Xiaohangkeng Camp Anji By La Design / Aoya
Xiaohangkeng Camp Anji By La Design
Xiaohangkeng Camp Anji By La Design / Aoya

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河山大好,出去走走,碧湖蓝天吹吹风 WANDERING BY THE LAKE INTHE GENTLE BREEZE“安吉这个地方不缺营地,自然资源好一点的村子都自发形成了许许多多的露营地,而小杭坑算是夏阳村里的一处秘密基地,它自然环境十分出色,足以在一众营地中脱颖而出。”在我们刚刚下车到达小杭坑,正惊讶于这里的风景如画时,设计师为我们介绍道。“Anji never lacks for campsites, since villages withadvantaged resources have spontaneously set up lots ofcampsites, among which XIAOHANGKENG, a secret base inXiayang Village, distinguishes itself from the others forits favorable environment.”The designer introduced when we were amazed at thepicturesque village upon arriving at the XIAOHANGKENG.

过惯了日复一日的生活,麻木于鳞次栉比的高楼与华丽夺目的霓虹灯,突然走入群山环抱之中,我们感到无比新鲜和舒适,也对本次景观的提升改造充满了期待。Accustomed to the dull urban life surrounded by dense tallbuildings and gorgeous neon lights, we felt refreshed andcomfortable when stepping into the mountains, which made usfull of expectations for the upgraded landscape.

溪水潺潺、竹林幽幽,水牛和羊群就在不远处的草地上游荡。微风轻拂,鼻尖还略过淡淡的青草味道。“走吧,去看看。”在设计师的带领下,我们走进了全新的小杭坑。戴上耳机,放一曲轻快的歌,沉醉于声音和自然,我们将收获一份简单的美好。Nearby was the gurgling water and the quiet bamboo forest; inthe distance were cattle and sheep roaming on the meadows.In the gentle breeze, we could even smell the fragrance ofthe green grass.“Come and have a look!” Under the guidance of the designer,we walked into the brand new XIAOHANGKENG Camp, where we puton the headphones and listened to a light-hearted song,indulging ourselves in the sound and nature.

春花,夏草,秋叶,冬雪,四时之景,理想之境 A DREAM WORLD WITH SPRINGFLOWERS, SUMMER GRASS, AUTUMN LEAVES AND WINTERSNOW在这个提倡“碳中和”与“生态文明建设”的时代里,建造生态营地成为了大势所趋。在项目改造之初,设计师就有谈到,他们希望运用轻介入的手法,使场地只具备露营该有的基本功能,升级安全系数与服务体验,其余的都交还给山野。In an era that advocates “carbon neutrality” and “ecologicalcivilization construction”, ecological camps have become atrend.From the very beginning, the designers hoped to upgrade thelandscape through a modest intervention. Therefore, theyjust equipped the camp with basic functions, upgraded thesecurity and service, and left the rest in its naturalstate.

跟随设计师的脚步,我们顺着曲折蜿蜒的山路而上。眼前披着茅草的小房子就是小杭坑2号营地的入口了。两边的狼尾草生长茂盛,像麦穗一样,看上去治愈又温馨。Following the designer, we walked up along a winding mountainroad. Coming into sight was a thatched pavilion that acts asthe entrance to the No. 2 XIAOHANGKENG Camp.Along the road were clusters of Chinese pennisetumflourishing like golden ears of wheat, warm and healing.

“我们第一次踏进场地的时候,这里就有一种野蛮生长的原始感触动了我。”设计师解释道,“草丛和浅沼泽中一簇簇的狗尾草尤为如此,夕阳下,它们似乎总能让人放松下来。”“于是,我们运用类似的,毛茸茸的狼尾草布置在营地入口,去延续这份感受。”彼时一阵风过去,光影里,它们随风摇曳起来。“The first time we set foot in the site, I was touched by thepower of the wild,” explained the designer, “especially theclusters of green bristlegrass interspersed among meadowsand marshes, which make you feel relaxed in the settingsun.”“So we planted similar fuzzy Chinese pennisetum at theentrance to continue that feeling.” Right at that moment, inthe light and shadow, clusters of Chinese pennisetum weregently swaying in the breeze.

一边说着,我们也在一边向内走去,沿着碎拼石板小路前行,就直达中央帐篷区。眼前的石块表面青灰光滑,镶嵌在茵茵绿草之间。Talking and walking, we made our way inwards along agravel-paved path that led us to the central tent area.Inlaid in green grass were smooth and shiny caesious stones.

