Shenzhen Taiziwan School Community Garden / Metro Studio
Campus green space waste
Shenzhen Taiziwan School Community Garden / Metro Studio
Project Year
Site Area
200 m²
Text description provided by the architects


In 6 months, 5 events and 100+ participants, metrostudio has completed the design and construction of an Edible Garden on campus based on a low cost, low operation and shared strategy using the Kids + Designers model. Through the process of building together, we hope to inspire children to identify with the campus and the sense of achievement of their work, touching the heart with beautiful feelings, which is the greatest meaning of our participation in community building.

项目概况About Project


This project is a result of metrostudio's participation in the Shenzhen "Small & Smart Design" competition organised by the Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Nanshan Distinct. We worked with Taiziwan School, Shenzhen Green Found Association, The Nature Conservancy and Shekou Community Foundation. This was an open design-build project, which involved the transformation of the school's derelict space through the participation of multiple parties and design coordination.

▲花园区位 Location


The project site is located between the west side of the school building and the fence, a long and narrow space divided into two plots by the gallery. The planned renovation area is approximately 200 square meters. This is a disposal site for green out plants throughout the campus, which have grown densely over the years, even blocking the light-glass on the first floor of the classroom. The lower and middle floors are strongly dominated by invasive exotic species that crowd the green space. Although adjacent to the academic building, it is not approachable and is gradually becoming a wasteland full of all kinds of debris and in poor native habitat conditions.



Current state before renovation: overgrown bushes and poor light conditions


Through the preliminary research we learned that: the school representatives expect to build an Eco-Farm for students, the organizers hope to make full use of these abandoned urban and community marginal spaces through renovation, and the children want more play space. Our design thinking is therefore geared towards improving the ecology and making the garden more interesting. After much discussion, the theme of the project was "Edible Garden". We have preserved native tree species, removed invasive species, introduced a rich variety of flower borders, planted edible fruits and vegetables in a limited space, and built a three-dimensional green space through transit boxes to make this small, deserted space a co-constructed, nurtured, shared and sustainable garden.

设计策略Design Strategy

一、 1+1+1模式 共建共享 1+1+1 Model & Co-Build


We believe that community garden improves not just the environment, but more importantly people’s mind. It is like a bond that connects people together and allows them to learn to assist each other and grow together through joint creative work.

针对太子湾学校花园改造,迈丘设计提出1+1+1 模式,共建共享,组织“迈丘设计团队+学生建构营+自然引导营”,将儿童自然教育融入设计建造活动之中。

In this project, we propose a 1+1+1 model, organizing a “design team + student construction team + nature display team” to build and share together, incorporating children's nature education into the design and construction activities.

▲模式分析 Pattern analysis

1 个设计团队:负责设计统筹,完成概念设计、种植品种选择、组织建构活动。

1 个学生建构营:由学校组建4-6组学生团队,年龄10岁以上,参与创意设计,由迈丘设计团队负责讲解,点评、指导现场落地建造。

1 个自然引导营:花园建成后,由学校组建自然引导营,在改造成果全部呈现后,由迈丘设计团队提供植物科普课堂。自然引导营的成员将成为未来太子湾学校花园的小导游,为参观的人们提供科普讲解。而这将成为太子湾校园共建花园设计的可持续性自然教育理念。

1 Design Team: responsible for conceptual design, selection of planting varieties and organization of construction activities.

1 Student Construction Team: Team of 4-6 groups of students aged 10+ try to design the ideal garden and put their hands to work under the guidance of our designers.

1 Nature Display Team: Our design team provided plant science classes, while the school formed a nature display group. The students involved in the construction of the garden will become little guides and provide science presentations to people. And this will become the sustainable nature education concept for this project.



The design of the "Edible Garden" takes into account the needs of the future nature showcase camp and its operation. The overall landscape respects the original site conditions and uses transit boxes to build a multi-layered combination of spaces, dividing different plant communities in a small space and providing students with a diverse space for nature awareness and practice.

二、可食花园 生境营造 Edible Garden & Habitat Design

▲平面设计图 master plan


“Habitat” + “community” are the basic components of natural ecosystems. In an urban environment, the network of interconnected green spaces formed by small-scale gardens plays an important role in the conservation of urban biodiversity. The design is based on the concept of Habitat Design, optimizing habitat conditions through landscape design and creating a functional, aesthetically pleasing and low-maintenance plant community landscape that is compatible with the local habitat through joint construction.


