AZL architects wraps twisting jinling art museum with 139,000 ceramic bricks



AZL Architects recently completed the Jinling Art Museum, a project commissioned by China Overseas Real Estate for its Nanjing Jiangnan Jiuxu development. The design challenge was significant, as the architects were tasked with creating a space that not only serves as an art museum but also encapsulates the rich urban history and cultural traditions of Nanjing. The theme, ‘Jinling Renaissance under the Wutong Tree,’ guided the project, with the goal of reflecting Nanjing’s deep historical context and interpreting a contemporary design language with its complex brickwork.

AZL 建筑事务所最近完成了金陵美术馆项目,该项目是受中国海外地产委托为其南京江南九墅开发项目设计的。设计挑战是巨大的,因为建筑师的任务是创造一个空间,不仅作为一个艺术博物馆,而且还能体现南京丰富的城市历史和文化传统。项目以 “梧桐树下的金陵文艺复兴 ”为主题,旨在反映南京深厚的历史文脉,并通过复杂的砖砌结构诠释当代设计语言。


Nanjing, historically known as Jinling, is one of China’s most ancient and culturally significant cities. With a civilization history spanning over 7,000 years, the city has played a pivotal role in Chinese history, serving as the capital for several dynasties. The city’s history is deeply intertwined with the preservation of Han culture, especially during periods of southern migration. The Jinling Art Museum aims to honor this heritage while also representing the city’s ongoing evolution.

南京古称金陵,是中国最古老、最具文化内涵的城市之一。这座拥有 7000 多年文明史的城市在中国历史上扮演着举足轻重的角色,曾是多个王朝的首都。这座城市的历史与汉文化的传承,尤其是南迁时期的汉文化传承有着深刻的联系。金陵美术馆旨在纪念这一遗产,同时也展现这座城市的不断演变。

images © Hou Bowen




a ceramic tile facade wraps jinling art museum 


The team at AZL Architects designs its Jinling Art Museum as an assemblage of two rotated blocks connected by surfaces that create a distinctive twisting gesture. The base of the structure is aligned with the nearby high-rise residential buildings, while the upper portion is twisted to parallel the adjacent road. This twisting design, which differs from typical mathematical or spiral shapes, symbolizes the dynamic upward growth of the structure, resonating with the idea of vitality and the historical significance of the ‘mausoleum’ in Nanjing. The interplay between the twisted diamond volume and the square base creates a rich internal and external spatial experience.

AZL 建筑事务所的团队将金陵美术馆设计成两个旋转体块的组合体,两个体块通过表面连接,形成独特的扭曲姿态。结构的底部与附近的高层住宅对齐,而上部则扭曲成与邻近的道路平行。这种扭曲设计不同于典型的数学或螺旋形状,象征着结构向上生长的动态,与南京 “陵墓 ”的生命力和历史意义产生共鸣。扭转的菱形体量与方形底座之间的相互作用创造了丰富的内外空间体验


A key feature of the museum’s design is its facade, which is clad in 139,000 custom-made ceramic tiles. These tiles, each measuring 60x60x180mm, were chosen to reflect Nanjing’s 3,100-year history and the significance of its ancient city walls. The ceramic tiles draw inspiration from a brick from the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, currently housed in the Nanjing Museum. While all tiles share the same dimensions, they vary in texture, with both glazed and unglazed finishes, adding depth and visual interest to the facade.

博物馆设计的一个主要特点是其外立面,外立面由 139,000 块定制的瓷砖铺设而成。每块瓷砖的尺寸为 60x60x180mm,选择这些瓷砖是为了反映南京 3100 年的历史及其古城墙的重要性。这些瓷砖的灵感来源于南京博物院收藏的一块东晋晚期的城砖。虽然所有瓷砖的尺寸相同,但质地各异,既有上釉的,也有不上釉的,增加了外墙的层次感和视觉趣味性。

AZL Architects’ Jinling Art Museum reflects Nanjing’s deep historical and cultural significance



AZL 建筑师事务所的创新幕墙结构 

azl architects’ innovative curtain wall construction


The ceramic tile facade required innovative construction techniques. Two methods were employed for securing the tiles: an ‘assembled U-shaped slot through-bolt fixing’ for the curved surface above the main entrance, and a more conventional ‘assembled chemical anchor fixing’ for other areas. These methods ensured both safety and the integration of traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. Special tools were developed to precisely drill holes and grooves in the tiles, accommodating the complex intersections between flat and curved surfaces.

瓷砖幕墙需要创新的施工技术。我们采用了两种方法来固定瓷砖:在主入口上方的弧形表面采用 “装配式 U 型槽螺栓固定”,而在其他区域则采用更为传统的 “装配式化学锚固固定”。这些方法既确保了安全,又将传统工艺与现代技术相结合。为了在瓷砖上精确地钻孔和开槽,还开发了特殊的工具,以适应平面和曲面之间复杂的交接


The design of the ceramic tile curtain wall was based on a modular approach, allowing for on-site assembly while maintaining the precision required for the intricate facade. The unit modules, each about 1.2 meters long, consist of a horizontal row of ceramic bricks mounted on a linear steel keel. This modular approach simplified the construction of both flat and curved surfaces, enabling the creation of a seamless three-dimensional facade.

瓷砖幕墙的设计以模块化方法为基础,允许现场组装,同时保持复杂外墙所需的精度。每个单元模块长约 1.2 米,由安装在直线钢龙骨上的一排横向陶瓷砖组成。这种模块化方法简化了平面和曲面的施工,从而创造出无缝的三维立面。

rotated blocks are connected by surfaces that create a dynamic twisting gesture

the twisting design symbolizes the upward growth and vitality, resonating with Nanjing’s heritage

139,000 custom-made ceramic tiles wrap the facade, inspired by Nanjing’s ancient city walls

special construction techniques were developed to secure the complex ceramic tile facade

ceramic tiles were installed using modular units, simplifying the construction of the intricate facade

the gradient arrangement of glazed ceramic tiles pays tribute to Nanjing’s historic city walls



project info:


project title: Jinling Art Museum

architecture: AZL Architects | @azl_architects

location: Nanjing, China

lead architect: Lei Xiaohua, Zhang

completion: 2024

photography: © Hou Bowen

Published on 2024/08/23   Editor:WS Editor   Enter ID in the Search Bar N695Direct to the article