A minimalist Spanish concrete church wins the 'Frate Sole' International Prize for Sacred Architecture

2024 年 “Frate Sole ”国际神圣建筑奖授予了西班牙建筑师费尔南多-梅尼斯(Fernando Menis),他的作品是位于西班牙加那利群岛圣克里斯托瓦尔-德拉古纳镇的拉斯钱伯拉斯圣救世主教堂(Holy Redeemer Church of Las Chumberas),该教堂已有三年历史。

国际评审团从代表 28 个不同国家的 128 件参赛作品中选出了获奖作品。梅尼斯将其描述为 “一个集体梦想的演变”,是历时 15 年建造的产物。这一成果是这个紧密团结的社区的 “爱与奉献的结晶”,它借鉴了当地的火山地貌,创造了一个朴素的空间,并将自然光、能源效率和声学质量融为一体。

The 2024 "Frate Sole" International Prize for Sacred Architecture has been awarded to Spanish architect Fernando Menis for his three-year-old Holy Redeemer Church of Las Chumberas in the Spanish Canary Islands town of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain.

The winning design effort was selected by an international jury from a grouping of 128 entries representing 28 different countries. What Menis describes as the "evolution of a collective dream" is the product of a fifteen-year construction effort. The result, a "labor of love and dedication" for the tight-knit community, draws on the local volcanic landscape to create an austere space denoted for its incorporation of natural light, energy efficiency, and acoustic quality.

Image: © Roland Halbe
Image: © Simona Rota

他的事务所这样描述: “日光透过切口,塑造出一个自由流动、内敛的空间,在强调每一个基督教圣礼方面发挥着至关重要的作用。日出时,光线穿过十字架,洒满祭坛后面的空间,象征耶稣基督的埋葬洞穴,照亮洗礼池。祭坛、坚信礼和圣餐礼的正午光线通过天窗照射进来,随后忏悔室也被一束光线照亮。策略性布置的天窗对圣餐礼、婚姻礼和圣职礼也有类似的效果"。

His firm describes: "Daylight filters through the cuts, shaping a free-flowing, introverted void, playing a crucial role in emphasizing each Christian sacrament. At sunrise, light cascades through the cross, filling the space behind the altar to symbolize Jesus Christ's burial cave, illuminating the baptismal font. The altar, confirmation, and communion receive noon light through skylights, followed by a shaft of light on the confessional. Strategically placed skylights have a similar effect on unction, matrimony, and priesthood."

Image: © Hisao Suzuki
Image: © Roland Halbe


继获得美国建筑师协会颁发的 2021 年 “信仰与形式 ”国际宗教艺术和建筑奖荣誉奖之后,梅尼斯又获得了该奖项。梅尼斯与安藤忠雄、阿尔瓦罗-西扎、约翰-帕森和拉斐尔-莫内托一起获得了 “Frate Sole ”奖。

As was mentioned, the commission for Menis’s design was financed in large part by small donations from parishioners, local residents, and small business owners.

The prize win follows an Honor Award at the 2021 Faith & Form International Award for Religious Art and Architecture from the American Institute of Architects. Menis joins Tadao Ando, Álvaro Siza, John Pawson, and Rafael Moneoto have earned the "Frate Sole" honor.

Image: © Roland Halbe
Image: © Roland Halbe

今年竞赛的二等奖由 Mario Cucinella 的意大利莫尔曼诺 Santa Maria Goretti 教区综合体教堂和 ARQBR Arquitetura and Urbanism 的巴西巴西利亚圣家堂教堂获得。三等奖获得者是亚历杭德罗-布特尔(Alejandro Beautell)设计的位于阿尔卡拉(Alcalá)的 “坎德拉利亚圣母教堂”(Nuestra Señora de Candelaria)(同样位于西班牙)。

该奖项由 Costantino Ruggeri 神父于 1995 年创立,每四年颁发一次,奖金为 3 万欧元(3.3 万美元)。

Second Prize in this year's contest was awarded to Mario Cucinella for the church of the Santa Maria Goretti parish complex in Mormanno, Italy, and the igreja of the >Paróquia da Sagrada Família in Brasilia, Brazil, from ARQBR Arquitetura and Urbanism. The Third Prize winner was Alejandro Beautell's iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Candelaria in Alcalá (also in Spain).

The €30,000 ($33,000 USD) prize is given every four years after being founded in 1995 by Father Costantino Ruggeri.

Published on 2024/07/23   Editor:WS Editor   Enter ID in the Search Bar N677Direct to the article