Teamlab Universe Of Water Particles In The Tank / teamLab
Teamlab Universe Of Water Particles In The Tank
Teamlab Universe Of Water Particles In The Tank / teamLab

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来自 teamLab对gooood的分享。更多关于:teamLabongooood.AppreciationtowardsteamLabforproviding the following description:2019年3月23日,teamLab将在上海标志性的油罐艺术中心举办大型沉浸式展览:“油罐中的水粒子世界”。在该展览中,既有的油罐空间将被转变为一个充满互动感的、不断变化的装置,旨在探索人与人之间的连接性,以及人与世界之间的一种超越既有限制的全新关系。“teamLab:油罐中的水粒子世界”展览模糊了艺术作品之间、艺术作品与人之间以及各种既定事物之间的界限。在这一共享的空间中,参观者将与艺术作品融为一体并相互产生影响。teamLab comes to the iconic TANK Shanghai museum inShanghai, China to hold the immense inauguralexhibition teamLab: Universe of Water Particlesin the Tank . The immersive exhibitionturns a massive former oil tank into an interactive,ever-changing installation, exploring a continuityamong people, as well as a new relationship thattranscends the boundaries between people and theworld. teamLab: Universe of Water Particles inthe Tankblurs the boundaries betweenartworks and each other, between people andartworks, between the self and the other, and othersuch boundaries that people take as given. Artworksand people become one in this shared space andinfluence one another.本次展览展出的作品包括《油罐中的水粒子世界,消除作品的边界》(2019)、巨型互动数字装置《花与人,不为所控却能共生, 消除作品的边界 –度时如年》(2017)以及由连续水体和画面构成的沉浸式装置《Black Waves:迷失、沉浸与重生》(2019)等。The exhibition will feature the artworks Universeof Water Particles in the Tank, TranscendingBoundaries , 2019, and Flowers andPeople, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together,Transcending Boundaries – A Whole Year perHour , 2017—the enormous, endlesslyevolving interactive digital installations thatheighten awareness of the presence of other peoplethrough interactivity. Another work on view, alongwith several monitor works in various scales, isBlack Waves: Lost, Immersed and Reborn ,2019, in which the waves projected are all connectedand form an immersive, single, unbroken body ofwater.▼本次展览将在上海标志性的油罐艺术中心举办,the exhibition will take placeinthe iconic TANK Shanghai museum in Shanghai,China▼油罐艺术中心外观,exterior view of TANK Shanghai▼花园路径,access in the garden▼室内空间,interior view作品预览FeaturedWorks油罐中的水粒子世界,消除作品的边界Universeof Water Particles in the Tank,TranscendingBoundariesteamLab,2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound:Hideaki Takahashi花与人,不为所控却能共生,消除作品的边界 – 度时如年Flowersand People, Cannot be Controlled butLive Together, Transcending Boundaries –A Whole Year perHourteamLab,2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound:Hideaki TakahashiBlack Waves:迷失、沉浸与重生BlackWaves: Lost, Immersed andRebornteamLab,2019, Digital Installation, Continuous Loop,Sound: Hideaki Takahashi生死无止尽,此刻即永恒IIContinuousLife and Death at the Now of EternityIIteamLab,2019, Digital Work, 12 channels, Endless无常的生命,时空交汇之处诞生新的时空ImpermanentLife, at the Confluence of Spacetime NewSpace and Time isBornteamLab,2018, Digital Work, 4 channels, ContinuousLoop圆相EnsoteamLab,2017, Digital Work, 18min 30sec(loop)展览日期:2019年3月23日-8月24日展览地点:上海油罐艺术中心5号罐(徐汇区龙腾大道2380号)展览时间:周二至周五10:00-20:00(19:00停止入场);周六日及公共假期10:00-21:00(20:00停止入场);周一闭馆策展方:上海油罐艺术中心联系电话:021 69500005展览详情: Mar 23 – Aug24, 2019Venue: TANK Shanghai ( Tank No. 5, 2380Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai)Open:Tue-Fri 10:00-20:00 (Last entry 19:00) / Sat,Sun, Public Holiday 10:00-21:00 (Last entry20:00) Closed: MondayOrganizer : TANK ShanghaiTANK Shanghai Contact: 021 69500005Exhibition details: teamLab。更多关于:teamLabongooood
Appreciations towards teamLab for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/19
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