Wuhan Qingshan Wedding Hall By / UAO
Wuhan Qingshan Wedding Hall By
Wuhan Qingshan Wedding Hall By / UAO

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青山江滩位于武汉市青山区长江南岸,是武汉钢铁厂所在地,长约7.5公里。在2015年改造前,是武钢码头、砂场还有粮食码头的所在地,主要承担着防汛和物流的功能。随着城市化进程的推进,物流功能逐步外迁至主城区外,江滩环境亟需优化和提升。原有的江滩堤防是1:3等坡比的梯形断面,迎水面堤角是六角形预制块。景观改造的目的是改变原有堤防的工程化固有观感,用大缓坡的造型形成自由变换的等高线线形。同时在保证防洪安全的前提下,于改造后的堤身体内,营造了复合利用的地下空间,以创造更高服务城市功能的空间坪效。In Wuhan, Qingshan District is the location of WuhanIron and Steel Plant, Qingshan River Beach islocated on the south bank of the Yangtze River witha length of about 7.5 kilometers. Before therenovation in 2015, it was the location of WISCOwharf, sand yard and grain wharf which mainlyassumed the functions of flood control andlogistics.Because of urbanization, the functions oftransportation and logistics are gradually moved tothe outside of the main city and the environment ofthe river beach urgently needs to be upgraded andrectified.The original riverbank dam protection is atrapezoidal section with equal slope ratio of 1: 3and the embankment angle of the water front of thedam protection is a hexagonal prefabricated block.The purpose of landscape reconstruction is totransform the engineering inherent perception of theoriginal dam protection and form the contour lineshape of free transformation with the mode of largegentle slope. At the same time, in the reconstructeddam protection, the underground space for compoundutilization will be built which will create a higherspace efficiency for serving urban functions on thebasis of ensuring flood control safety.

婚礼堂位于青山江滩的中段位置,场地上游是原中交重件码头。江滩改造保留了码头和上面的吊车。在景观设计最初,UAO即定下利用植物的组团关系,创造不同疏密关系的空间效果。尤其强调——不种一棵树的大缓坡草坪空间。“强调”的出发点是希望来到青山江滩的游客,在登到堤顶的第一时间,可以看到宽阔的长江江面,而不是被茂密的树林遮住了本该通透的视线,“视觉的亲水性”是青山江滩改造设计的核心出发点。The wedding hall is located in the middle of QingshanRiver Beach and the upstream of the site is theoriginal heavy goods wharf. The reconstructiondesign of the river beach retains the wharf and thecrane above it. At the beginning of landscapedesign, UAO decided to use the group relationship ofplants to create spatial effects with differentdensity relationships. Especially, it emphasizes thelawn space with large gentle slope without plantinga tree. The starting point of emphasizing thisprinciple is to hope that tourists who come toQingshan River Beach can see the wide Yangtze Riversurface at the first time when they climb to the topof the embankment, instead of being covered by densetrees, which should be transparent. “VisualHydrophilicity” is the biggest starting point ofQingshan River Beach reconstruction design.

堤防堤顶的标高比江边亲水平台的标高高4米,缓坡段模糊4米的高差,使得滩地地形流畅的像自然丘陵。婚礼堂利用这个4米高差,在堤顶与江边的大草坪之间,架设了一个景观廊道。景观廊道一条轴线布置,自然产生了序列美感:从堤顶出发,这里是婚礼新人的出发之地,堤顶是楼梯和电梯间,下面是新人化妆和休息的配套空间;随后跨越江滩的应急车道,跨过一段密林,在6000平米的婚礼草坪前,分成左右两半的弧形长廊,给草坪一个环抱;在轴线最靠近长江的边,是纯白的婚礼堂建筑,和长廊采用同一个拱券形式。The elevation of the top of the embankment is 4meters higher than that of the hydrophilic platformalong the river. The gentle slope section blurs theheight difference of 4 meters which makes the beachterrain smooth like a natural hill.The wedding halltakes advantage of the height difference between thetop of the 4-meter dam and the beach and sets up alandscape corridor between the top of the dam andthe big lawn by the river. The linear arrangement ofthis landscape corridor makes the sense of sequencealong one axis naturally come into being: it startsfrom the top of the dam which is the starting placefor wedding couples; at the top of the dam is thestairs and elevator room. Below is the supportingspace for couples to make up and rest. Then itcrossed the emergency lane of the river beach and athick forest. In front of the 6000-square-meterwedding lawn, it was divided into two curvedpromenades around the lawn. On the edge of the axisclosest to the Yangtze River, it is a pure whitewedding hall building with the same arch motif asthe promenade.

