和“跳舞的 iD 人”说嗨!这是一个将烟囱改造为苏州青苔国际工业设计村入口欢迎标志的创意性作品。
Say hi to the Suzhou Hi-Con, a creative transformation of a chimney into Suzhou QingtaiIndustrial Village’s greeting icon.
Creativity in all its forms is a passionate engagement with making something happen.Creativity is often a disturbance of what is, a reordering of existing material; an encounter withsomething else. Creativity has the power to changes us, to bring us joy and inform us.
“跳舞的 iD 人”是一件生动鲜活的艺术作品,它欢迎所有人来到苏州青苔国际工业设计村,在人们到达时带来一种欢乐和趣味。
The Hi-con is a living and breathing art work designed to welcome everyone to Suzhou’sQingtai International Industrial Design Village bringing a sense of joy and fun on arrival.
为了达到精神堡垒的效果并成为工业村整体规划的一部分, “跳舞的 iD 人” 需要在园区里有一个具象的形象展示。场地东南入口处有一个新建的 24 米高通风烟囱,去包装和改造它似乎是一个不错的机会。
In order to make an impact and be part of the conversation, the Hi-con needed a physicalpresence in the new neighbourhood. Purposefully wrapping and transforming a newly built24metre ventilation chimney at the southeast entrance corner of the site seemed like theobvious opportunity.
“跳舞的 iD 人”作为苏州青苔国际工业设计村一期的一部分,于 2024 年 1 月 28 日向公众开放。
The Hi-Con was opened to the public as part of phase one of the industrial design village onJanuary 28th 2024.
Previously a chimney / 曾是一个烟囱
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苏州青苔国际工业设计村项目采用区域能源站进行集中制冷和供暖,因此场地上需要设置一个烟囱来排放能源站产生的高达 80℃的蒸汽。如何将烟囱的实用形象转化为积极的形象是任务的核心。
The Suzhou Qingtai International Industrial Design Village uses a regional energy station forcentral cooling and heating requiring a chimney to vent generated steam (up to 80 degreesCelsius). How to transform the utilitarian image of the chimney into something positive wasthe assignment.
Inspiration / 设计灵感
设计构思产生于一个周日午后,SPARK 想要赋予烟囱一种个性,这种个性要与 SPARK 对苏州青苔国际工业设计村总体规划的愿景相符,同时也能体现工业设计村的品牌理念。于是,“跳舞的 iD 人”诞生了。
The idea developed on a Sunday afternoon was to give the chimney a personality which couldcontribute to the objectives of SPARK’s master plan for the village. The Hi-con was born.
烟囱穿上了独特的外衣,上半身为字母“i”(工业化 industrial 的第一个字母),下半身为字母“D”(设计 design 的第一个字母)。烟囱的整体结构和它的外观代表着“iD”,即工业设计。
The chimney received its own bespoke set of clothes the upper body the letter "i" ( the firstletter of industrial) the lower body the letter "D" ( the first letter of design). The bodycomposition of the chimney and its clothes together represent "iD"………. Industrial Design.
The letter "i" illustrates that the village is "industrial, innovative, international and iconic". Theletter "D" stands for "Design, Development, Discovery and Dream" which aligns with theambition of the design village.
最终呈现在大家的面前的是一个“跳舞的 iD 人”,他有着白色的时钟脑袋,穿着咖啡色波点上衣,一条腿站立,另外一条腿摆出了跳舞的姿势,展现出活泼而极具动感的形象。
Finally presented in front of everyone is a dancing "iD" person who has a white clock head,wearing a brown polka dot shirt, one leg standing, the other leg posed as a dancing posture,showing a lively and dynamic image.
“跳舞的 iD 人”旨在引发讨论,为游客自拍、创造回忆提供背景板。SPARK 董事闵薇表示:“我们为这个装置的设计增添了趣味性,以强化’公共艺术’可以使场所更具吸引力的概念”。
The Hi-con is meant to stimulate discussion and provide a backdrop for selfies and memories.SPARK director Min Wei said: "We have inserted a moment of fun into to the landscapesupporting the notion that 'public art' makes places more attractive."
“我们关注事物和场所如何为人们导航”,闵薇说:“’跳舞的 iD 人’是一个既有趣又具备实用功能的物体,通过三维立体的‘iD’图形传达了工业设计村的精神,从而引导游客,让他们知道已经到达目的地” 。
"We focused on how objects and places can be navigable for people," Min Wei "The Hi-con isfun but at the same time functional, expressing the spirit of the industrial design villagethrough a three dimensional graphic 'iD', guiding visitors and telling them they have arrivedat the destination."
Hi-con’s suit / 材料选择
SPARK 选择了能够表达场地精神的材料,因此“跳舞的 iD 人”整体采用了暖色调。上半身为铜板,下半身为锈钢板。顶部的圆形时钟是“i”上的一点,也是 iD 人的头部,时钟朝东北方向略微旋转, 欢迎人们从东面驾车而来。
SPARK chose materials that expressed the spirit of the site therefore the Hi-con is wrappedin warm colour tones. The upper body is copper and the lower body is Corten (rusting) steel.The clock atop the body is the dot on the i. and the head of the body, the clock is slightly rotatedto the northeast to welcome visitors coming from the east side.
Letting off steam / 蒸汽排放
烟囱的上半部分需要达到 50%以上的透空率,以满足排放 80℃蒸汽的需求。
The body of the chimney needs to enable more than 50% air permeability, to discharge thesteam.
SUMMARY / 项目总结
通过创意设计和对苏州青苔国际工业设计村规划愿景的大胆表达,SPARK 通过“跳舞的 iD 人”将趣味的实验精神以及独特的审美带到了苏州。
Through creativity and a bold expression of our vision for the Suzhou Industrial Village masterplan, SPARK brings its enjoyment of testing and experimentation along with our uniqueaesthetic sensibility to Suzhou via the Hi-Con.
Length (m): 10.75m
Width (m): 4.4m
Height (m): 24m
CREDITS / 设计信息
Team: Stephen Pimbley, Wenhui Lim, Min Wei, Wai Wing Yun, Tiantian Ge, Qinyu Wu.
Curtain wall: Qiang bin, Chengbao Zhang, Haojian Sun, Qiming Zhang
Structure: Chunliang Su, Wantang Wang
Lighting: He Wei
Photography: CreatAR