Taxue Jiuli Rural Vacation Homestay / GTD
Taxue Jiuli Rural Vacation Homestay
Taxue Jiuli Rural Vacation Homestay / GTD

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从镜岭十九峰高速口下来,沿着蜿蜒曲折的Y030乡道,依次路过横坞、踏雪、门岩、洞坑村,最终抵达山坳坳的尽头 —秤锤坑村。这个遗世独立之地居住着几户农家,他们在日出时勤劳耕作,在日落时安然入眠。这里宁静而祥和,如同一个隐逸于尘世之外的桃源仙境。一辆小货车定期驶入山中,将整齐摆放的瓜果蔬菜送给村民选购;其余时间,则是一个迷人而幽静的天堂。群山峻岭环绕着茶园农田,在郁郁葱葱的植被间倾泻而下的瀑布保留了原始生态,并不受外界干扰。From the highway exit of Jingling 19 Peak, driving along thewinding Y030 road, pass Hengwu, Taxue, Menyan, Dongkengvillage in turn, and finally arrives at the end of the col —Chengchuikeng Village, where a few families live scattered,working at sunrise and resting at sunset, secluded andpeaceful. A pickup truck will go into the mountainregularly, bringing the yard of fruits and vegetables forvillagers to buy, the rest of the time here is a Xanadu,mountains, tea farming, lush vegetation, cascadingwaterfalls, retain the original ecology, far away from theoutside interference.

作为绍兴镜岭的本地人的展先生(展哥),在外打拼了十余年,一直向往纯净的山野生活。2015年他偶然发现了秤锤坑这个原生态村落,并租下了它,虽然至今未开始动工。这些年来,随着岁月的流逝,他越发渴望将有限的时间和精力聚焦于内心深处的理想以及与家人共度时光。如今已经是2021年初,历经6年反复思考与沉淀后,展哥决定启动民宿项目。 。Mr. Zhan, a native of Jingling, Shaoxing, has always beenlooking forward to a pure mountain life. In 2015, he metChengchukeng, an original ecological village, rentedimmediately but did not start construction. In recent years,as getting older, he hopes to focus his limited time andenergy on his inner ideals and the companionship of family.At the beginning of 2021, after six years of repeatedthinking and precipitation, Mr. Zhan started to launch thehomestay project.

民宿取名为踏雪九里,源自进入村庄前会经过一个叫“踏雪”的自然村,而从踏雪村到秤锤坑又整好九里路。在雪花飞舞的冬季,风尘仆仆的客人们沿着山路踏雪而来,嘴里呵出的暖气在空中凝成白雾,浪漫且美好。踏雪九里,凝结了展哥对内心理想国的无限期许。为此,他在项目启动之后辞去了工作,在一期落成之后又卖掉了城里的房子,举家搬来踏雪。现在,踏雪成了他们真正的家。The homestay is named Taxue Jiuli after the natural villagecalled “Taxue” before entering Chengchuikeng village, andfrom Taxue to Chengchuikeng is just right nine Li(Chinesemeasurement, 1 Li=500 meter). In the snow flying winter,dusty guests walk along the mountain road, the heat comesout from the mouth condensing into white fog in the air,romantic and beautiful. Mr. Zhan has concentrated allhis expectation in Taxue Jiuli. He quit his job after theproject started, sold his house in city after the firstphase has been completed and moved his family to Taxue. Now,Taxue is their real home.

踏雪九里项目占地约2000平米,包含6幢大小不一的夯土屋。结合展哥多年对理想生活的探寻,设计并没有奔着“房间数最大化”的目标而去,在明确需要8间客房后,更多的空间留给了精神诉求,譬如社交型公区、书吧、咖啡馆、茶空间,户外泳池、营地、茶园、果园等等,让前来入住的客人不仅仅是满足睡眠需求,更是一种乡土生活方式的体验。The Taxue Jiuli project covers an area of about 2,000 squaremeters and consists of six rammed earth houses of differentsizes. In combination with Mr. Zhan’s years of exploring theideal life, the design does not aim to “maximize the numberof rooms”. After the clear need for 8 rooms, more space isleft for spiritual demands, such as social public area, bookbar, cafe, tea space, outdoor pool, camp, tea garden,orchard, etc., so that guests can not only meet the need forsleep, it is also an experience of rural life style.

去到乡下,大家最喜欢围坐在院子里。设计中特意在一楼门厅上方增加了屋檐,既可遮风挡雨,又能徜徉在自然的风中。天气晴好的日子里,搬把椅子落坐于此,发呆,看书,聊天,山里的风吹过门廊,格外轻松。When we go to the country, we like to sit in the yard. In thedesign, eaves were added above the foyer on the first floorto provide shelter from the wind and rain. On a fine day, itis easy to sit here in a chair, staring into space, readingand chatting with the mountain wind blowing through theporch.

