类型 / Type:概念项目
地点 / Site:Ukraine
功能 / Program:不限
报名截止 / Registration:2025.03.30
提交截止 / Submission:2025.03.30
参赛资格 / Eligibility
Open for All
报名费用 / Entry Fee
Late Registration: 30th March 2025, 23:59 GMT/UTC ($40 USD)Regular Registration: 20th March 2025, 23:59 GMT/UTC ($30 USD)Early Registration: 28th February 2025, 23:59 GMT/UTC ($25 USD)
奖赏 / Prize
Winner x 1: $1000 + Certificate + Publication in our Annual Issue + Blog PostRunners-Up x 4: $250 + Certificate + Publication in our Annual Issue + Blog PostParticipation Certificates: For all teams
The Chernobyl disaster remains a haunting symbol of the nuclear age, yet it also represents a remarkable story of resilience and rebirth. This competition invites participants to conceptualize a rejuvenation center at the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine. The goal is to transform the site into a hub of renewal, symbolizing restoration and a commitment to a sustainable future.
Participants must design a space that embodies the concept of rejuvenation. The structure should harmonize with its post-apocalyptic surroundings while promoting functionality, healing, and education. The design should explore the intersection of architecture, sustainability, and cultural remembrance.
The site is the historic grounds surrounding the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Plant. Participants must consider the existing landscape, including the remnants of industrial installations and the surrounding exclusion zone.
1. Respect the historical significance and environmental sensitivity of the site.
2. Proposals must incorporate sustainable building technologies and materials.
3. Designs must prioritize the safety of potential users while maintaining accessibility.
4. The design should not exceed a built-up area of 5,000 square meters.
官网报名入口 / Official Website