Impress Dental Studio / RAS Arquitectura
Impress Dental Studio
Impress Dental Studio / RAS Arquitectura
RAS Arquitectura

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0-1000 m²
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Impress 在西班牙的第一家牙科诊所位于巴塞罗那市中心的一个小空间内,包括底层、夹层和地下室。Impress's first dental clinic in Spain is located in a small space in the center of Barcelona, comprehending access on the ground floor, mezzanine and basement.

Impress 牙科诊所的理念是面向年轻受众,他们随着新技术的发展而成长,因为诊所提供的是基于在线治疗的服务,从而减少了面对面就诊的次数。从一开始,Impress 就在寻找一种能代表品牌及其价值观的全新设计,这种设计摆脱了牙科诊所的主题(白色、无菌环境)。The concept of Impress dental clinic is aimed at a young audience, which has grown with new technologies, since its offer is based on online treatments that reduce face-to-face visits. From the first moment Impress looked for a fresh design, which represented the brand and its values, which moved away from the topics of a dental clinic (white colors, aseptic environment).

设计增强了诊所的几何特征,虽然深度有所减小,但高度却很宽敞。通过这种方式,我们建议重新诠释 Impress 的标志--一个微笑的曲线,以产生一组相互连接的隔断,形成一个满足功能需求的大型家具组合:两个书房(一个在底层,一个在夹层)和一个卫生间。这套家具从立面移开两米,建立了一个与街道紧密接触的接待区,使室内从外面就能看到;同样,它也移开了一面边界墙,以便通往夹层和地下室的楼梯。这些隔断的几何形状以圆周曲线为基础,向上延伸至上层楼面的高度,通过在空间中形成不同的 "帘幕 "来增加纵深感和空间感。虽然几乎整个室内都是一个开放空间,但通过控制每个空间的高度和视野,尊重了必要的视觉私密性,同时也让人对每面墙的另一侧产生期待和惊喜。The design enhances the geometric characteristics of the premises, which, although reduced in depth, has a generous height. In this way, we propose to reinterpret the Impress logo, a smile-like curve, to generate a set of interconnected partitions to form a large furniture assembly that meets functional needs: two studies, one on the ground floor and one in the mezzanine, and a toilet. This set moves two meters away from the façade to establish a reception area in close contact with the street, allowing the interior to be appreciable from the outside; and likewise it moves away of one of the boundary walls to allow access to staircase to mezzanine and basement. The geometry of these partitions is based on circumference curves that go up to take the height of the upper floor, increasing the sense of depth and space by creating different ‘curtains’ in space. While virtually the entire interior is a single open space, the necessary visual privacy is respected by controlling the heights and views from each space, what also creates expectation and surprise about what is on the other side of each wall.

在后部,一个三层高的空隙将自然光引入地下室,用于储藏、储物柜、办公室和厨房。在空隙的另一侧,X 光室可通过玻璃通道进入。At the rear, a triple-height void introduces natural light into the basement, dedicated to storage, locker, office and ktichenette. On the other side of the void, the X-ray room is accessed through a glass walkway.

外部围墙是两扇大型不锈钢窗户,它们遵循自己的顺序,既不与内部的几何形状相冲突,也不与外墙的轴向结构相冲突。因此,窗框位于墙壁内侧,给人一种单扇窗户的感觉,两根对角横梁引入了新的方向和视觉轴线,创造出一组透明和不透明的效果,增加了人们对内部空间的期待。The outer enclosure, two large stainless steel windows, follows its own order, not competing with the interior geometry, nor with the axial configuration of the facade. Thus, the frames are placed on the inside of the walls, giving the feeling of being a single window, and two diagonal crossbars introduce new directions and visual axes, creating a set of transparencies and opacities to increase the expectation of what is inside.

室内隔墙以松木为主色调,为牙科诊所增添了不寻常的温暖;现有的结构元素在 Impress 公司灰色的映衬下显得格外突出;一个大型的公司红色金属板包层伴随着通往夹层的坡道,并为室内染上了红色的亮点;一个霓虹灯为 instagram 照片创造了一个必要的角落,在入口曲线上方的墙壁上,公司的蓝色星星点点;陶瓷地板与金属墙壁的红色接缝相同。总之,室内的所有元素都按照 Impress 的身份标识进行了色彩和纹理处理。The material palette is dominated by the pine wood of the interior partitions, which adds an unusual warmth in a dental clinic; the existing structural elements stand out with the corporate gray color of Impress; a large corporate red-colored sheet metal cladding accompanies the ascent to the mezzanine and stains the interior with red highlights; a neon sign creates a required corner for instagram pics, and above, the corporate blue color stars the wall over the entrance curve; the ceramic flooring has the same red color joints of the metal wall. And in general, all the elements of the interior receive a color and texture treatment that obeys the Impress identity mark.

Appreciations towards RAS Arquitectura for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/07
Editor:Lucas Lee
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