目前开放营业的一期,体量不大但功能齐全,有3间客房+1个公共活动区域,包括客厅、餐厅和书吧,门外还有一个6米x10米的泳池,里面的水来自天然的山涧溪流。大厅中心是休息区,原石砌成的壁炉墙拙而美,吊挂着漂洋过海而来的野口勇球灯,搭配着中岛乔治的沙发,懂的人自然懂了,爱的人已然爱了。傍晚,燃起篝火,窝进沙发,世界与心境都无比安宁。The first phase of Taxue which is currently opening is smallin volume but fully functioned, with 3 guest rooms +1 publicactivity area, including living room, dining room and bookbar. There is also a 6 m x10 m swimming pool outside thedoor, with water from natural mountain streams.In thecenter of the hall is the rest area. The fireplace wall madeof raw stone is awkward and beautiful, the Noguchi Yomiballball lamp from across the sea is hanging in the middle,which is matched with the sofa of George Nakajima. Those whounderstand will understand, and those who love is alreadyloving. In the evening, light the fire, sit into the couch,the world and the mind are so peaceful.

本着不破坏村落原始面貌的原则,建筑改造上保留原来的夯土墙和木行架。为了让每一层都拥有更舒服的层高,一楼地面下挖20公分;二楼则在保留原建筑顶部高度不变前提下,将屋面延展角度打开、将屋檐上抬60公分,从而提升了二楼的整体层高,由此增加的檐下空间补充成为每间客房的阳台。此番操作,既改善了原有民宅空间低矮的不足,又扩充了客房的使用空间,同时在升高的墙面上增加采光窗,令整体变得更加亮堂舒适。In line with the principle of not destroying the originalappearance of the village, the original rammed earth wallsand wooden walkways were retained in the reconstruction ofthe building. In order to make each floor possessing a morecomfortable height, we dug down 20 centimeters under theground for the first floor; For the second floor, on thepremise of keeping the height of the top of the originalbuilding unchanged, the roof is extended and opened, and theeaves are lifted 60 cm up, thus improves the overall heightof the second floor and the increased space under the eavescomplements the balcony of each guest room. This operationnot only improves the lack of low space of the originalhouse, but also expands the use space of the guest room. Atthe same time, lighting windows has been added on the raisedwall, making the whole room more bright and comfortable.

沿转角楼梯路过一扇老旧格子窗上到二楼,这里是三间客房。每间都尽可能保留了老宅原始的夯土墙面和古法制作的木构梁柱,并在顶部悄悄加开一道天窗增加采光。岁月流淌的痕迹,在拙朴的空间里慢慢散发。A corner staircase, passing by an old latticed window, leadsup to the second floor, where there are three guest rooms.Each room retains as much as possible the original rammedearth walls of the old house and the wooden beams andcolumns made in ancient ways, and secretly adds a skylightat the top to increase the light. Time flowing tracesdistributes in the humble space slowly. 城里人入住民宿,既向往原生态的环境,又离不开现代舒适的设施,因而客房设计中着重关注细节,确保每一处都是简洁的、当代的,干湿分离、私密性、景观浴缸、高端小众的LeLabo洗护系列,体贴地满足了客人对品质的需求。Urban residents living in home stay, not only yearning forthe original ecological environment, but also inseparablefrom modern comfortable facilities, so the room design hasbeen focusing on the details, to ensure that every place issimple and contemporary, such as separation of dry and wetarea, privacy, landscape bathtub, high-end niche Le Labowashing series, considerate to meet the guests’ needs forquality.

有了好的业主,好的设计,还需要有好的施工队将其呈现,在此我们必须隆重提及踏雪的施工团队 —晖哥及其小伙伴们。晖哥,台州临海草宿的民宿主,在自己I期、II期及III期的古村老屋改造中积累了丰富的经验,结合自身多年民宿运营经验,以及对审美、工艺的不懈追求,第一次带着自己的施工团队走出草宿,在踏雪九里毫无保留地分享。每一处细节,每一道工艺,在尽可能追求完美的方向上不断打磨,最终呈现出令业主方、设计方和自己都颇为满意的作品,相互成就。(关于晖哥和草宿)With a good owner, a good design, a piece of good work alsoneeds a good construction team to present, here we mustmention the outstanding construction team of Taxue – Mr. Huiand his partners.Mr. Hui, the resident host of Caoshuin Linhai Taizhou, has accumulated rich experience in thereconstruction of old houses in ancient villages of phase I,II and III. Combined with his years of experience in homestay operation, as well as his unremitting pursuit ofaesthetics and craftsmanship, he took his construction teamout of Caoshu for the first time and shared it withoutreservation in Taxue. Every detail and every process isconstantly polished in the direction of pursuing perfectionas far as possible, and finally presents a work thatsatisfies the owner, the designer and himself, and achievesmutual achievement. (About Mr. Hui and Caosu)

项目名称:踏雪九里乡村度假民宿项目地址:浙江绍兴新昌秤锤坑项目面积:2000平米竣工日期:2022年10月空间设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司平面设计:苳宇锐工程施工:台州七零七装饰工程有限公司主要材料:手工砖,水磨石,木地板,灰泥墙,风化老木板空间摄影:黑水、汤汤Project Name: Taxue JiuliRural Vacation HomestayProject Address: ChengchuikengXinchang , Shaoxing, ZhejiangProject area: 2000 squaremetersCompletion date: October2022InteriorDesign: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co.,LTDGraphicdesign: Mr. Dong YuruiProject Construction: Taizhou707 Decoration Co., LTDMain materials: Handmade brick,terrazzo, wood floor, stucco wall, oldwoodSpacephoto: Heishui, Tangtang

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Published on 2023/11/11
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