报名截止 / Registration:2024.09.19

类型 / Type:实际项目

地点 / Site:China

功能 / Program:景观建筑

报名截止 / Registration:2024.09.19

提交截止 / Submission:2024.09.19

参赛资格 / Eligibility

本次活动面向国内外广泛征集,欢迎广大设计群体参赛。参赛者可为个人、团队或单位。已实施的作品、已参加过其他竞赛或发表过的作品不得参赛。This competition is open to all participants in China and abroad. Participants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design schemes that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.

报名费用 / Entry Fee  无Free

奖赏 / Prize

一等奖1名,10万元/件;1 first prize winner, bonus: 100,000 CNY;二等奖3名,5万元/件;3 second prize winners, bonus: 50,000 CNY for each;三等奖6名,2万元/件;6 third prize winners, bonus: 20,000 CNY for each;网络人气奖6名,0.5万元/件。6 winners of Award of Online Popularity, bonus: 5,000 CNY for each.注:以上金额均为税前Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.其余奖励:Other Rewards:①获奖设计师及方案将予以表彰及宣传;The award-winning designers and proposals will be recognized and promoted.②获奖设计作品将择优实施建设;Selected award-winning design works will be carried out for construction.③授予获奖单位、个人荣誉证书;Certificates will be conferred upon the winning organizations or individuals.④获奖设计师将有机会优先推荐参与城市设计类项目。The winning designers will be recommended to participate in urban design projects.


To put the notion of “people-centered development” into effect, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on People, Design for City” since 2018. Focusing on public facilities in urban space, the serial competitions call for design proposals to create fine public spaces and thus improve the function and quality of cities. This series has launched ten sessions of international design competitions, attracting nearly 5,000 creative minds from 21 countries worldwide and 31 regions across China, and achieving wide impacts.


With a focus on the activation and reuse of the “new urban relics” generated during Nanjing’s urban development, the eleventh session calls for design proposals from home and abroad to help improve people’s livelihood and give expression to local culture.




Nanjing’s urban development has given rise to an abundance of “new urban relics”, including disused infrastructure and discarded industrial relics. The reactivation and repurposing of these relics hold significant importance for urban renewal and exhibit huge potential. With the theme of “AIRPORT RUNWAY STATION”, this competition focuses on the service facilities in the Airport Runway Park of Nanjing Dajiaochang. By creating flexibly transformable public space units, it aims to provide basic daily services and microclimate-regulating facilities to facilitate urban life, develop duplicable and scalable renewal models, and revive the culture and ecology of urban relics.


The competition is open to participants both at home and abroad, and the winning proposals will be implemented. Hopefully, through consultation, joint contribution and sharing, this event can offer an example of small and micro-renewal of urban infrastructure and landscape space, thus helping to improve functions of the city and the quality of life and enhance the gratification and well-being of citizens.

本期征集邀请著名建筑师、马德里理工大学建筑学院(U.P.M E.T.S.A.M.) 教授、ULARGU建筑事务所主持建筑师Jesús Ulargui Agurruza教授,著名建筑师、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)Christian Kerez教授,法国著名建筑事务所BRUTHER设计主持、著名建筑师Stephanie Bru以及Alexandre Theriot,著名建筑师、东南大学建筑学院葛明教授,著名建筑师、王维仁建筑设计研究室主持建筑师、香港大学建筑系王维仁教授等作为学术指导委员会。

This competition is joined by Prof. Jesús Ulargui Agurruza, eminent architect, professor at U.P.M E.T.S.A.M., and chief architect of ULARGU, eminent architect Prof. Christian Kerez at ETH Zurich, eminent architects and lead designers of BRUTHER, Stephanie Bru and Alexandre Theriot, eminent architect Prof. Ge Ming at School of Architecture Southeast University, eminent architect Prof. Wang Weijen at Faculty of Architecture, Hong Kong University and lead architect of Wang Weijen Architecture as the academic advisory committee.


Design Targets and Requirements


The site is located on the runway of the Daxiaochang Airport in Qinhuai District, Nanjing. Built in 1929, the Daxiaochang Airport was one of the largest aviation bases in China. The spatial layout of the old airport is well-preserved. The runway is about 2,600 meters long and 60 meters wide. After its completion, it has undergone multiple rounds of reinforcement and layer addition. In 2018, the runway was announced as one of the second historical buildings designated by the Nanjing Municipal Government. It will be built into Nanjing's unique runway park as well as a “one of a kind” urban cultural hall based on an airport runway and catering to diversified public activities.


