Zhoushan Greentown Yuhua Kindergarten / GOA
The Practice of Generative Teaching Space
Zhoushan Greentown Yuhua Kindergarten / GOA

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13500 m²
Text description provided by the architects

▲ 舟山绿城育华幼儿园入口实景Entrance of the kindergarten






Reggio Emilia's educational philosophy compares the environment to

"child's third teacher"

A kindergarten that allows for sufficient exploration

can make children a true active constructor of knowledge rather than a passive teaching objective

舟山绿城育华幼儿园视频Zhoushan Greentown Yuhua Kindergarten


Since 2013, GOA has successively completed four educational buildings in Zhoushan city, including Zhoushan Greentown Yuhua Kindergarten. Located in Changzhi Island, Dinghai district, Zhoushan city, it is designed for children aged between 1.5 and 6 with 18 classes. GOA undertook the integrated design of architecture and landscape.

实景鸟瞰Bird's eye view


Three-dimensional amusement park: continuous and flowing circulation system


Based on children’s behavioral patterns, architects and teaching management team have conducted sufficient project research, and then designed a public space with interweaved paths for children's active nature. The circular flow line unite the classroom and office space into a whole, while creating an interesting walking experience.



All classrooms distributed on three floors are arranged on the south and east sides of the site. The indoor and outdoor spaces of the building are connected by terraces at each floor, forming plenty of outdoor areas for teachers and children to play.

各层平面示意图Plan sketches of each floor


The winding circulation system connects the whole building, so that children can play without turning back in the whole park. The path leads to the roof, where children can overlook the city. Various forms of vertical circulation space are full of fun, waiting for them to explore and discover independently.

流线示意图Circulation diagram


The teaching building provides classrooms with multiple themes, such as block building, ocean, baking and drama, which are mainly distributed at the junctions of multiple paths. While improving circulation efficiency, it also offers diversified routes, thus fitting in with children's psychological characteristics of curiosity for novelty, and bringing more positive impact on teaching.


The building has three floors, with indoor and outdoor spaces connected by the terraces of each floor.


The transparent interface between indoor and outdoor spaces enables children to enjoy varied landscapes from a lower viewpoint, and the courtyard landscape penetrates into the interior, creating an openspaceeffect, and is also more conducive to care.

室内、外界面的透明化处理Transparent interface between indoor and outdoor spaces


The dynamic overall form and circulation system are organically interweaved to satisfy a variety of teacher-child interaction and personalized teaching needs. It is like an enlarged naughty castle that children are fond of.

内庭院立面实景Facade facing the courtyard

内庭院立面实景Facade facing the courtyard


"Generative" classroom: let children's 100 languages occur naturally


Generative teaching refers to paying full attention to the diversity of teacher-child interaction and the complexity of teaching environment. Its core requirement for teaching environment is to provide as diverse and changeable space as possible.

一层大厅室内空间实景Indoor space of the hall on the first floor


Architects hoped to create a space that supports generative teaching and stimulates children to explore independently and acquire fantasy experiences in the real world naturally.

平和、明亮的底色与简洁的空间形态带来舒适的身心感受The peaceful and bright background and simple spatial form induce a sense of comfort


The peaceful and bright background and simple spatial form not only induce a sense of comfort, but also provide support for the constantly changing teaching content. Reality and fantasy, playing and learning are not diametrically opposed here, but occur and change naturally.

非标准化的空间设计,引导儿童对空间、光线、材料进行探索Non-standardized space design guides children to explore space, light and materials


The common desire of architects and kindergarten leaders is not only to provide toys for children, but to guide them to use their bodies to feel the rich information contained in the environment and explore space, light and materials.

公共空间强调自然光线的引入Public space emphasizes the introduction of natural light


The themed classrooms at the corner of each public space is designed with natural light in mind. The introduction of light signals space transition and time change. Children are encouraged to be explorers and constructors rather than teaching objectives.

特色教室外侧设置有户外平台A terrace is set outside the themed classroom


Fun, safety and integrity: integrated design of landscape and architecture


For Zhoushan Greentown Yuhua Kindergarten, GOA led the integrated design of landscape and architecture. The design team focuses on the needs of children's interpersonal communication, creative cognition, and amusement equipment, and makes full use of the overall organization of architecture and landscape to build an ecological, natural, lively, diverse and multi-dimensional activity place.

东南立面实景Southeast facade


The enclosed layout of the kindergarten forms a small playground in the center, which is a place for teachers and children to gather and make social interactions. The elevated entrance on the ground floor makes the interface open and bright, and the inward space a good view for supervising.


The multi-storey inward terraces form a good atmosphere for social interactions and clear view for supervising.

屋顶活动场地实景Roof activity space


The corridor under the eaves and the stilt space on the first floor acts as a link, connecting a series of functional blocks, and also integrates the entrance, playground, and peripheral activity spaces into a whole, eliminating the partition caused by the enclosed layout. The ground of various materials is organically combined, connected by a unified pavement of animal toe pattern, and penetrates into the surrounding landscape.


The special-shaped tree pools and surrounding activity equipment are custom-designed, including tree houses, climbing facilities and interactive water features, allowing children to receive environmental education such as plants recognition while playing.


The architect hoped to create a space that supports generative teaching and stimulates children to explore independently and acquire fantasy experiences in the real world naturally.


Based on the characteristics of children's physical and mental development such as height and physical activity duration, architects and landscape designers focus on the implementation of site safety, functional diversity and spatial integrity in the integrated design. Meanwhile, in the construction drawing stage, the adoption of modular design also effectively helps the cost control.

项目实景A detailed scene of the project


Educator Malagucci believes that children have great potential, and adults should provide opportunities for them. Learning occurs when children try to construct, communicate and understand. With that in mind, Zhoushan Yuhua Kindergarten is dedicated to protecting the beautiful, creative, potential and ambitious buds in every child's heart with generative space that allows for sufficient exploration.

教学活动实景Teaching activities

西立面图West facade

北立面图North facade

典型剖面图Key section








Architecture & Landscape Design: GOA

Location: Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province

Design /Completion: 2018-2021

Floor Area: 13,500 m2

Copyright: GOA

Appreciations towards GOA for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/19
Editor:Lucas Lee
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