Deep Dive Rowing Club / Scenic Architecture Office
Waterfront open rowing club
Deep Dive Rowing Club / Scenic Architecture Office
Project Year
Site Area
3300 m²
Text description provided by the architects


In order to promote and support China's rowing sport for a long term, Vanke Education Group, in collaboration with Shanghai Pudong New District, planned to build a small rowing club in Century Park to organize rowing training and activities for more youth and teenagers. Having 200 trainees each year with 20 to 30 every month, the club needs to store approximately 15-20 rowing boats and provide training & activity rooms, lockers&showers, toilets and seating areas for adolescents. The club will conduct daily training and technical instruction and also open to parents and rowing enthusiasts.

▼鸟瞰赛艇俱乐部和世纪公园,Areial view of rowing club and century park 摄影:©苏圣亮


Century Park is the largest wetland park open to the public in downtown Shanghai. The Zhangjiabang River, which can be partially used for rowing training, is an urban river that crosses the park in a rough width of 35m. Rowing athletes face the opposite direction of advancing when paddling.Due to the considerations of safety and speed change, we set up the club at the bend point of the river with a coveto facilitate two-way departures and arrivals. The site was covered withdensely planted metasequoia forest, leaving only a 4-meter-wide old pier on the shore. In order to minimize the impact on the original environment, we divided usable spaces into four parts: the pieris located on the south side of the cove, the activity room is placed on the west side of the river, and the changing room is built on the old pier site. The boathouse is then the only part of the project that needs to occupy the existing forest. To avoid large-scale felling or transplanting, we split the boathouse into three thin strips scattering in the forest, roughly corresponding to the direction of the new pier.

▼赛艇俱乐部轻柔的与自然接触,A Minimum touch with nature 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼东侧可浮动水面平台分别通往艇库和训练活动室,Get on rowing boat from the pier 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼南侧水面上的训练活动室,South side of the main building 摄影:©苏圣亮


The rowing boats have 4 kinds in size for singles, doubles, fours and eights. The length is about 8-18m and the width is only 30-60cm. The width of the “small home” we designed for the boats is limited to accommodateonly one boat yet with four floors, and the length is a combination of the boat length modules. In order to reduce the impact of on-site construction in the park, the structural foundations of the boathouses consist of prefabricated point-likeconcrete blocks. The column composed bytwo bolted angle steel, is forked in the upper part like a tree to form a “Y” to support double pitched canopy. On the lower part four “branches”cantileveredfrom the column serve the rowing boat storage. The slender boathouses are completely open with only necessary roof shelter, making the boat carrying a weight-bearing walk in the forest.

▼森林和艇库生成的多重空间层次,Spatial layers produced by the forest and the boathouses 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼Y型钢柱像小树一样支撑艇库的顶棚,The column like a tree to form a Y to support boathouse canopy in the forest 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼插入森林中的纤细艇库对自然完全开放,The slender boathouses inserted in the forest are open to natural environment 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼运艇回艇库,The way to boat house 摄影:©苏圣亮


The pier is located at the boundary between the river and the cove on the south side of the base. The pier floatsin the water andis fixed with pipe pilesby embracing pulleys. It is covered with plastic wood panels and supported by bundles of buoys. Serving both sides, the pier connects to the shore through a 5.5-meter-wide ramp to the boathouse area, and to the passage between the activity room and the changing roomthrough a small ladder. Both the ramp and the ladder are connected by hinges to comply with the fluctuation of the water level.

▼从艇库前往泊艇码头,View from boat house to pier 摄影:©苏圣亮


The activity room in the river is a waterfront pavilion like“a boat not tied”. The bottom is barge-like rectangular steel grating on pipe piles driven into the riverbed. The cover is a 20-meter-long double-pitched roof, supported only by twin steel H-pillars at both ends - this gives freedom and access to the space: between the H-pillars is the door towards exteriorplatforms, between the twin beams on the pillars becomes the passage for the skylight. The east side of the activity room is adjacent to the changing room. An eight-meter-long cabinet divides these two spaces, the front is for storage, the rear is awriting board, and the two ends contain the air-conditioners. The other three sides of the activity room are facing the riverfront; on west side three sets of foldable sliding windows provide complete openness to the outside. Below the sliding windows is a longand wide wooden sill that can be seated, making this boundary space a place for rest, communication, and viewing. It also established a visual connection between indoor ergometer training and rowing training in the river. We not only allow the pavilionto open itself to the surroundings, but also give it a special identity through its position in the water and a slightly lower floor elevation in comparison with the riverbank. To enterthe pavilion requires three steps down from the entrance, it is yet until placing yourself inside this calm space that you start to perceive the merge with thenature outside.

▼老柳树下的水上平台 The waterfront platform under the old willow 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼对水面打开的训练活动室,The activity room open to nature 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼活动室内景,Interior View of the main activity room 摄影:©苏圣亮


In this circulation system, we paid special attention to the outdoor area. Apart from the tall metasequoia trees, there are also abundant shrubs, flowers, vegetation, and small animals such as squirrels and turtles that often move between forests and riversides. In order to reduce interfering their environment, we used wood plank paving only on the way to the building entry, butmake permeable paths in the area of the boathouses. Along the paths we array 600 small concrete blocks as individual dots, on which stainless steel grills were placed as trails. These transparent walkways still allow plants to grow between them, and keep rooms for the small animals.

▼通向赛艇俱乐部的步道,Club Entrance 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼林间小径分叉的路口,Entry from the metasequoia forest 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼穿过钢格栅生长的小草,Plants grow in the gap between the aluminium grid 摄影:©苏圣亮


We hope that this club will not only help the promotion and development of the rowing sport, but also be able to exert a subtle influence on the establishment of teenagers’ ecological idea through a friendly relationbetween architecture and natural environment.

▼河上俱乐部和赛艇运动,The Club and rowing sports on the river 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼活动室北侧,North side of the main building 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼老柳树下的俱乐部入口庭院,Semi enclosed courtyard with an old willow 摄影:©苏圣亮

▼三扇可完全打开的折叠推拉窗,风和光线在活动室内自由流动 Three sets of foldable sliding windows provide openness to the outside 摄影:©苏圣亮











业 主:万科教育集团




摄 影:苏圣亮/是然建筑摄影

Architect: Scenic Architecture

Location:Century Park, Shanghai Pudong District

Program:rowing training and activities for youth and teenagers

Foot Print:120 m²

GFA :300 m²


Design Team: Zhu Xiaofeng, Li Qitong(project manager), Du Jie(project designer), Zhou Yan

Client:Vanke Education Group

Structural Consultant:Zhang Zhun/ AND Office

Structure:steel framework

Main Materials: Bangkirai plank, titanium-Zinc panel roof, foldable heat-break aluminum profilesystem, white aluminum panel, composite wood panel, antirust paint and fluorocarbon coating, wood-plastic composite flooring

Photographer: Su Shengliang/SchranImage Studio

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Published on 2023/07/17
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