MAD's art installation in Japan - Ephemeral Bubble


Architect Ma Yansong from MAD Architects has revealed its latest installation, Ephemeral Bubble, at the 2024 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale. Integrated into a century-old house in the Murono Village, the organically-shaped structure opens a dialogue with the ancient Japanese countryside, resembling a bubble being gently blown from the traditional wooden structure. Ultimately, this design offers a temporary, flexible space that mimics the lightness and translucence of breathing air.

MAD 建筑事务所的建筑师马岩松在 2024 年越后妻有艺术三年展上展示了其最新装置作品 “野泡泡 - 昙花一现的泡沫”。这个有机形状的建筑与村野村的一座百年老宅融为一体,开启了与日本古老乡村的对话,就像一个从传统木结构中轻轻吹出的气泡。最终,这个设计提供了一个临时的、灵活的空间,模仿呼吸空气时的轻盈和半透明。

all image © Zhu Yumeng



biomorphic design for emotive and spiritual exploration


The biomorphic design of the Ephemeral Bubble draws inspiration from nature, featuring fluid and soft shapes in its form. This concept by MAD Architects (see more here) also introduces a playful and interactive space, making the experiential installation ideal for emotive and spiritual exploration, emphasizing the importance of engagement in design. Inside, the space feels expansive and undefined, suitable for performances, ceremonies, gatherings, and other events. The installation reflects the surrounding greenery and colors within its white interior, creating an atmosphere of soft light.


野泡泡的生物形态设计从大自然中汲取灵感,外形流畅柔和。MAD 建筑事务所的这一概念还引入了一个充满趣味性和互动性的空间,使这一体验式装置成为情感和精神探索的理想场所,强调了参与设计的重要性。室内空间宽敞明亮,适合表演、仪式、聚会和其他活动。装置在白色的内部反射出周围的绿色和色彩,营造出柔和的光线氛围。

Ephemeral Bubble by MAD Architects



breahting new life into century-old house in japan


Creating a fusion of virtual and tangible elements, combining the old and the new, Ephemeral Bubble brings new life into the ancient building. ‘The Ephemeral Bubble exists within the traditional village while intentionally appearing without origin, embodying a deliberate ‘de-symbolization’ to infuse new cultural vitality,’ concludes MAD. The century-old house, now known as the China House Huayuan, has been a hub for Chinese artistic expression and cultural exchange since its inauguration in 2016. It continues to be a vital link between Chinese and Japanese artistic communities at the 2024 edition of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field. 


野泡泡将虚拟元素和有形元素融合在一起,将新与旧结合在一起,为古老的建筑注入了新的活力。MAD 总结道:"野泡泡存在于传统村落之中,但又故意表现得没有出处,体现了一种刻意的‘去符号化’,以注入新的文化活力。这座百年老宅现在被称为 “中国之家”,自 2016 年落成以来,一直是中国艺术表达和文化交流的中心。在 2024 年的 越后妻有艺术领域,它将继续成为中日艺术界之间的重要纽带。

inside, the space feels expansive and undefined



Japan’s Echigo-Tsumari Art Festival, launched in 2000 and occurring every three years, stands as the world’s largest international outdoor art festival. Since its inception, the festival has brought together nearly a thousand artists from over 100 countries and regions to create art for the exhibition. Most of these artists visit the exhibition site and participate in the creation personally. More than 230 permanent works, accumulated over the past 25 years, are scattered throughout Echigo-Tsumari, earning the festival the nickname ‘an art museum without a roof.’

日本越后妻有艺术节始于 2000 年,每三年举办一次,是世界上最大的国际户外艺术节。自创办以来,艺术节汇集了来自 100 多个国家和地区的近千名艺术家为展览进行艺术创作。这些艺术家大多亲临展览现场,参与创作。过去 25 年中积累的 230 多件永久性作品遍布越后妻有,因此艺术节被称为 “没有屋顶的艺术博物馆”。

creating an atmosphere of soft light next to a century-old-house in Japan

a dialogue with the Japanese countryside

Ephemeral Bubble by MAD is part of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field festival


project info:


name: Ephemeral Bubble

location: Murono Village, Japan

architecture: MAD Architects | @madarchitects

design team: Ma Yansong, Yosuke Hayano, Dang Qun, Yu Nagasaki, Rozita Kashirtseva,
Valentina Olivieri, Hu Jing-Chang

program: Echigo-Tsumari Art Field 2024 | @echigo_tsumari
contractors: Green Sigma Co.,Ltd., Adachi Zoukeisha photographer: Zhu Yumeng

Published on 2024/07/18   Editor:WS Editor   Enter ID in the Search Bar N669Direct to the article