Scenography for Music, Dance, Adventure / DJA-Didzis Jaunzems Architecture
The dance concert “Music, Dance, Adventure!” is a new understanding of contemporary scenography.
Scenography for Music, Dance, Adventure / DJA-Didzis Jaunzems Architecture
Project Year
Site Area
300 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The dance concert “Music, Dance, Adventure!” is a new understanding of contemporary scenography. Scenography is no longer seen as just a stage decoration but rather as a tool for the creation of various spatial situations. The stage space of the opera is 32-by-32 feet and has been divided into the smallest basic elements. The very flexible dimensions can now be used to create various space scenarios for specific dance performances. The space can remain a homogeneous base, it can become open from two sides, or contain one central element, such as a tree, or several distributed elements, such as a forest. The vertical elements are made of translucent plastic tubes, which draw in the light and scatter it homogeneously along their total length.The Riga 2014 cultural capital “Riga Festival” program held the event in the Latvian National Opera House on June 21. The Latvian National Symphonic Orchestra played fragments from the musicals “In The city” and “West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein and “Bolero” by Morsa Ravela. Symphonic dances were performed by youth dance groups of Riga Daycare centers and the dance studio Dzirnas.

Appreciations towards DJA-Didzis Jaunzems Architecture for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/14
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