整个轴线是建筑学基本原则的直接演绎,起承转合的节奏把握,为使植物群落衬托轴线关系,人为地分割开婚礼草坪和江滩内主交通通道的视线联系。建筑师理性地利用堤防高差与轴线,设计了人车分流的格局,结合植物群落的围合,为婚礼的举办创造了一个渐进的“脱离世俗、向往纯净”的情绪营造路径。由堤身内的管理房坐电梯而上,穿过清水混凝土的三角形大门,沿着白色廊架的二层长廊,在密林的树梢顶端,已经可以看到没有钢筋水泥、没有污染的蓝天。行径到长廊的最顶端,可以俯瞰到视线的焦点婚礼堂,以及它背后宽阔似海的长江,情绪在最后一刻达到高潮。This axis is the direct deduction of the basicprinciples of architecture and it is the key tograsp the rhythm of turning and closing. In order toform this axis relationship, the plant communityartificially separates the line of sight between thewedding lawn and the main traffic channel in theriver beach.This axis makes rational use of theheight difference of dam protection, and thearchitect rationally creates a pattern of separationof people and vehicles. Combined with the enclosureof plant communities, it also creates a gradualemotional path of “Breaking Away from the Secularand Yearning for Purity” for the wedding ceremony:from the management room in the dam, take theelevator up, pass through the triangular gate offair-faced concrete and walk along the second-floorpromenade of the white porch. At the top of thetreetop of the dense forest, you can already feelthe blue sky without any reinforced concretepollution and travel to the promenade.

婚礼堂内,两翼水平,中间高耸,纯白色的格局,干净大气。沿江的落地无框玻璃,将人的视线拉向窗外,越过无边界水池到达宽阔的江面。天花的白色铝合金方管在建筑师李涛最开始的草图中,利用透视的原则,指向江面的方向。弧形的长廊给婚礼堂一个环抱的关系,在几何平面关系上,也强调了向心性。这些设计原则,并没有太多的“花活“,仅老老实实采用了最基本的建筑学语法和原则,这些是古典到现代建筑学一直没有舍弃,并不断发扬光大的。从古典的形态里简化出符号,从轴线的刻意中,强化纪念形式和空间感。In the wedding hall, the two wings are horizontal,the middle is towering, the pattern is pure white,and the floor-to-floor frameless glass along theriver makes people’s eyes pull out of the window andcross the borderless pool to reach the wide riversurface. In the initial sketch of architect Li Tao,the white aluminum alloy square pipe of ceilingpoints to the river by using the principle ofperspective.The curved promenade gives the weddinghall a surrounding relationship, and emphasizescentripetal in the geometric relationship ofpatterns.These design principles don’t have much“Gaudy Work”, but honestly adopt the most basicarchitectural grammar and principles which havenever been abandoned from classical architecture tomodern architecture, and continue to be carriedforward. Simplify the symbol from the classical formand strengthen the sense of remembrance and spacefrom the deliberate axis

景观和建筑的一体化设计Integrated design of landscape andarchitecture整个设计,并不是单一强调婚礼长廊和婚礼堂的建筑意识,而是通过景观的场地组织、植物设计、高差利用,将建筑和景观完美的统一。但在总体景观设计的基础上,又回到建筑学“轴线、序列、收放、比例、重复“这些最基本的”小儿科“式操作模式上来。无花样,但不低级。不特别现代,但也不媚俗。The whole design does not only emphasize thearchitectural awareness of wedding promenade andwedding hall, but integrates architecture andlandscape perfectly through site organization, plantdesign and height difference utilization. However,on the basis of the overall landscape design, wereturn to the basic operation mode of “axis,sequence, retraction, proportion and repetition”.Not brilliant, but not inferior. Not particularlymodern, but not kitsch.

建筑师用白色统一了建筑和其它构筑物,除了映衬婚礼的纯洁,也是希望脱离拱券符号的古典意味;而钢结构的应用,则强化了现代性。长江边地理环境的优势,自然呼应了建筑本身纯白的现代性:在绿色基底和灰色江水衬托下,白色与蓝天也相得益彰。犹如现代主义建筑史上的萨伏伊别墅的白色,自然拉开了与古典主义建筑的距离。景观和建筑,本就不分家。Architects use white to unify the whole building andstructures. Apart from the pure meaning of weddingitself, they also hope to break away from theclassical meaning of arch symbols. The applicationof steel structure also strengthens modernity.Theadvantage of the geographical environment along theYangtze River naturally echoes the pure whitemodernity of the building itself. Against thebackground of green base and gray river water, whiteis also the most matching color with blue sky. Justlike the white color of Savoy Villa in the historyof modernist architecture, it naturally opens thedistance from classical architecture.Landscape andarchitecture are one.

Appreciations towards UAO for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/18
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