The design target is the service facility nodes in the Airport Runway Park of Daxiaochang. Contestants can choose any of the designated sites in the China Resources Jinling Center section of the runway park and design a set of facility structures on the selected site.

1.1 设计要求

Design requirements


Site plan drawing requirements: Consider the relationship between the facilities and the existing runway park landscape design, as well as the relationship between the buildings currently under construction on both sides of the site or various entrances and exits. Draw a site plan within the scope of land use.


Functional requirements: Design daily service facilities, two units as a set, can consider such programs as small business, family leisure, and cultural seminars. Contestants have the liberty to determine the specific functions according to the situations of the selected site. One of the units (one building or a group of buildings) should contain indoor space (must be located in the green belt in the north of the site and must provide a second-floor viewing platform), and the other unit (one building or a group of buildings) should be an open structure. During daily condition, the service facilities in the two units can be combined to form an integrated space for use. During events or celebrations date, devise special activities related to the airport runway park shall be considered. Based on the activity planning, consider how the open structure unit can be used, after replication and scale-up at the runway area, in junction with the unit containing indoor space.


Structural requirements: Consider light construction as the major approach. For the open structure, consider the possibilities of disassembly, change, replication, or relocation.


Area requirements: The unit (one building or a group of buildings) containing indoor space should cover an indoor area of approximately 60 square meters, and the total area is 180 square meters maximum. The open structure unit (one building or a group of buildings) should cover an area of approximately 60-180 square meters.


Building restrictions: In principle, the highest point of the service facilities shall not exceed 10 meters.

1.2 场地条件

Site conditions

A地块 (Plot A)


Plot A is located in the western zone of the China Resources Jinling Center section within the Airport Runway Park. It measures 50 meters in width and approximately 82 meters in length, encompassing the green belts on both sides of the runway park, and spanning laterally across it. To the north of the plot, the area is designated for hybrid use (commercial and office), while to the south, it is allocated for commercial and residential purposes. The diagonally crossing blue lines in the site plan (CAD) indicate subway lines. There are commercial entrances/exits and sunken plaza entrances/exits in the north of the plot, and the southern side is adjacent to office buildings. The green belt in the north of the site contains the subway’s fire evacuation entrances/exits. For detailed design schemes, please refer to the CAD drawings and renderings in the appendix.The designer needs to consider the functional connection and traffic flow between the service facilities and the northern plot.

B地块 (Plot B)


Plot B is located in the central zone of the China Resources Jinling Center section within the Airport Runway Park. It measures 50 meters in width and approximately 82 meters in length, encompassing the green belts on both sides of the runway park, and spanning laterally across it. To the north of the plot, the area is designated for hybrid use (commercial and office), while to the south, it is allocated for commercial and residential purposes. There are commercial entrances in the north of the plot, and the southern side is adjacent to office building entrances and subway entrances/exits. The green belt in the north of the site contains the subway’s fire evacuation entrances/exits. For detailed design schemes, please refer to the CAD drawings and renderings in the appendix. The designer needs to consider the functional connection and traffic flow between the service facilities and the northern plot.

C地块 (Plot C)


Plot C is located in the eastern zone of the China Resources Jinling Center section within the Airport Runway Park. It measures 50 meters in width and approximately 82 meters in length, encompassing the green belts on both sides of the runway park, and spanning laterally across it. To the north of the plot, the area is designated for hybrid use (commercial and office), while to the south, it is allocated for commercial and residential purposes. There are entrances/exits to the sunken plaza in the north of the plot, and the southern side is adjacent to office building entrances. The green belt in the north of the site contains the subway’s commercial pavilions. For detailed design schemes, please refer to the CAD drawings and renderings in the appendix. The designer needs to consider the functional connection and traffic flow between the service facilities and the northern plot.


Requirements for the Design Result


Graphic content


A brief description (300 words maximum)


A site plan


A complete set of drawings that clearly manifest your design intent (e.g. plan, elevation, section, overall rendering, detail drawings of a part, etc.). No restriction on the means of manifestation.