据介绍,中央帐篷区位于整个小杭坑的中心,是个公共服务区,设计师梳理整合了空间,更好地补充完善了场地的功能性。According to the introduction, the central tent area, locatedin the center of XIAOHANGKENG, is a public service area,where the designer reorganized the space and completed thefunctions of the campsite.

在这里,我们可以尝到利用可食花园的新鲜蔬果烹制的佳肴,可以喝一杯香浓醇厚的咖啡,可以与亲友一起谈天说地,看天幕电影……Here, we can have a taste of the fresh fruits and vegetablesfrom the garden, drink a cup of coffee, chat with family andfriends, or watch sky movies……

开阔的另一侧,是一大片公区露营草坪,满眼是清新的绿色,只一眼,便让我们感到十分舒畅。“在如此宽阔的草坪上活动,即使是疫情之下,也不会觉得有负担。”对此,我们深表赞同。On the other side is a large area of lawn for camping, wherethe fresh green makes us feel comfortable.“Walking or sitting on the open lawn is free of burden evenin the midst of the pandemic.”We totally agreed.

环视四周,草坪上的火塘吸引了众人的注意。原木长凳围绕在其周身,上面锲刻着圈圈年轮,洋溢着森系气息。Looking around, we were attracted by the fire on the lawn,around which are wooden benches engraved with rings ofgrowth, creating an atmosphere of forest.

沿岸的亲水区有人正支起了帐篷,端着咖啡,坐在帆布椅上休憩。将这些场景组合起来,画面里满是轻松的郊游氛围。Along the lakefront, a tent was set up, by which someone wassitting on a hammock chair and drinking a cup of coffee.

“小杭坑原本就是一个挺有名的营地,这次提升改造中,你们的期望是什么样的呢?”我们问道。“营地原是几十年遗留下来的一些台地空间,它还是存在一些安全隐患的。我们希望在能保证游人安全和舒适度的基础上,让这里春有花、夏有草、秋有落叶、冬有雪,搭配上高山、湖面与草甸,令人感受到四季之情,而不是被环境或天气劝退。”“XIAOHANGKENG has already been a famous campsite. So what areyour expectations for this upgrade?” We asked.“The campsite was originally a terrace land left over decadesago, so there were some potential safety hazards. Therefore,we have to ensure the security and comfort of visitorsfirst. Besides, we hope to upgrade the environment, allowingvisitors to enjoy beautiful flowers in spring, green grassin summer, yellow leaves in autumn and white snow in winter.Surrounded by mountains, lakes and meadows, it will be adream world welcoming visitors in all seasons.”

抛却烦恼,远走高飞,说走就走一回 ESCAPE FROM THE HUSTLE ANDBUSTLE OF THE CITY身旁,晨光芒与狼尾草等植物点缀在叠石间,近在咫尺,亲切可爱。Beside us are Chinese silvergrass and pennisetum interspersedamong stones, looking friendly and lovely.

我们一众人走过中央帐篷区,穿过林间小道,倒发现这里的步道颇具野趣。Walking through the central tent area into the woods, wefound the footpath here was unique and interesting.

踩过木板,老枕木台阶与砾石,发出嘎吱的声响,仿佛是这些原生材料正在用质朴的语言为我们讲述乡野的故事。Along the way, the creaking of the planks, the steps and thegravels seemed to tell a story of the countryside.

所以不难发现,整个小杭坑的营造手法都在着力于减少人工的痕迹。设计将景观本身的包容性、土地本身的内在价值都尽力挖掘凸显出来。It is not difficult to find that the designers ofXIAOHANGKENG have tried to reduce the artificial traces, andon the other hand, they maximally explored the inclusivenessof the landscape and the value of the land.

随着一顶顶白色小帐篷清晰地映入眼帘,我们知道这里算是真正的“居住区”了,于是主动向设计师了解帐篷区的规划与布置。“其实营地的核心区总体分为自搭建区、拎包入住体验区以及中央帐篷区,而最有特色的拎包入住区将会显得更便捷,也面向更广阔的人群。As small white tents came into sight one by one, we knew thatwe arrived at the real “living area”, where we took thechance to have an interview with the designer about theplanning and arrangements of the tent area.“Actually, the core area of the camp is generally dividedinto the self-built area, the tent experience area and thecentral tent area. Among them, the most distinctive andconvenient is the tent experience area which will cater to awider range of people.

