Cyrus Tang Foundation Center / UAD
As the headquarters of Tang Zhongying Foundation in mainland China, The China Center of Tang Zhongying Foundation is a complex complex
Cyrus Tang Foundation Center / UAD

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Site Area
15000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

唐仲英基金会中国中心作为唐仲英基金会在中国大陆的总部,是一座功能复杂的综合体。整个建筑需满足基金会日常的办公;用来存放基金会各种礼物的陈列馆;同时承担不定期来自全国各个成员高校团队的交流活动(展览、会议、培训等等)要求。项目坐落于吴江松陵生态公园内的中心区块,地理位置优越,环境优美。整个设计以融合周边环境为出发点,并传承基金会 “服务社会,奉献爱心,推已及人,薪火相传” 的宗旨,可以提炼为消隐的和绿色的建筑。

As the headquarters of Cyrus Tang Foundation (CTF) in mainland China, the project is a complex which integrates multiple functional spaces, including the foundation's offices, a museum for displaying various gifts that the foundation has received, and spaces for holding exchange activities with its college members, including exhibitions, conferences, and training, etc.Situated at the central area of East Tai Lake Ecological Park in Wujiang District, Suzhou, China, it enjoys favorable site conditions and beautiful landscape. The design focuses on the integration with the surrounding environment, inherits CTF's mission of serving disadvantaged communities with love and passing on the spirit of giving, and produces a "dissolved" and green building.

1.消隐的建筑 :



1. Dissolved" Architecture

1.1 Organic Layout

With the continuous development and growth of the foundation, its demands for functional spaces will continue to increase. The design fully considers the necessity of leaving space for future development and therefore applies an organic layout on the irregular site, to allow flexible expansion and adjustment of the building's outline. Future extensions can be constructed naturally alongside the existing layout, without destroying the overall unification and harmony. Additionally, the curvilinear contours break through the building’s monotonous interfaces, and the layout strategy of interpenetration enables the architecture to coexist with the natural landscape in the most environmentally friendly manner.

1.2 消隐的体量


1.2 Dissolved" Volumes

Main functions are designed on 1F (storey height: 7.0 meters) in order to minimize the architecture’s intrusion to the park where it is located. Meanwhile, the rooftop garden functions as elevated vegetation, which not only increases the park's green area, but also provides a beautiful open viewing platform and activity venue for visitors. The protruding building volumes (museum, exhibition area, and multi-function hall, etc.) hide behind the rooftop garden, like a few sculptures, highlighting the “solidness” of the architecture while also strengthening the hierarchy of spaces.

1.3 消隐的立面


1.3 Dissolved" Facades

1F is mainly enclosed by glazed curtain walls. Featuring a rhythmic arrangement of green glass with different transparency, its erected facade echoes the nearby bamboo and dissolves into the surroundings. Besides, facades of the protruding volumes also present bamboo-like vertical patterns, which blend together as an integrated whole. Those refined facades partly result from the elaborate arrangement of the building's equipment: all the tube wells and outlets are all integrated orderly in the roof design.

2. 绿色的建筑:

2.1 高效的布局


2. Green Building

2.1 Efficient Layout

Since only the office area is used perennially while the exhibition area and the multi-function conference hall are utilized occasionally, the design employs a centralized layout, where the office area, exhibition area, multi-function hall and museum are incorporated in one complex. Each functional space can be utilized independently, and at the same time enables efficient integrated operation with others. When utilized independently, each area is set up with its own entrance and exit. Based on site conditions, the office area and the museum are respectively located on the west and the southwest side, resulting in a tranquil ambience on the west part of the site. To connect with the northern outdoor activity venue, the multi-function conference hall is arranged on the north of the site. And the exhibition area is on the east side, next to the secondary entrance. All of those functional spaces are joined by the central hall, which ensures the proper distance among each section as well as the unity of the building.

2.2 绿色的技术

本项目通过节地、节能、节水、节材等各种生态技术的运用,在2014年获得了国家“二星级绿色建筑设计标识”证书。在最初的方案设计阶段中就借助模拟软件对建筑形体的自然通风和采光进行优化分析。 使用国内现有成熟的绿色建筑技术如地源热泵、太阳能光伏一体化、导光照明技术、屋顶绿化、建筑自动遮阳、绿色照明、智能化运营管理等。另一方面,建筑不仅能够高效和节能的运作,同时也吸收了各成员高校可提供的高新技术资源,是一个绿色建筑技术展示的模范平台。

2. 2 Green Technologies

This project won the Chinese Certificate of Green Building Design Label (Two Star) in 2014, for its application of many fully developed green technologies in China, such as geothermal heat pumps, building-integrated photovoltaics, tubular daylight devices, green roof, automated shading system, green lighting and intelligence operation management that saves land, energy, water and building materials. During the initial design process, simulation software was used for the optimized analysis of the building’s natural ventilation and lighting. On the other hand, this is not only an efficient and eco-friendly architecture, but also an exemplary platform for display and exchanges of green technologies, which gathers high-tech resources that universities have brought in.


The architecture is the outcome of effective multi-disciplinary integration and collaboration. Green designs, functional optimization and fusion with the site were fully considered throughout the design process, thereby an architecture that blends and coexists with the ambient natural environment was created.

区位图 SiteLocation

▲一层平面 Firstfloor Plan

二层平面 Secondfloor Plan

立面图 elevation

草图 Sketch

▲建筑形态生成分析图 Mass generation




主要材料:SRC 玻璃纤维水泥板——上海盈创、 屋面绿化、玻璃幕墙



室内设计: 伍兹贝格、杭州典尚设计

景观设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院郑捷所



摄影师: 赵强

Project name: Cyrus Tang Foundation Center

Location: East Tai Lake Ecological Park, Wujiang District, Suzhou, China

Area: 15,000 m2

Main materials: SRC, roofing plant, glass curtain wall

Architects: Dong Danshen, Yang Yidong, Teng Meifang, Lin Zaiguo

Architectural design firm: The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co., Ltd. (UAD)

Architectural design firm website:

Interior design: Woods Bagot, Hangzhou Dianshang Building Decoration Design

Landscape design: The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art (Zheng Jie Studio)

Structural engineers: Zhang Mingshan, Xu Chen, Li Benyue

MEP engineers: Li Haojun, Gong Zengrong, Dong Shaobing, Huang Zhengjie, Liu Haifeng,

Photographer: Zhao Qiang

Appreciations towards UAD for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/01
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