Strand Lamps For Muuto By Layer / Layer
Strand Lamps For Muuto By Layer
Strand Lamps For Muuto By Layer / Layer

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非常感谢LAYER将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于他们:LAYERon gooood.Appreciation towardsLAYERforproviding the following description:LAYER事务所的创始人BenjaminHubert近日为家居品牌Muuto设计了Strand系列灯具。该系列包含四款由精致钢架构成的优雅吊灯,外部包覆着新型的茧式材料。这是LAYER为Muuto设计的第一套产品,而BenjaminHubert也是首个与该品牌合作的英国设计师。Strand系列将于伦敦设计周期间(2019年9月14日至22日)在Heal’s的Muuto专柜推出。Benjamin Hubert of experience design agency LAYER hasdesigned Strand for Muuto. The collection comprisesfour elegant pendant lamps constructed from a finelycrafted steel frame over which an innovativecocooning material has been sprayed. This is thefirst product designed by LAYER for Muuto, andBenjamin Hubert is the first British designer towork with the Scandinavian brand. The Strand PendantLamps will launch at Muuto in Heal’s during LondonDesign Festival, which runs from 14-22 September2019.▼Strand系列吊灯,Strand collectionStrand系列的设计宗旨是,用最少的材料创造一系列简洁却不乏表现力的现代风格灯具。轻量和精细的钢框架外覆盖着薄而坚固的纤维材料,使吊灯在拥有巨大体积的同时只用了很少的材料,对比效果十分强烈。The Strand collection was driven by a desire tocreate a series of lamps with expressive yet simplecontemporary forms using a minimal amount ofmaterial. The lightweight and fine steel frameworkis covered with a very thin yet robust fibrousmaterial to create a form with a large volume andsmall material impact.▼有着中性色调的吊灯,pendant lampwith neutral tonesStrand系列作品的创作灵感来自典型的工业化柔光照明灯具。通过使用非彩色的中性材料,这种形式的灯具被广泛应用于室内;从家庭、酒店再到商铺。整个系列的吊灯有四种不同的大小和形状,可以单独或整个系列组合悬挂。无论是独立安装还是组合悬挂,吊灯都好似轻盈地悬浮在空中,可以为任何房间带来和谐而精致的感觉。中性的白色调则更加突出了灯具形状和材料的独特感。The Strand collection is informed by the softlyrectilinear forms of archetypal industrial lightingoften used in public spaces. By using a neutralpalette of materials, these forms are adapted for awide range of interior environments, from domesticto hospitality and commercial.Strand isavailable in four different sizes and shapes, whichcan be hung individually or clustered together tocreate a statement installation. Both individuallyand together, the lamps appear to hover lightly inspace, bringing harmony and a refined sensitivity toany room. The neutral white palette emphasises theform and materiality.▼处于居家环境中的组合吊灯,thependant lamps that are in homeenvironment▼吊灯好似轻盈地悬浮在空中,为房间带来和谐而精致的感觉,lampsseem to floatlightly in the air, bringing a harmonious anddelicate feeling to the room伦敦设计周期间,Strand系列灯具将在Heal’s二楼的Muuto空间推出。系列灯具的展览也由LAYER设计,他们最大限度的利用了这个展位空间的良好采光,体现了产品简洁而具有表现力的特征。一张半透明的窗帘悬挂在巨大的窗户上,将自然光扩散到室内,给人一种置身吊灯之中的感觉。展览空间被一分为二——一个区域模拟居家环境展示单个灯具;另一区域在主入口处用来展示灯具组合。The Strand collection will be launched at the Muutospace on the second floor of Heal’s furniture storein Bloomsbury, London, during London DesignFestival. The installation, also designed by LAYER,reflects the simplicity and materiality of theproduct and makes the most of the light-filledspace. A translucent curtain material hangs over thelarge windows, diffusing natural light into theinterior and giving the impression of being insideone of the Strand lamps. The space is divided intotwo – a domestic living setting that showcasesindividual lamps; and a large statement “cluster”installation in the main entrance.▼吊灯在高挑的空间中有着更明显的漂浮感,the lamphas a morepronounced sense of floating in the elevated space“我们很自豪能成为首个与著名的斯堪的纳维亚设计品牌Muuto合作的英国设计师团队。我们和这个品牌有着共同的目标,那就是设计出简洁实用的产品,让每一个普通家庭都可以拥有它,将它从设计展上直接带回家中安装使用。在Strand系列产品中,我们打造了几款柔和的大吊灯,它们散发着温暖而敏感的光线。”BenjaminHubert说道。“We are proud to be the first British designers towork with renowned Scandinavian design brand Muuto.As a brand, they are aligned with our ambition tocreate simple and accessible design that can beowned by many and seamlessly integrated into thehome. With Strand, we have created a collection ofsoftly voluminous pendant lamps that exudegentleness and sensitivity.”Benjamin Hubert said.▼Strand系列吊灯产品图,the product imageBenjaminHubert将于9月19日周四下午18时30分在Muuto空间参加伦敦设计周,届时他将与大家分享更多创作背后的故事。Benjamin Hubert will be sharing the studio’s thinkingbehind the project during a talk for London DesignFestival in the Muuto space at 18.30 on Thursday19th September.▼产品设计手稿,sketchesMore:LAYER.更多关于他们:LAYERon gooood。
Appreciations towards Layer for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/17
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