Jobs from CROX



CROX阔合由建筑师林琮然创立,CROX寓意cross over(跨界)是当今中国擅长跨领域的国际事务所,专业涵盖城市规划、建筑、室内 、景观、策展和艺术品多个领域。CROX阔合秉承“前卫自然”的设计理念,通过文化感知与自然特征融入到建构中,创造出更加前瞻且艺术化的有机形态,其思考源自地域传统也积极迎向着未来,致力以多元视角挖掘生活的感悟,不断的寻找与创造时空中美好的交会点,藉此重塑造人与环境的自然关系。

林琮然,CROX阔合创始人&设计总监,RIBA 英国皇家特许注册建筑师,毕业于意大利米兰设计学院Domus Academy。自创办阔合以来,先后获得WAF世界建筑节、AMP美国建筑师大奖, 英国LICC, 法国DNA, 意大利A’ Design Award, 日本JCD,韩国K-Design等国际知名大奖。于2016米兰三年展和威尼斯双年展,平行展区策展人。作品广受如Domus、ArchDaily、Wallpaper*、designboom等世界各大建筑设计媒体的好评。





▼CROX闊合 上海办公空间







▼芜湖 Nabel 藝術中心(在建)

▼江阴Essons 总部(在建)







@ 项目建筑师
Project Architect

1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位,有事务所工作经历5年以上全职工作经验;
2. 能够熟练使用Rhino、Grasshopper、Adobe CS和Autocad、Revit等软件;
3. 拥有国际视野的审美和设计水准,完成过三个大型项目、公共建筑、较为复杂项目的概念设计、方案设计以及后续设计指导;
4. 拥有强烈的团合作概念,具自我要求组织能力,有国外留学及工作经历、并且熟练中英文的双语专业人士优先考虑;
5. 熟悉项目概念设计,初步设计和施工图设计等各个阶段的工作流程;
6. 了解建筑系统、材料、施工规范、建筑标准;
7. 具备出色的多方合作作业经验及多团队沟通协调能力,有效、坚定争取及确保中后期的高标准施工质量及最大程度诠释设计意图。

1. Possess a Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture. Have at least 5 years of experience.
2. Expertise in Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe Creative Suite, Autocad and Revit.
3. With an international perspective on aesthetics and design, completed conceptual design, program design and follow-up design guidance for at least 3 large projects, public buildings, and more complex projects.
4. Highly organized and efficient, a multitask taker. Have experience abroad and excellent English are preferred.
5. A positive motivator and team leader, having well-established leadership and skill sets, have the ability to be a great manager and supervisor.
6. Demonstrate strong understanding of building systems and materials to meet the standards.
7. Expertise in cross-team communication, coordination. Work efficiently and steadily to assure construction process meets high standard, and maximum matches original design intention.

@ 建筑师

1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位,2年全职工作经验;
2. 至少参与过2个大型工程实践及实施项目,请在作品集中说明所任工作及职位;
3. 熟练操作软件Rhino、Grasshopper、AutoCAD、Adobe CS和能使用Revit更佳;
4. 有较强的设计能力、语言表达能力和沟通能力。在国外有留学或工作经历,双语人士优先考虑。

1. Possess a Bachelors or higher degree in architecture; At least 2 years of experience in global leading architect firms or architectural design institute.
2. At least involved with 2 under construction/completed projects in past working experiences, please be specify it in your portfolio.
3. Expertise in Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Adobe CS and Sketchup. Could use Revit will be highly preferred.
4. Strong design ability, language skills and communication skills. Abroad experience and bilinguals are preferred.

@ 室内设计师
Interior  Designer

1. 室内设计或相关设计专业毕业(大专以上), 2-5上全职工作经验,有较强的方案设计创作能力;
2. 有扎实的美学基础,有跨界设计思维;
3. 熟练操作AutoCAD , PS,Sketch up、D5,Adobe CS软件;
4. 能协同绘制全套施工图;
5. 至少参与过6个室内部设计经验工程实践及实施项目,请在作品集中说明所任工作及职位。

1. Graduated in interior design or related major, 5-10 years of full-time work experience, strong project design and creative ability.
2. Have aesthetic knowledge, with cross-border design thinking.
3. Proficiency in AutoCAD, PS, Sketch up, D5, Adobe CS.
4. Can draw a full set of construction drawings.
5. Participated in at least 6 large-scale projects, please explain the works and roles in the portfolio.

@ 媒体专员
Media Assistant

1. 建筑学及艺术/设计类学士(或同等学历)以上学位;
2. 对建筑文化传播抱有兴趣。有责任心,严谨对待文字、图像,及图文编辑的表达呈现;
3. 配合媒体负责人完成项目图文整理、文案撰写、网站及微信公众号更新、展览研究,讲座整理等工作;
4. 熟练悉平面设计软件Adobe系列,若能熟悉视频剪辑如Final Cut等软件优先;
5. 如有期刊文章发表,微信公众号文章(建筑相关题材),策展参展,图板排版等经历,请在邮件中说明并附上作品;
6. 建筑摄影、新媒体 、电影、文学与或音乐潮流的品位爱好;
7. 有国外留学或相关媒体工作经历优先。

1. Studying at designing or related major, full-time junior student or higher, with good writing skill
2. Interested in promoting architectural culture and willing to do some non-design work. Responsible, rigorous treatment of text, images, and graphic expressions.
3. Cooperate with the person in charge of the media to sort out projects information, copywriting and translation, updating website and WeChat. Making study on academic exhibition and lectures and other work.
4. Skilled in using Word, Excel, Adobe Cs, and other software.
5. If there are journal articles published, WeChat articles, curatorial exp.
6. Having hobbies such as architecture photography, new media, movie, art or a good taste on music.
7. Abroad studying or working experiences is preferable.

@ 实习生(长期有效)
Internship ( Year-round recruiting)

1. 就读建筑建筑、景观、室内、传媒相关学士专业全日制本科或出国准备前的研究生;
2. 学习能力强,具有创新能力,多元化设计感兴趣;
3. 若能操作Rhino、Grasshopper、AutoCAD、Adobe Cs、Sketch up、final cut…等软件请注明;
4. 实习期不少于2个月,3个月以上应聘者可优先考虑。

1. Studying at architectural or related major, full-time student or pre-master student.
2.The candidate must be welling to learn and being creative. Must have interest in cross-field design, parametric design ,and physical modeling.
3.Expertise in Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, , Illustrator ,Adobe Cs, Sketch up, Could use Maxwell, will be highly preferred.
4.At least 2 months’intership, candidates who can work more than 3 months will be prioritized.




公司地址: 上海市普陀区莫干山路50号207室

*Please send your resume and portfolio to in PDF format and mark your name & job application in the email title +WaSpeak Jobs.

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Published on 2023/10/24
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