我们结合台地关系对帐篷进行落位,既保证每处帐篷的视野,也保证一定的私密空间。每个帐篷里都有冷暖空调、冰箱、蓝牙音箱和露营氛围灯。“We positioned the tents according to the terrace terrain,not only ensuring the view of each tent but also keepingtheir privacy. Every tent is well equipped with an airconditioner, a refrigerator, a bluetooth speaker and ambientlights.

“更细节化的是,从洗漱品、毛巾、驱蚊水、到眼罩、耳塞、拖鞋,我们全部准备到位。因此,如果大家想来一场说走就走的旅行,就可以来这里,真正实现什么装备都不用操心。”设计师的语气中,带着几分自豪。我们都知道,玩得野,住得舒服,是现在人对精致露营的基本要求。样样齐全的“拎包入住”区可谓已经达到了我们的预期,它定会成为一个亮点,吸引无数人前来体验。“Moreover, we have prepared almost everything includingtoiletries, towels, mosquito repellent, eye masks, earplugsand slippers. So if you want to go on a trip at any time,XIAOHANGKENG is your best choice and you don’t need to worryabout anything,” said the designer in a proud tone.As we all know, playing in the wild and living in comfort arethe basic requirements for camping experience. Thewell-equipped tent area has lived up to our expectations andis sure to be a highlight for many to experience.

不免感叹,周全的布置背后,全然是设计师们的用心。或许哪天,我们真的可以像歌词里说的那样,“不要去理会是是与非非,远走高飞,说走就走一回。”We couldn’t help exclaiming that all these arrangements haveshown the care and thought of the designers. Maybe one day,we can really experience the life in the lyrics, “don’t careabout anything, just go on a trip as we wish.”

时间过得很快,在小杭坑的时间过得似乎更快,这一夜,营灯在我们面前逐一亮起,与漫天星河交相辉映。Time flies, especially when we were at XIAOHANGKENG. Thatnight, the camp lights lit up one by one in front of us,shining beautifully against the starry sky.

第二日晨起时,又看见第一缕阳光穿透山间轻雾,青草上挂着朝露,一切都是安宁的,散发着自然的原生魅力。The next morning when we got up, the first sunshine waspenetrating the mountain mist and the grass was glitteringwith pearls of dew. Everything was in peace and showed thecharm of nature.

自归来后,我们很高兴听闻那里后续将会迎来愈发多的游客。作为改造方,我们很欣慰能够得到大家的认可。Coming back from XIAOHANGKENG, we’ve been delighted to hearthat there will be more and more visitors in the future. Asthe developer, we are pleased to have gained people’srecognition.

如果有一天,被城市困住的你也想要迈出钢筋森林一步,那么借这个机会,我们推荐你去安吉小杭坑营地转转。One day, if you want to escape from the world of reinforcedconcrete where you are trapped, we’d like to take the chanceto recommend XIAOHANGKENG Camp for you.

心向山野,喧嚣之外,与山水草甸为邻,放弃无休止的内卷,你能肆意享受属于自己的时光。Here, with mountains, lakes and meadows around, you canescape from the hustle and bustle of the city, and enjoyyour own time freely.

确定不去看看?Can you resist the temptation of nature?

项目名称:安吉小杭坑营地 项目地点:安吉小杭坑营地 项目类型:文旅运营 乡村振兴 项目面积:4ha 景观设计:奥雅上海公司公建三组景观施工:浙江中用市政园林设计股份有限公司 设计时间:2022.7-9 竣工时间:2022.10 编辑 / Edith 图片 / 壹维 白洋 沈奕铭 视频 动图 / 陈恩煜 视觉 / PollyProject: XIAOHANGKENG CAMP,ANJI Location:XIAOHANGKENG CAMP, ANJI Category: Cultural TourismOperation, Rural Revitalization Area: 40,000m2 LandscapeDesign: L&A Shanghai, Public Project Group3 LandscapeConstruction: Useful Design Time of Design: Jul. ~ Sep.,2022 Time ofCompletion: Oct., 2022 Editor / Edith Photos / Yi Wei, Bai Yang,Shen YimingVideos & GIFs / Chen Enyu Vision / Polly

Appreciations towards Aoya for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/01
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