The Lecture Hall of Tiangang Zhixing Village / SYN Architects
Completes the
The Lecture Hall of Tiangang Zhixing Village / SYN Architects
Project Year
Site Area
800 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Renowned architect Louis Kahn once said, "School originated when a man told several people his insights under a tree. The teacher did not know he was a teacher, and those who listened to him did not consider themselves students. These students hoped that their children would also be able listen to the speeches of people like him, so a space was built, and the first school was born." In Tiangang Zhixing Village, the Village Lecture Hall embodies the meaning of a "school" in its most basic form. It is in some ways a built manifesto of the architect, as well as a form of self-examination - it aims to allow the roles of "teacher" and "student" to be reversed, and is intended to be a simple, open space akin to “shade under a tree", thereby encouraging a sense of freedom and community.

01 做好「土壤」

Nourishing the “Soil”

▲ 与田岗艺术中心对望的田园大讲堂


The metaphor of "Nourishing the Soil” is a consistent principle of SYN Architects, and also serves as the general guideline for the regeneration of Tiangang and Zhixing Village. The Village Lecture Hall has been built along the river and is located between the residential area and "gateway" of the village. The architects programmed it as a lecture hall, hoping to establish a connection between the outside world and the villagers, and in order to communicate the values and knowledge of the village. Also, the proven values and methodology of SYN Architects in previous projects of rural regeneration can be passed on there, allowing villagers to learn about the transformations brought about by fresh designs and new industries, and encouraging them to look forward to a future of rural autonomy.



The designer conceived the shape of the Lecture Hall through the metaphorical raising of a quadrangle-shaped piece of turf, and then curling it like a carpet to form the envelope of the building - the raised turf exposes the soil which lies beneath the grass, revealing the core essence of the countryside. The exposed side of the rolled “turf” is clad with wooden shingles, which turns into a sloped roof which necessarily protects the building from wind and rain. The underside of the roof is covered with longitudinal timber cladding and continues down the inner surface of the curved wall to the ground. The intimate, organic nature of the materials connects the striking form of the building to the memory of rural tradition, so that the building as a whole integrates into the atmosphere and simplicity of the village, through the process of its generation from the area’s "soil".



The landscape design follows the modeling technique of the building. At the rear of the building, a wooden walkway extends along the edge of the site, defining the boundary of the Village Lecture Hall. As a remnant of the process of "lifting the turf", the architect has intentionally left a round hole and a tree, which corresponds to a circular hole in the same position on the projected surface of the "lifted" roof, allowing another tree to grow up and through it. The existence of the two trees, on the one hand, integrates the natural surroundings into the building (reminding the visitor that the roof of the building has been “lifted” from the ground), and on the other hand, is an embodiment of the "school" archetype, inviting people to contemplate the beginnings of the Lecture Hall.

▲ 木与草的「拼图游戏」


Where the Village Lecture Hall faces the adjacent road, SYN Architects reveals a "jigsaw puzzle" of wood and grass. The connection between the wooden deck and the roadway is interrupted from time to time, folded into stairs, lifted up to form seats, street signs, or simply left blank for trees and landscaped elements to take root... The vigorous growth of new grass and trees in and around the wooden deck and the rear area of "exposed soil" seems to be summoning Tiangang Zhixing Village to regenerate itself.

02 悬浮的盒子

A Floating Box


Once the "lifting" action has been completed, the whole building takes shape. In addition to the curved wall/roof, SYN Architects uses large panels of floor-to-ceiling glass for the other walls, with weathered steel vestibules at the north and east facades to highlight the entrances.


Moving indoors, SYN Architects have integrated a row of custom benches at the curved surface, so that the potentially awkward space regains functional value. Meanwhile, the large open space allows for a wide variety of gatherings, and the placement of two sets of bar counters allows for easy access during large-scale meetings, ensuring the convenience of any future tea breaks. In its entirety, the Village Lecture Hall essentially presents itself as a transparent glass box.Additionally, the architect has further provided a smaller box within the box, which combines the necessary supporting functions such as restrooms, a monitoring room, and equipment room into the "inner box", clad in timber panels. In terms of height, it stops short of the overall height of the larger building envelope. In doing so, it avoids the potentially awkward height of a tall ceiling in small spaces such as toilet cubicles, while lending the inner box the appearance of “floating” within the outer box, lightly placed above the "soil".


At the junction of the structural columns and the roof, SYN Architects cleverly opens grooves in the ceiling around the tops of the columns, embedded with strips of recessed light panels. When the lights are on, a halo appears between the tops of the columns and the roof, which seem to be separated from one another. This visual effect emphasizes the overall "suspension" of the building in its details, and adds a surprising element for visitors to the Village Lecture Hall. The main indoor lighting also adopts recessed light strips, which are embedded in the ceiling and the inner side of the curved wall, echoing the "jigsaw puzzle" pattern of the outdoor landscape.

03 让「乡村振兴」发声

Revitalization of Tiangang Zhixing Village


In the rapid process of urbanization, people have tended to rely on theoretical methods of development, often losing sight of the inherent rural values present in sites they build on. Today, the countryside, which is increasingly moving towards architectural development, provides a largely pure environment that is simple, natural, self-sufficient and does not require an influx of new conditions placed on it. The Village Lecture Hall takes the concept of "revealing the essence" as the starting point of its conception, and uses curved surfaces and glass to downplay the architectural element contained by the metaphor of "wall", rendering it almost invisible so that people experiencing it are simply immersed in its references to nature. In this way, we can start to act autonomously and spontaneously - like gathering under the tree before the first school came into being, SYN Architects expect that the Village Lecture Hall and the activities held within will spark a lively, joyous revitalization of Tiangang Zhixing Village.


Project Information


Project name: The Lecture Hall of Tiangang Zhixing Village


Project location: Tiangang village, Yi county, Baoding city, Hebei province


Project type: Architecture design, interior design


Project status: Built




Design team


Chief architect: Zou Yingxi


Architecture design team: Jiang Zhihua, Han Yang, Tian Yahong, Nan Wenjing

室内设计团队:夏福强、何敏、曹真真、钱国兴、刘婷婷、李倩茜、 冯炎、郭萌佳、李辉

Interior design team: Xia Fuqiang, He Min, Cao Zhenzhen, Qian Guoxing, Liu Tingting, Li Qianqian,


Decoration design team: Shu Kun, Gu Yuecheng


Landscape design team:Li Beibei, Zhang Junchao, Liu Shuang, Liang Jingqi, Shi Qingqing


Design period: Feb-May, 2020


Construction period: May-Oct, 2020


Site area: 800 square meters


Interior area: 406.2 square meters


Construction company:HCCI Urban Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd.-Team Chen Zhinu


Structure engineer: Beijing Zhonghe Jiancheng Architectural Engineering Design Co., Ltd.-Team Lu Lijie


Photographer: ArchiTranslator

Appreciations towards SYN Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/21
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