Great home or small town? Arts center of Verin provides the intimacy of a home and the heterogeneity of a town. / ZOOCO ESTUDIO
Great home or small town? Arts center of Verin provides the intimacy of a home and the heterogeneity of a town.
Great home or small town? Arts center of Verin provides the intimacy of a home and the heterogeneity of a town. / ZOOCO ESTUDIO

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大家园还是小城镇?维林艺术中心既有家庭的亲切感,又有小镇的多样性。Great home or small town? Arts center of Verin provides the intimacy of a home and the heterogeneity of a town.

该项目的最初方案来自于对环境的前期研究。通过分析,我们得出结论,Concello do Verín 的突出之处在于其街区的异质性,这些街区都是围绕着一个城市核心开发的。尽管每个街区的形状各不相同,但大多数街区的布局方式是相同的。这种占地方式以许多小型建筑为基础,这些建筑与地块边缘保持一致,矗立在道路旁边,内部留出空隙作为公共空间,以这种方式组合成整个维林的小型社区或 "城镇"。这些 "城镇 "秩序混乱,用途灵活多变。The initial approach of the project comes from a previuos study of the environment. From this analysis, we get the conclusion that Concello do Verín stands out by the heterogeneity of its blocks, which have been developed around an urban nucleus. Even though each block has different shapes, the way they are set is the same in most of them. This occupation is based in many small buildings that are aligned with the edges of the patchs, standing next to the road and leaving gaps to the interiors for common spaces, grouped in this way, into small communities or ‘towns’ within the whole Verin. ‘Towns’ with a random order that are being defined by the flexibility of its uses.

该项目是一个艺术中心,强调每种用途各司其职,但又保持平衡。我们所遵循的范例是上述方案,其中每个单元都独立于外部,与内部结合,互不干扰。这一基本前提涉及到预言的概念。市政厅所要求的每一个使用方案都作为一个单元,作为一个与地块边缘对齐的体量,创造了一个共存和相互关系的空间,没有等级之分,支持小社区的理念。This project is a Centre of Arts where the fact that each use works by its own way but on balance is emphasized. The example we follow is the scheme abovementioned, where each unit works independently to the exterior and in conjunction to the interior, not initerfering with others. This basic premise involve the concept of the proporsal. Each use of the program required by the City Hall materializes as a unit, as a volume that is aligned to the edge of the plot creating a space of coexistence and relationship, without hierarchies, supporting the idea of small community.

在这一点上,我们得出的结论是不可能回避不同用途之间的关系,因此在尊重外部独立体量和内部公共空间的方案的基础上,各单元根据其用途滑动,并让内部空间出现。艺术中心变成了一个不同活动的汇集空间,一个特殊的场所,其中的各个单元既可以作为独立的 "房屋",也可以作为 "城镇"。Once comes to this point, we reach the conclusion that it is impossible to avoid the relations between the different uses, so respecting the scheme of individual volumes to the exterior and common space to the interior, the units are sliding according to its use and leting intersticial spaces appear. The Centre of Arts turns into a space of convivence of different activities, an special place where its units works as separate ‘houses’ and as ‘town’ all together.

从形式上看,这种设计方法出奇地准确。体量的位移和微妙的转折产生了一种随机的外观方案,但又充满了各种关系和变化。这是一个由其自身的灵活性和不可预知性所决定的地方。由于其自身的使用关系而产生的非自愿的东西。Formally the design method is surprisingly accurate. The displacement and delicate turn of volumes generates a random appearance scheme but full of relationships and variants. It is a place defined by its own flexibility, unpredictable. Something involuntary that occurs as a result of the relationships of their own uses.

在体量之间,不规则的空间就像一个个细胞,不同尺度的空间让使用者既能享受房间中心的乐趣,又能躲藏起来。就像一个小镇一样,中心用户可以自由随意地诠释和居住空间。他们从一侧走到另一侧,或在角落里寻求隐私,或离开,任由他们观看和交往。这种方案使各单元的分隔和连接相互兼容,产生了许多相互作用的核心,并根据使用者的使用情况而发生变化。Between volumes irregular spaces arise as a cell, places of different scales that allow users enjoy rooms center and hide at once. Like a small town, center users interpret and live spaces freely and at will. They walk from one side to another, seeking privacy behind a corner or leave, are left to see and relate. In conlusion, this scheme make separation and conexion of the units compatible, generating numerous nucleous that interact and change depending on the use of its ocupants.

建筑的 "第五立面"--露台填补了建筑的整体空间。在这种情况下,它是由绿色植被构成的。尽管建筑结构简单(混凝土和玻璃体量),但该中心却具有突出的特点,既没有忽视其所处的环境,又注意了与周围环境的比例(大小和高度)。The general aspect is filled by ‘the fifth façade’ of the building, the deck. In this case, it is made of green cover. Despite of the simplicity of its construction ( concrete and glass volumes), the centre has a outstanding character, withot dismissing the environment it is set and taking care about the scale (size and height) with the surrondings.

由于其规划方式和用途的独立性,这是一个很容易改变和扩展的中心,因为外观和运作都是不可改变的。说到入口,游客可以通过位于三条主干道交汇处的一个大广场进入。步行进入建筑内部,增强 "城镇 "的概念。Due to the way it is set in the plan, and the independence of its use, this is a centre that can be changed and expanded easily, because both appearance and operation are unalterable. Talking about the access, the visitor could entry through a large square in the corner where the three main roads conclude. A walk that will continue inside the building to enhance the idea of ‘town’.

此外,每当体量与补丁边缘接触时,就会产生一些公共空间,同时也为每个体量创造了外部通道。该建筑的最后一个显著特点是其可持续发展的方式,这得益于城市土地(绿地和可回收路面)中的材料以及节能节水的装置。In addition, everytime that the volumes contact with the edge of the patch, some common spaces are generate, at the same time of exterior access of each volum is created. The last remarkable aspect of the building is its sustainable manner, due to the materials in the urban land (Green spaces and reciclable pavement) and the installations, that allows energy and water savings.

Material Used :

1. Maderas San Martín – Floor – Smart Bamboo
2. Lamistar - Glass Facade
3. Garnilouro - Facade- Dos micras
4. Acira Metal - Structure
5. Hisbalit - Tiling
6. Rockwool - acoustic insulation
7. LEDS C4 / Secom - Lighting
8. Roca - Sanitary

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Published on 2023/05/06
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