LAA Office Designs 6th Street Arts Alley, a Public Art Space in Columbus / LAA Office
Vibrant art alley
LAA Office Designs 6th Street Arts Alley, a Public Art Space in Columbus / LAA Office
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

位于印第安纳州哥伦布市的LAA办公室是一家多学科设计工作室,近期,他们将哥伦布市中心的第6街改造成一个蓬勃发展的艺术巷,为休闲、社交聚会和活动提供了空间。LAA办公室与哥伦布地区艺术委员会合作,开启了一系列城市干预项目,包括公共座椅、遮阳结构以及由新兴工作室设计或策划的公共艺术品。该项目被称为第六 街艺术巷,为城市提供了一个地标,同时也创造了一个社区成员可以多功能使用的空间。

Columbus,IN—LAA Office, a Columbus, Indiana-basedmulti-disciplinary design studio, has transformed 6th Street in downtownColumbus into a burgeoning arts district that provides a flexible space forrelaxation, social gathering, and events. Working with the Columbus AreaArts Council, LAA Office initiated a series of urban interventions includingpublic seating, a shade structure, and public artworks designed and/or curatedby the emerging studio. Called 6th Street ArtsAlley, theproject provides a strong visual identity for the city while also creatingan engaging space that community members can enjoy in a variety of ways.


6thStreetis home to a burgeoning arts and design scene withseveral community organizations, creative businesses, and studios concentratedwithin a one block radius. This urban activation project serves both to connectcreative organizations to one another, as well as reinvigorate undervaluedspaces between buildings in Columbus.

在第六街振兴项目的最新阶段,LAA Office在碎片化的城市中引入了一大片“拼凑而成”的公共空间,使原本不相关的元素之间产生了新的联系。项目需要改善10,000平方英尺的街道,并与当地的学生和社区志愿者一起完成大面积的地面彩绘,以及由艺术家Nick Abstract为Odd Fellows大楼的南立面设计的新壁画。该项目还附带有由LAA Office设计的定制模块化家具套件、Anova Furnishings的可移动花盆以及创新的遮阳和照明顶棚,它们共同组成了三个层面的设计:即地面、墙面和空中。

In the most recent phase of the 6th Streetrevitalization, LAA Office introduced a swath of public space over fragmentedparts of the city, so that the boundary of the patchwork produces a new bondbetween otherwise disconnected elements.The firm’s work includes10,000 square feet of street improvements and the designof an extensive ground mural installed by LAA Office along with student andcommunity volunteers, as well as the curation of a new mural on the southfaçade of the historic Odd Fellows building by artist Nick Abstract. A customsuite of modular furniture designed by LAA Office, moveable planters by AnovaFurnishings, and an innovative shade and lighting canopy also accompany theproject, creating a holistic design that exists on three planes: ground,vertical, and overhead.



“将三个不同的平面(地面、墙面和空中)分开作为三个画布的想法,与我们将第6街视为室外房间的理解密切相关。现有的城市条件已经在城市中创造了一个亲密的空间。我们的目标是通过特定地点的艺术品让这些界限更加明确和充满活力,”LAA Office联合创始人Daniel Luis Martinez说。

“The idea of pulling apart three distinct planes(ground, vertical, and overhead) as canvases for artistic intervention isdeeply related to our understanding of 6th Street as an outdoor room. Theexisting urban condition already creates an intimate space in the city. Ourgoal was to simply make those boundaries more explicit and vibrant throughsite-specific artworks,” says LAA Office Co-founder Daniel Luis Martinez.


LAA Office联合创始人LuluLoquidis说:“我们最近的作品中出现的一个核心概念,即公共艺术具有修复城市磨损的城市结构的巨大潜力。我们相信公共艺术能够通过为人们创造聚集空间或直接改变城市的物理特征的方式,来形成城市设计本身。我们将自己视为艺术家和设计师中的一员,他们将小巷、停车场和街道改造为能为城市社会生活做出贡献的重要空间。”

SaysLAA Office Co-founderLulu Loquidis, “One central conceptthat has emerged in our recent work, is the notion that public art has anenormous potential to mend the frayed urban fabric of cities. We believe thatpublic art has the potential to generate urban design in and of itself bycreating spaces for people to gather or by directly changing the physicalcharacteristics of the city. We see ourselves as part of a generation ofartists and designers who are actively reclaiming alleyways, parking lots, andstreets as vital spaces that can contribute to the social life of thecity.”





Project Details:

Ground Mural: TuffCoat Paint, Design by LAA Office, Installation by LAA Office +Student/Community Volunteers

Benches: PowderCoated Aluminum, Design by LAA Office, Fabrication by Indian CustomFabrication, Inc.

Planters and Waste Receptacle: Anova Furnishings

Project Information:

Name: 6thStreets Arts Alley

Location: Columbus,Indiana

Completed: 2021

Type: UrbanActivation

Size: 10,000 sf

Client: Columbus AreaArts Council

Funding & Supporters: Columbus Indiana Visitors Center, City of Columbus, Indiana ArtsCommission Cultural District program, CREA & First Financial Bark, HeritageFund – The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County, IU Presidential Arts andHumanities Program, IU Center for Rural Engagement and ServeDesign Center, andby individual contributions from the community.

Design: LAA Office

Design Team: LuluLoquidis Martinez, PLA, ASLA (co-founder), Daniel Luis Martinez, NOMA(co-founder), Jess Novitski, Priscilla Rocha

Odd Fellows Mural:Nick Abstract

Photography: HadleyFruits

Appreciations towards LAA Office for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/09
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