards and expanding the futurejourney upwards. Heaven and Earth”, forming adialogue and inheritance between old and newbuildings.

在“圜流古今剧场”,游客可观赏一场来自古蜀先民的情景短剧,也可透过“眼睛”,驻足欣赏老馆与遗址的景色。In the “ancient and modern theater “, visitors canwatch a short sitcom from the ancestors of ancientShu, and they can also stop and enjoy the scenery ofthe old museum and ruins through “eyes”.

外立面采用玻璃幕墙和青铜遮阳板,堆体部分采用干挂米黄石板,虚实对比,形成三星堆标志性的“古蜀之眼”。The facade is made of glass curtain wall and bronzesunshade, and the main part is made of yellow slate.The contrast between virtual and real forms theiconic “Eye of Ancient Shu” in Sanxingdui.

1.4 “展”——展陈空间灵活布局Exhibition —Exhibition space,flexiblelayout

新馆共三个堆体,东侧两个堆体为展陈空间,西侧一个堆体为后勤库区。穿过游客中心向西,进入时空螺旋序厅,螺旋楼梯环绕尺度放大6倍的青铜大立人雕塑,让游客切实感受古蜀文明“沉睡千年,惊醒万众”的震撼。自序厅开始,通过设置灵活的观展流线,游客既可以通过“一笔动线”连续参观全部展厅,也可选择参观特定主题展厅。观众依次进入“古城古国”展厅,“古蜀文明交流”展厅,“考古发掘历程”展厅,参观完一层后,通过螺旋楼梯,进入二层”圆形剧场“观赏情景短剧,再参观“艺术、神话与祭祀”展厅,”文物重器专题“展厅,”新考古成果“展厅。There are three piles in the new museum, two piles onthe east side are exhibition spaces, and one pile onthe west side is the logistics storage area.Go west through the visitor center and enter thespiral preface hall. The spiral staircase surroundsthe bronze Daliren sculpture, which is enlarged 6times in size, allowing visitors to truly experiencethe shock of the ancient Shu civilization “sleepingfor thousands of years and awakening everyone”.Starting from the preface hall, we have designed aflexible exhibition flow. Visitors can visit allexhibition halls continuously or choose to visitspecific theme exhibition halls.The audience enters the exhibition hall of “AncientCity and Ancient Country”, the exhibition hall of“Communication of Ancient Shu Civilization”, and theexhibition hall of “Archaeological ExcavationHistory”. “Art, Myths and Sacrifices” exhibitionhall, “Relics and heavy artifacts” exhibition hall,“New archaeological achievements” exhibition hall.

参观完二层,观众通过螺旋楼梯可直达地下一层,游玩儿童乐园、或聆听学术报告。新馆临展厅位于展区最西侧靠近库区,相对独立,便于管理和快速换展。新馆共6个常展厅和1个临展厅,展览面积1.8万㎡。结构设计采用钢桁架楼盖,保证展厅为均为灵活无柱,可分可合的开敞空间,设备管线布置于空腹桁架层,实现设备、结构、布展空间的高度集成。展厅跨度约15到30M,一层展厅层高8M,二层展厅层高6-12M,通过楼板局部挑空,提供了6到15米不同高度的展厅,为灵活布展预留充分的条件。展厅北侧布置专用货运通道,便捷联系库区和展区。After visiting the second floor, the audience can godirectly to the first basement through the spiralstaircase, play in the children’s playground, orlisten to academic reports. The temporary exhibitionhall of the new pavilion is located at thewesternmost side of the exhibition area, close tothe warehouse area, and is relatively independent,which is convenient for management and quickexhibition change.The new hall has 6 permanent exhibition halls and 1temporary exhibition hall, with an exhibition areaof 18,000 square meters. The structure design adoptssteel truss floor to ensure that the exhibition hallis a flexible open space without columns, which canbe divided and combined. The span of the exhibitionhall is about 15 to 30m, the height of the firstfloor is 8m, and the height of the second floor is6-12m. The floor slab is partially hollowed out toprovide exhibition halls with different heights of 6to 15 meters, and sufficient conditions are reservedfor flexible exhibition arrangement. A dedicatedfreight channel is arranged on the north side of theexhibition hall to facilitate the connection betweenthe warehouse area and the exhibition area.

1.5 “畅”——交通组织便捷顺畅Smooth — Trafficorganization, Convenient andsmooth

向新路右侧的生态停车场,可容纳800辆小汽车和40辆大巴车。大巴车和小汽车的车行入口分设南北两侧,相对独立。停车采用单元式布局,便于分区管控。游客停车后,穿过向新路,到达游客中心前区。在向新路靠博物馆一侧,为乘坐出租车和网约车到达的观众设置了港湾式落客区。博物馆贵宾通过北侧或东侧车行入口进入园区,可到达园区贵宾楼和新馆东北角贵宾休息室。游客电瓶车始发站设置在游客中心入口处,方便游客更舒适地参观整个园区。后勤与货车运输通过北侧道路开口进入园区内部道路,方便到达博物馆西北侧的后勤库房区。The ecological parking lot on the right side ofXiangxin Road can accommodate 800 cars and 40 buses.The entrances for buses and cars are located on thenorth and south sides, which are relativelyindependent. Parking adopts unit layout, which isconvenient for zoning management and control. Aftervisitors park their cars, cross Xiangxin Road andarrive at the front area of the Visitor Center.On the side of Xiangxin Road near the museum, we haveset up a harbour-style drop-off area for visitorsarriving by taxi and online car-hailing.VIPsof the museum enter the park through the north oreast car dealership entrance, and can reach the VIPbuilding of the park and the VIP lounge at thenortheast corner of the new building.Thedeparture station of the tourist battery car is setat the entrance of the tourist center, which isconvenient for tourists to visit the whole park morecomfortably.Logistics and truck transportationenter the inner road of the park through the roadopening on the north side, and it is convenient toreach the logistics warehouse area on the northwestside of the museum.

1.6 “融”——园区规划“融旧纳新”Fusion — Overallplanning, fusion of old andnew

园区现存两条不同年代形成的轴线,布局零散,设计重新梳理了整个园区的参观动线,利用景观设计融合建筑,消解轴线,形成从游客中心开始,串联新馆,二号馆,祭坛,文保中心,一号馆的参观环线。让园区重新融合成为完整的生态公园。“堆列三星,古蜀之眼”,三星堆博物馆新馆的建设,将重塑园区空间格局与游览体验,在时光长河中留下刻度与烙印,塑造三星堆文化的新地标。We have reorganized the visiting circulation of theentire park, and formed a visiting loop that startsfrom the visitor center and connects the new hall,hall 2, altar, cultural protection center, and hall1.There are two existing axes formed indifferent ages in the park, and the layout isscattered. We use the landscape design to integratethe buildings, dissolve the axes, and reintegratethe park into a complete ecological park.The construction of the new Sanxingdui Museum willreshape the spatial pattern and tourist experienceof the park, leave a mark and mark in the long riverof time, and create a new landmark of Sanxingduiculture.




建筑设计:刘艺 肖波 杨鹏程 杨扬 沙澎 陈朔 万雅玲 辛振 黄翔宇 邱严泉 

结构设计:杨文 杨现东 赖程钢 刘晓舟

给排水设计:刘帅 杨久洲

暖通设计:杨玲 魏明华文玲

电气设计:李慧 敖发兴 邱玉


绿色建筑:南艳丽 窦枚


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Published on 2023/11/27
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