CGDG Korla Renaissance Hotel and Courtyard Hotel by Aedas

Korla City stands at the cradle of Western culture and is a shining jewel of the ancient Silk Road.

Embracing the continuity of local culture and nature, Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang and his team have crafted the CGDG Korla Renaissance Hotel and Courtyard Hotel here, weaving a narrative where architecture meets nature, and culture meets wilderness.


Aedas Global Design 负责人 Kevin Wang 和他的团队秉承当地文化和自然的延续,在这里精心打造了 CGDG 库尔勒万丽酒店和万怡酒店,编织了一段建筑与自然、文化与荒野交融的故事。

Image © Aedas

It is a serene haven for travelers and an experiment in blending tradition with modernity. ‘Korla’ in Uyghur means ‘to look afar’. The vast Taklamakan Desert and the majestic Tianshan Mountains face each other, creating an oasis miracle at their convergence.

Today, Korla has become a modern city that embodies both ethnic charm and the essence of a water town, where multiple cultures harmoniously coexist and blend together. “The future hotels possess a unique personality that reflects the cultural values of the brand.

它是旅行者的宁静天堂,也是传统与现代融合的一次尝试。库尔勒 “在维吾尔语中是 ”远望 "的意思。广袤的塔克拉玛干沙漠与巍峨的天山遥遥相对,在交汇处创造了绿洲奇迹。


Image © Aedas

We hope to intricately interpret the essence of local culture on this mysterious and vibrant land, imbuing it with modern vitality to create a new high-end travel benchmark that embodies international standards while connecting with human and natural elements.” Kevin says. The project is located at the intersection of the major roads, covering an area of 47,770 sq m.

The location offers convenient transportation and excellent landscape resources. Unlike conventional standalone hotel buildings, this dual-brand hotel project balances functional efficiency, streamlined operations, and flexible shared needs while highlighting Korla’s unique urban culture.

我们希望在这片神秘而又充满活力的土地上,精雕细琢地诠释当地文化的精髓,为其注入现代活力,打造一个既体现国际标准,又与人文和自然元素相融合的高端旅游新标杆"。凯文说。该项目位于主干道交汇处,占地面积 47,770 平方米。


Image © Aedas

The design adopts a courtyard layout that creates rich urban interfaces and provides a unique, private arrival experience. The internal courtyards, including multi-functional courtyards and camping area, are interconnected, encouraging guests to explore and experience the harmony of nature and architecture in a tranquil setting.

The hotel employs a modern, simple design language, with a dialogue between raw stone materials and refined metal and glass. The façade integrates elements of nature, modernity, and culture, incorporating Korla’s light pear blossoms and resilient poplar trees as well as abstracting traditional ethnic elements such as arched windows and niches.



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To fully utilise the intense sunlight and scenic resources, the podium employs partial hollowing and colonnade spaces, offering a unique aesthetic experience and a comfortable living environment. The Renaissance Hotel’s drop-off area features a ‘floating canopy’ design, creating an 800 sq m comfortable arrival space that effectively shields guests from the scorching sun while providing a cool and serene courtyard atmosphere.

The rough-textured walls embedded with warm-toned embracing arched doorways fill guests with anticipation.The design incorporates the local topography into the lobby design.

为了充分利用强烈的日照和景观资源,裙房采用了局部镂空和柱廊空间,提供了独特的美学体验和舒适的居住环境。万丽酒店的落客区采用了 “浮动天篷 ”设计,营造出 800 平方米的舒适到达空间,有效遮挡烈日,同时提供凉爽宁静的庭院氛围。


Image © Aedas

The 50m high atrium uses cable curtain walls, constructing an impressive vertical landscape visually while allowing natural light to immerse into the atrium, echoing the scenic beauty of the surroundings, seamlessly connecting indoor and outdoor natural and cultural landscapes.

Entering the hotel, guests are directed to a colorful serene realm. The design balances the boundary between nature and modernity, employing a variety of local materials and textures between nature and modernity. The intricate metal patterns add a touch of futurism and exclusive luxury. Source by Aedas.

50 米高的中庭采用了钢索幕墙,在视觉上构建了令人印象深刻的垂直景观,同时让自然光浸入中庭,与周围的美景遥相呼应,将室内外的自然景观和人文景观无缝连接。



Image © Aedas
  • Location: Xinjiang, China
  • Architect: Aedas
  • Design Director: Kevin Wang, Global Design Principal
  • Client: China Green Development Group Co., Ltd (CGDG)
  • Gross Floor Area: 60,000 sq m (Phase 1)
  • Completion Year: 2025
  • Images: Courtesy of Aedas

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Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
Image © Aedas
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