The transformation preserves the native trees to provide a habitat for birds; the original shrubs and weeds are cleared, mulched and replanted to create a natural environment and artificial shelter for different types of insects and small mammals. We use fruit baskets as materials to stack three-dimensional planting space; on the bottom layer, with the help of the permeable box frame of the baskets, we support gaps for plant growth on the ground, forming a natural and wild native habitat.

▲生境设计策略 design strategy

三、创意果蔬篮 低值可回收 Creative Baskets & Low-value Recyclable


300 fruit baskets of 490mm*350mm*260mm become the unit building blocks of the garden, just like Lego, combined to build a three-dimensional plant cultivation space. The bright colors, easy and flexible building process, and convenient reorganization possibilities meet children's various imaginations of the garden.


Fruit baskets are recyclable materials with features such as low cost, light self-weight, high load-bearing capacity, durability, safety and environmental protection, which greatly reduce the generation of construction waste and can be recycled. The gridded void of the basket breaks the sense of confinement of the structure, allowing the elements of air, sunlight, wind and water to come into direct contact with the soil layer, providing conditions for the growth of shady native plants on the bottom layer.

▲ 可回收的果蔬篮 Recyclable fruit baskets


With a modular solution, we redefine and enrich openness as a public space by transforming baskets into prefabricated modular units that show the form, scale and rhythm of the architecture through stacking, nesting and combination adjustments. The flexible modular system also offers the possibility to achieve refinement, replicability and rapid construction.

▲ 模块化设计的堆叠结构 Stacked structure with modular design

改造成果Design Effects


The design is dedicated to preserving the natural wildness in this small precious land, providing a pro-nature campus environment for students, and realizing the coexistence of urban orderly landscape and natural wild landscape.




The north side of the corridor has poor light conditions due to the excessive density of plants, so we cut down the plants appropriately to give the sunlight a chance to enter the site and become a space where can stay.

▲ 花园北侧绿地改造前后对比 before and after of the north garden

▲ 改造后实景,花园北侧绿地


The trees on the south side of the garden are mostly palms, which have survived for a long time and are an important component of the site memory. The renovation retains these plants, and after clearing the cluttered vegetation and building plant boxes and seedling observation boxes with a combination of fruit baskets, the area will become a vibrant nature classroom.

▲ 花园南侧绿地改造前后对比 before and after of the south garden

▲ 改造后:花园中的水果餐桌 After renovation: fruit table in the garden

▲“时光机器人”,由水果篮子搭建的标识构筑"Time Robot", a logo construction built from fruit baskets

▲ 花园中的童心秋千 Children’s swings in the garden


The permeable geotextile with permeable fruit baskets provides good conditions for plant growth while reducing maintenance costs. Modular vertical greening brings the option of vertical setup for planting areas, saving space and providing children with convenient space to operate and observe. Plant compost bins are installed in the garden to dispose of green waste and convert it into organic fertilizer, thus reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.

▲ 学生们在观察育苗箱植物的生长状态Students observing the growth status of plants in the nursery box

▲ 种下的蔬菜发芽了 The planted vegetables sprouted

▲ 水果篮种植丰富的植物群落 Rich plant communities planted in fruit baskets

▲ 水果篮底板空隙渗透阳光,为植物自发生长提供机会,形成底层阴生本土植物生境

Sunlight penetration through the gap in the bottom of the fruit basket provides opportunities for spontaneous plant growth, forming a bottom layer of shady native plant habitat.

植物设计Plant Design


▲ 植物设计草图推敲 Plant design sketch

▲ 植物设计平面图


The plant design plan takes "Stacking Dreams, Fun Garden" as the theme, and creates a colorful plant world and an interactive space to stimulate exploration through the differences in texture, form and color of plants. The selection and planting of plants are based on the laws of aesthetics and ecology, taking into account seasonal changes and spatial transitions. Combining living properties and functional needs, the plant design gives more possibilities to the landscape and creates an ecological and interesting plant mood.


We cooperate with the local plant environment to optimize the habitat: the choice of aromatic plants such as rosemary, mint, murraya exotica, perilla, michelia figo, etc. to create both education, science, entertainment and other multi-functional plant landscape, while by using local species, and some flower species such as balloon flower, asplenium nidus, Ixora chinensis Lam., etc., to create a miniature habitat landscape, from then on there will be a habitat for butterflies, birds' nest, insects' playground.


The design takes single flower boxes as the carrier, freely combining and stacking them, guiding students to create miniature gardens, placing them into a large garden with a natural base, creating links and interactions between people and the site by observing and accompanying the growth of plants, and creating a colorful garden landscape.

花园共建 迈丘自然教育

Nature Education Practice of metrostudio

Appreciations towards Metro Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/04
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