Copper Blockhouse / Wutopia Lab
All metal clad copper bunker
Copper Blockhouse / Wutopia Lab
Wutopia Lab

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405 m²
Text description provided by the architects

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide. ——《Fight Club》



2023年4月,Wutopia Lab设计的Copper Blockhouse 铜堡在EKA天物创意园区正式落成开放。

同病相怜的一对中年男人 Two Middle-aged Man in a Same Predicament

You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world. ——《Fight Club》

工作不能代表你,银行存款并不能代表你,你开的车也不能代表你,皮夹里的东西不能代表你,衣服也不能代表你,你只是平凡众生中的其中一个。 ——《搏击俱乐部》



In 2021, I was invited by my friend Qiye, to design a central building in the center of the creative industry park that I renovated for him. However, we are both spaced out those days as our wives are facing a similar dilemma. We are distracted, yet tried to take our minds off anxiety by working, but it was hard to fully concentrate.

Various possibilities of functions such as clubs and café were vetoed, as these ordinary functions cannot convince the two worried middle-aged men. Eventually, we agreed on a multi-functional spiritual fortress to be the central building. I said to Qiye that we needed to justify our existence through this project, which can not be done with a commercial development. A museum is a church of the modern age, and it might settle our restless souls. Therefore, we used the museum as the base of the work.


Nautical machinery and ships are huge metal objects, therefore, I decided to build the building entirely of metal, and copper was chosen in the end. I am superstitious that metal shell is strong enough to protect our frighted souls.


我要造船那样造一个铜堡 I Want to Build a Copper Blockhouse the Way a Ship is Built

First you have to give up. First you have to know, not fear, know that someday you’re gonna die. It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. ——《Fight Club》

你得先放弃一切,你必须没有恐惧,面对你总有一天会死的事实。只有抛弃一切,才能获得自由。 ——《搏击俱乐部》


The form of the design is the original arched shed on the site. The building is an arch, and that’s it. It was the nautical machine factory that inspired me to build this fortress the way a ship is built. Therefore, the construction of the building started with the keel, which was made of welded structural steel from 150mm to 220mm wide, covered by copper plates on both sides to form the internal and external facades. This is the origin of Full Metal Jacket.





There’s a gleaming stainless-steel space in the fortress, the cabin of the ship. It functions a café, as well as a stage, with a kitchen and a bathroom. This is the only decoration of the Copper Blockhouse, symbolizing the sharpness of our souls, and the desires behind.


The grass on the north side of the fortress was designed into a huge black wading pool. The Copper Blockhouse is then presented as a submarine, emerging from water surface like a shimmering whale, quietly, silently, rippling inside.

尽管无处可去,但这个建筑是我们的救赎 Despite Nowhere to go, this Building is Our Salvation

Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again. Resurrected.——《Fight Club》

我每晚都会死一次,可是又重生一次。复活过来。 ——《搏击俱乐部》


The rest of the park was designed by an excellent architect who gave the park a new look. However, I kept the newspaper wall on south side of the shed, the human security, the big tree, and the rockery. I tried to remain some fragments of the memory of the site because I am increasingly reluctant to forget. Each building in the park is abundantly designed, and that’s why I preferred to keep the Copper Blockhouse simple. If the whole park is a partita, the Copper Blockhouse is a silent pause.





I ambushed a variety of possibilities in this “pause”, the fortress - exhibitions, performances, lectures, parties, a museum, even skateboarding activities. The café can be used as a stage if keep the gate towards the pool open. With the water surface drawing down, a glittering catwalk appears. We once imagined here to be a dramatic show, but after the year of 2022, I’ve changed my mind. I hope there would be glorious fireworks, a choir performance on the water, singing about the pain and the hope. Because “What's past is prologue.”


This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.



The name “Copper Blockhouse” is inspired by an air raid shelter reserved on the project site, a solid fortress.

Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.




设计公司:Wutopia Lab








摄影:CreatAR Images





Project Information

Project name: Copper Blockhouse

Design firm: Wutopia Lab

Chief architect: YU Ting

Project manager: MU Zhilin

Design team: MI Kejie, XU Nan, DAI Ruoyu

Construction drawing design firm: Shanghai Southeast United Engineering Design Co., Ltd

Client: Shanghai Jiayun Investment Management Development Co., Ltd

Construction firm: Shanghai Qikufangyun Culture Technology Co., Ltd

Lighting consultant: ZHANG Chenlu

Photo Credits: CreatAR Images

Project location: Pudong, Shanghai, China

Project year: 2021.4-2023.4

Area: 405 sqm

Materials: copper, stainless steel, micro cement, glass

Appreciations towards Wutopia Lab for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/10/29
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