It is forbidden to include in the drawing any information revealing the identity of the designer. Nonobservance will lead to disqualification.


Layout Requirements


Format: Electronic file, either PDF or JPG,Size: 841mm (W) * 1189mm (H),Precision: not less than 300dpi,Page: One page in vertical layout.


Call for Entries


From July 19 to 24:00 September 19, 2024 (submission deadline).


Site Survey and Q&A


On July 24 2024, site surveys and Q&A sessions will be organized.


Jury Review


From September to October 2024, two rounds of jury evaluation will be convened: the preliminary and final evaluations. The preliminary evaluation will determine the shortlisted entries, and the final evaluation will determine the winners of the first, second and third prizes. A public notice of the results will be made online.


Online Voting


From October to November 2024, the shortlisted entries will be announced for online voting. The online voting will determine the winners of the “Award of Online Popularity”, which will be announced online.


Recognition and Exhibition


In November 2024, the winners will be recognized and celebrated, and the winning entries will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition.


Jury Evaluation


From September to October 2024, two rounds of jury review will be convened. The preliminary evaluation will determine the shortlisted entries for online voting and final evalutaion, and the final evaluation will determine the winners of the first, second and third prizes.


Online Voting


From October to November 2024, the shortlisted works will be announced for online voting. Based on the voting results, the “Award of Online Popularity” will be conferred. This award is also obtainable to winners of the first, second and third prizes.




1 first prize winner, bonus: 100,000 CNY;


3 second prize winners, bonus: 50,000 CNY for each;


6 third prize winners, bonus: 20,000 CNY for each;


6 winners of Award of Online Popularity, bonus: 5,000 CNY for each.


Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.


Other Rewards:


The award-winning designers and proposals will be recognized and promoted.


Selected award-winning design works will be carried out for construction.


Certificates will be conferred upon the winning organizations or individuals.


The winning designers will be recommended to participate in urban design projects.




This competition is open to all participants in China and abroad. Participants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design schemes that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.




Contestants should follow the official WeChat account of “Nanjing Creative Design Center”, send Runway Station in the chat box to obtain the competition materials, and email the competition registration materials to the designated email address by 24:00 September 19, 2024 (the deadline for submission), indicating in the email subject: AIRPORT RUNWAY STATION International Design Competition for Service Facility of Airport Runway Park of Nanjing Dajiaochang.



Contestants must truthfully fill in registration information and meet all the requirements of this event. Organizational contestants must have the entry form and letter of commitment stamped with the official seal and submit a scanned copy of the business license (also stamped). Individual contestants must sign the entry form and letter of commitment and submit a scanned copy of the ID cards of all contestants (also signed).

Otherwise, incomplete submission would result in disqualification. The entry form, letter of commitment and ID documents should be submitted in PDF format, and the information input form in Excel format. 

All the registration documents should be put into one folder and zipped for submission. To replace submitted documents, please indicate “Replacing Documents” in the email subject, otherwise the requested replacement would not be conducted.


Contestants should complete the design task as required. For either plot, each contestant can only submit one proposal. The submitted proposal must be complete; incomplete proposals would be deemed invalid. Submission of multiple proposals would result in disqualification.


Contestants should guarantee the originality of the submissions. Verified plagiarism, pirating, or other form of IP infringement would result in disqualification.


The copyright of the winning entries is jointly possessed by the designer and the competition organizers. During the follow-up construction, the organizing committee may entrust the detailed design of the scheme or the working drawings to the original designer as a priority choice, or to a third-party institution. The copyright of the non-award-winning entries belongs to the designer.


The competition organizer reserves the right of final explanation for the competition rules.






Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources


Nanjing South New Town Development and Construction Management Committee




Qinhuai Branch of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources


Academic Counselors

Jesús Ulargui Agurruza 教授

Prof. Jesús Ulargui Agurruza

Christian Kerez教授

Prof. Christian Kerez


BRUTHER Architects


Prof. Ge Ming


Prof. Wang Weijen


Executive Agency


Nanjing Creative Design Center


 Contact Details

Tel: 025-58505301

Published on 2024/07/19   Editor:WS Editor   Enter ID in the Search Bar N671Direct to the article